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Everything posted by kerbiloid

  1. I mean much more primary infections, like cholera and dysintery. Obviously, when the organism is under their attack, the covid will finish it much easier. *** Before accusing the non-vaccinated, they should stop smokers from killing others' lungs which they need in case of covid.
  2. I'm far from insulting the ancient culture, but bodies floating down the river is a clear sign that there is a lot of other lethal infections around over there, to make the covid just a control shot. Also, why smoking and tobacco planting is not prohibited everywhere? They are killing the same lungs.
  3. They have enough fire extinguishers onboard and a tether. No need in Marvel magic.
  4. As far as we know, currently just the cruise propulsion and the docking systems had any malfunction. Both will be of no use after docking. Also we can remember Salyut-7 (uncharged, then restored), Priroda (had a power system malfuction before docking), Spektr (rammed and was leaking), Kvant (Igla docking system malfunction, missed 10 m from the station on the first attempt). So, it's okay. *** Still it's strange that the maneuvering takes so many ignitions, while similar Mir modules needed just 3 days. Looks like actually they run on DPS. Now it will be her turn to laugh.
  5. A new spaceplane manufacturing is in progress. Now you see, where did Musk take it from. As always, the Chinese invented it earlier.
  6. A pilot of Large ROCKETZ, can't you read your caption? Why turn this thread into a flow of random exclamations, making it follow the megathread?
  7. Source what? Read a detailed description of any industrial process, starting from ammonia synthesis or gas refinery. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Diethanolamine Basically, "аминовая очистка", somewhat like "amine purification" in English. (not "purification of amines", but "purification by amines") Used for decades everywhere. And that's just an old tech. Obviously, now they can provide much better purifiers.
  8. The industrial revolution has seriously started just 200 years ago, just two butterfly wingflaps. They started mining coal in industrial amounts and produce carbon dioxide in industrial amounts, too. The plant pipe smoke was like a huge source of pride, and it was. A century later they developed the chemical production of pre-food, synthetic clothes and resins, synthetic petrol. And it became too expensive to just exhaust the exhaust. The deoxidization became common place, bringing the carbon dioxide back into the industrial cycle as a chemical resource. Now they tend to return into process as much carbon dioxide as they can, and what is more important, they need to force the people to buy new things when the old ones aren't spent. The only way to do so is to force the so-called "green tech" and conjure gretchens, and that's right. That cleans the way to the future fusion power, and thus that's right. But the whole phase of human history when the overevolved monkeys are parasiting on 300 million years old rotten algae (and on the black oil from beneath whatever it actually is), unlikely will last longer than a century more, than the third butterfly wingflap. As the global warming, carbon footprint, and so on, are a process of centuries, I believe that the human greed as always will win, and hi-tech corporations will force everyone to buy the green tech products and save every molecule of the precious carbon dioxide to turn it into goods. And this will happen regardless of anyone's efforts to slow or to accelerate this process, so all these greenpeaces and other ecovillagers are just an entourage, affecting really nothing. As well as active citizens separating food remains from paper plates sticky from food remains and thinking they are saving the nature. In greed we trust.
  9. Granted. You are a noble. Here's your invitation to the Nero's palace. I hope you enjoy the cithara music.
  10. But the single GPU users will be limited, too. So, the sweet union is anyway going to dismiss.
  11. Banned for making the limits of acceeptability uncertain.
  12. 92 bottles of beer on the wall, 92 bottles of beer. Take one down. Put it back. Run to the yard, hurry up.
  13. Another orbital correction of Nauka. They state that it's performed by the DKS, i.e. the main engines.
  14. Stop eating the seawater. Go to a diner. Waiter! Why is that guy drinking water from the sea near the ship?
  15. If Jool is real, and Jupiter is imaginary, this means that together they are complex. Banned for not using complex numbers daily.
  16. Because 3 is too few, and 5 is too many. Why use three letters for "Y"? Y4?
  17. Both were landing at human-rated speed. They just weren't sure if the capsule* landing system is enough reliable, so preferred to eject the pilot (btw, he had a backup chute, too). * Actually, nearly a former airship cabin. https://translate.google.com/translate?hl=&sl=ru&tl=en&u=https://ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/Волга_(стратостат)
  18. Because it should be visible from everywhere. What if the Moon is flat?
  19. Yes, this is Ceres. Waiter! Some fresh Encelados?
  20. Compare to Pratchett's https://wiki.lspace.org/mediawiki/Wee_Mad_Arthur Despite of his shrunk size (can fit on a bird's back), has a kick strength of an strong man (and uses that often). Eats per year as much as a normal guard per week (but drinks per week as much as a normal guard per year).
  21. As they gave us the portals for free, they are interested in us. So, we should ignore those portals-phortals-schmortals and wait until they give us also shuttles to them. For free, of course. They need it, not we do.
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