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Everything posted by kerbiloid

  1. Orion is not propelled by booms, it's propelled by direct plasma jets, as it was explained for million times. It's not enough to throw fuel and burn. It should have something else.
  2. Then what's the sense in the boosters? Usually they are used exactly to be jettisonned asap. If not do that, they become a ballast, and it's better just to increase the central block and add more engines to it. (Just in case: the Proton lateral blocks aren't separated boosters, they are compartments). *** Other rhetorical questions. What's the sense in these grid fins, shadowed by the lateral rockets? How could this asymmetric thing land when even the symmetric Falcon is bouncing after landing? Why these landing legs are placed in such strange manner? Did the artist not decide if put them on the cenral or lateral block?
  3. If forget for a minute that the reading of any literature but the professional one is a useless loss of time. Upd. Ninja'd, but it doesn't make the said less right (more left?).
  4. They film a comix movie when even the kids stop reading the nonsence they draw in the comix book.
  5. The whole Wo-Wo is created only to make a home for squirrels. Oops. Were you talking about a movie or a cartoon? They are each bad in their own manner, the Squirrel is obviously the least disgusting character there.
  6. Originally TKS has 3 800 kg, so 3 500 * ln(20/(20-4)) ~= 800 m/s (actually, less, but can't remember how much less). So, it should have an excess, unless the tanks are broken. (Or half-empty on launch to save the launch mass.)
  7. The Mars-3 Martian rover. https://www.planetary.org/space-images/Mars3_RoverAnim The Phobos-1 Phobos hopper. https://www.researchgate.net/figure/Phobos-Hopper-PROP-F-model-courtesy-VNIITransmash_fig1_224991819
  8. https://www.interfax.ru/russia/781308 Nauka has performed the last orbit correction on its way to new home. Also, EVA will not required. So, the extinguishers stay where they are. The movie of my schoolhood. (The episodes with the yacht and with the nuke warhead reloading. Watched the movie about 8 times for them. Happily, now I have KSP.)
  9. 89 millimeters wide is the shell. 89 millimeters wide. Clamp it in lathe, Wear down a little. Now it's from 88 millimeter gun.
  10. If it was so... But still no rails. The buran was based on the us shuttle, but it was ultimately improved. Don't violate the thread topic. Galadriel has been changed very much this summer.
  11. When you are sitting straight, keeping eyes horizontally, and the glasses field of view is enough high. Exactly at this moment I am an example of the opposite. So, they will equip the wide monitors with gamer glasses with hemispherical lenses and red/green visors on top.
  12. Because as he is a noob (based on his username), he has lighter baggage of experience, so always gets first. Wait... Are you, too?
  13. 5/10 Only humonkeys think monke funny. I do be being a human because I can into English verb tenses.
  14. Before getting sucked into the black hole, Kerbin will be flat for a moment
  15. Yes, all three geometrical planes. As the vikings were armed with axes, should we presume that they were familiar with vector math?
  16. It will be outside of for safety reasons.
  17. Read any book in your language about removing the carbon and sulfur oxydes from in ammonia synthesis, oil/gas refinery, or metallurgy.
  18. The CO2 is captured by, say, the diethanolamine, then this gets into the regeneration column and splits into CO2 and original diethanolamine. The latter returns into the deoxidizing column, the CO2 gets collected as liquid, and then used for any need, say to produce methanol. It's a trivial, widely used process.
  19. It's Miller's soup tank. Why did you take it? Waiter! Bill! Also Jeb and Bob.
  20. Are the glasses and teeth counted? Some have even nechanical hearts and knees. I wish for a 5G liquid chip with high-end GPU. When?!
  21. https://gizmodo.com/this-early-lunar-rover-prototype-was-almost-forgotten-493099329 https://forum.nasaspaceflight.com/index.php?topic=28478.20 (More images at the links) The US proposal of the uncrewed lunar probe Prospector (late 1950s-early 1960s).
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