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Everything posted by kerbiloid

  1. https://www.space.com/space-junk-collision-chinese-satellite-yunhai-1-02 Rapid Unplanned Rendez-vouz.
  2. Granted. Now they give a physical answer by sticking out a mechanical font, and they have an End button you have to press to finish any instruction. I wish for a 50-shades-of-green display and the UOS operating system from Fallout.
  3. Because it's virtual. The thread, I mean. Was there a humankind before KSP?
  4. World of Tanks looks like a very relaxing game. You can calmly and pacefully keep sitting in your garage and poking around your tank as long as you wish. No need to get outside.
  5. 2040. The Matrix buys KSP license and installs it. Now humans are twice shorter and can fly to Eeloo.
  6. Granted. You build a sea ship to swim float run around Kerbin just in four months. I don't, but the meme is well-known. *** I wish for greater good.
  7. Both players have 32 squares for 16 "pieces" (sic! "pieces"! they even don't count them persons!), i.e. twice as much as they need. There is four squares between the closest "pieces" of the opponents, so no accidental conflict is possible. Only bad, evil nature can make them start killing each others "pieces". And see - it happens!
  8. Uriel Septim in Oblivion is so much worrying about his trinket, like if I care about anything but the dilemma: to sell it to a junkman for solid but small money, or to take a risk and bring it to his opponents in the palace for a possible award. What I definitely would not do is helping him in his trouble.
  9. If it was a reference to Futurama. I wish for pterodactyles in KSP.
  10. Granted. The brief cases of cash: USD, EUR, GBP, RUR. I wish for a highly detailed model of a lunar base, including the blackjack.
  11. Granted. It's a circular road, but you may have a stop for a minute. I wish for an authentic copy of the Moon.
  12. A programmable sandbox with built-in IDE to create arcade games of various genres and styles by visual drag-n-dropping and code typing. Includes sprite graphics, some 3d graphics, properties/timers/events/movement easy management, and so on. Allows to either run the game in the sandbox, or (commercial) to compile it as an executable. Was playing with it a decade ago, it's a nice thing.
  13. Take an angry tiger voice, for example this one and listen at 4x speed, then at 10x speed (I used Audacity). P.S. Idk about copyright, etc, so haven't uploaded this. Downloaded by an mp3 convertor, then Audacity, Ctrl-A, Effects / Change Speed, "4".
  14. And look: all they need is iron oxide and aluminium, it doesn't need air, and that's exactly what they are going to have on the Moon. Looks like the main weapon of the lunar infantry will be the thermite balls and a sling. The 345th Inf. Bat. "The Moonslingers". The 354th RoboCavalry Sq. "The Ball Riders" on Boston Dynamics donkeys.
  15. In Firefly Saffron used it (probably) to weld the pilot cabin door.
  16. The same can be said about ny system not used at the current moment. But if compare the mass of the wings and tiles to the amount of fuel required to take away the total mechanical energy of the ship, we can easily comparre them to a high-ISP high-thrust gas-core nuke or even a thermonuke. *** Also the talk was about the structural integrity of a dumbbell-shaped craft.
  17. Not necessary. It just redistributes the oxygen from less active metal to more active one. It makes gas out of what's around. P.S. Well, technically it temporarily gets liquid. P.P.S. Its burning temperature is nearly equal to the boiling point of both iron and alumina, so it sprays around
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