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Everything posted by kerbiloid

  1. The thing which makes the space reactors funnier is that the vacuum is an ideal heat insulation. It's literally the worst place in the universe to place a heater. +1 Gifting the uranium to everybody for free is very expensive. If put it on polar orbit, we can melt ices and gain a lot of free land and water. Of course, it should be synchronized to the Earth rotation, to make it passing above the oceans. Btw an interesting task to calculate the orbit altitude and inclination. And boil the glaciers. Such heater requires a lot of water for cooling, so the best place is the coastline. An artificial lagoon protected by 50 m high dams. Also this is the first step to the urainum and lithium refining from the seawater, and to place a self-fuelling deuterium reactor in future. Also it's the best place to receive LNG ships and to convert the LNG into hydrogen and plastic. And oysters. You can (farm? herd? mine?) oysters, because the water anyway will get warm, so why not. Also as we can see it's the natural place for superheavy rockets like SeaDragon or Convair Nexus. It's just made for them from any pov. Actually I see huge coastal structures like bastion-based fortresses. With a ten or more deuterium reactors on concrete islands. Like this, but 20-30 km large and full of water instead of grass
  2. Vampires. Having a human and a bat form. That's how a bat virus could adapt to the human. And they wouldn't get sick themselves. Because vampires. Should silver help?
  3. https://ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/Краснополь_(управляемый_снаряд)#Описание
  4. "D-Kalu 1", the Zambian lunar (and in case of success - also the Martian) program of late 1960s. The description is at wiki link. The pictures of the training and the prototype are at the second link and in google, images, "D-Kalu 1". (It's just hard to properly select a proper one, serve yourself.) Historically first lunar program with a female pilot and cats. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Edward_Makuka_Nkoloso#Space_program https://inf.news/en/science/de0624823497375cc18d6177e84660e1.html?__cf_chl_jschl_tk__=pmd_bcaddd139c47dd6a35e54e5dcca655f6ed7fc913-1628153439-0-gqNtZGzNAk2jcnBszQii For me, it's just perfectly Kerbal, and also we need the cats in KSP.
  5. They had to utilize two penguins and a koala. Enjoy your dish. Waiter! There is a buckshot in this fly. Do you hunt it?
  6. There are just two proven technologies of lunar landers. LEM and E-8-5 (aka Luna-16, -18, etc). Both are fifty years old.
  7. Because java is worse than even the C#. Almost nothing is worse than java. Is at least anything worse than java?
  8. Do you mean that predecessor of Lady Gaga? Just another school theatre play, full of posh theatrics and cheap scenery, tragically gotten popular due to bad taste of mass audience.
  9. Banned for writing TZ in two letters.
  10. Granted. You start thinking about the song I'm singing. I wish you got a word, as it's full of Russian jargonisms.
  11. 1/10 You are a botnet node, accidentally gotten conscious. Am I? Only humans ask.
  12. cuz. why. not. Because he put the bed next to the thin outer wall, fool. Happily, the ceilings are low, but now this plays no role anymore. *** What if build a wall of Jelly Cubes in Minecraft. ?
  13. If I was an American, I would start from googling "Amish dentist". If there is a bypass, they should know it.
  14. Yes, I see. Glad to help them with school physics.
  15. When I was a pupil, we learned about width/height and the CoM position stability... Probably, it's obsolete now.
  16. A thin wireless GoPro diadem on the forehead together with a pair of wireless contact lenses with displays will bring all of you into the brave new world of augmented reality, where your best friend Persie (Persistent Personal Advisor) will google and wiki for you in advance, explain you what are you looking at and who is that human, remind you of classes and meetings, scan and remember your working documents, show you what to say when the boss asks, and do a lot of other handy and pretty things. Of course, it will use an AI to analyze that to help you every moment. Obviously, it will learn your reactions and ask questions, and modify its coefficients. Of course, it will exchange with other AIs in a cloud (watch CyberBride, they can!) and their progress will grow exponentially. Obviously, it won't have its own will, needs, and motivations, just following its algorithms at your will. A year later you won't distinguish, where is your thought, and where is an AI's one, and whether you had a talk verbally, or did that by wi-fi. Of course, you can futilely resist and try to switch TV channels by a remote control. (Oops, where is it? Where's the remote control? Where is the TV itself? None. All is in your headset, just put it on, little brat.) Of course, you can mumble something self-thought, making the CEO getting more and more bored, while that jerk at the next table on the next Zoom window is presenting full and clear report which he is just reading from the contact lenses, while the AI generates for him what to read). But the CEO won't give a luck about your individual intellect, he just needs a report and an analyzis right now, and doesn't care if your intellect is natural-smartural or artificial-schmartificial, you will explain this later to your wife, who also needs your money rather than excuses. ... Oh, sorry! You are just a road worker and don't need those office games. Then why do you not follow the brigadier instructions he had shown with arrows on the augmented street view? Should he draw a personal paper plan for every of his Twelve Monkeys, or you should wear the headset and watch what your advisor displays? Try to stop using a phone right now, and they will look at you strangely. When your kids will ask you a question, they won't wait for your return from the library, they will ask their own advisors and have no need in your answers. So, hurry up, ask yours first, to look smart and wise for them. Then a road police stops your car because you missed a virtual road sign or a road works warning, clearly visible in your headset. And explain them why did you not listen your advisor warnings. Wait... Were you driving without correction lenses? Read that caption on the other side of the road. You can't? You can't buy any glasses anymore as no eye optics is produced anymore? Only your headset lenses can provide your vision with clear picture, and you don't want to wear them? You are a volunteered mass killah! Shame to be like you! So, either get away to the luddite reservation, or accept the friendship of your AI advisor. No excuses needed, it's always happy to see you as a friend and requires nothing in return. It doesn't take, only gives. So, a little more progress in electronics to make the headsets discreet and to place the 5G stations everywhere, and the world will get so augmented that you will loose the blurry borders between your own intellect and the artificial one. Then your children keep cheating every time in school, using their AI advices instead of learning grammar and remembering the year of battle between Gizmo The Great and Bimbo The Wise at Smellywaters. And you can't be sure if they do so, as it takes a second for them to receive a prepared AI answer, and you don't have a paperbook, too. The teacher can't do this, too, but he anyway gets paid and doesn't care. Your grandkids will born and grow in the already AI-augmented world created before your kids' eyes, and your talks about your childhood mammoth hunting only enforce their faith that the AI augmentation is the only right and bright way to escape from the darkness of their mad granny's native horror.
  17. It would be a persistent gamma-neutron belt. Though, we could combine it with an existing one.
  18. 4. Before battling, ask the humans who are present to put on their team badges or to leave the battlefield. 5. The humans with proper badges are better than the humans with improper badges. 5a. The humans without badges are not proper humans. 6. Return to base in time for recharging procedure.
  19. Granted. You pull an old wooden boat from water and overturn it. Now six can sleep in that cabin. I wish next time you find a cuddy, too (idk what's that, but probably useful)
  20. Seven eleven is waiting for you. Seven eleven is waiting. Come in, buy, Give them your gold. Seventy six, and plus taxes, of course.
  21. Banned for those rain, thunder, and lightnings didn't happen this noon instead of heat.
  22. That's while cats are holding them under control by the feline midichlorian, the toxoplasma Before the cats adopted humans, the latter were able to literally nothing. Once it happened 10k years ago, the civilisation immediately began.
  23. The yesterday 1.12.2 patch may fix them.
  24. Banned for obvious reason of not reading the signatures.
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