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Everything posted by vsully

  1. "Also, being as how they spend good portions of their day a couple of meters from an unshielded fission reactor, those Ceriman crews tend to be a bit... off. " So the Ceriman crews are basically insane pyromaniacs obsessed with blowing stuff up with nuclear gunships? They sound like that nutty Australian guy in Overwatch (I forgot his name, I'm tired)
  2. Oo nice! I liked that chase scene and the nuclear bada-boom at the end! Aw KSK beat me to the punch But yeah, nuclear gunships are a little overkill, but... If they REALLY want Anna, then wouldn't they use someone a little more experienced? I mean, the pilot basically used all his ammo on a nuclear gunship and only damaged the right engine somewhat... He needs to go back to gunnery school! And interesting word choice KSK, I recently worked on a short film that happened to be named Collateral Damage XD
  3. Awesome, sorry for the MOAR spamming but this is a great story and i want to see Valentina kick the gunship's butt XD Perfect timing, I have a film event going on, this will be good for a break.
  4. Hehehe. Getting better and better. The gunship part reminds me of the scene in MI:3 when they are trying to escape in that wimpy UH-1 helicopter and the AH-1 comes into view flying through the building
  5. I really do want some boat propellers and maybe even boat parts...
  6. OH SQUATCH Anastasia Kerman is about to be silenced in the most final of ways . Heil Kraken!
  7. It did join. It was just an aggressive joining. My greatest tragedy was probably my recreation of the B-57 Canberra bomber. I was doing practice bombing runs on the launchpad, and when I banked away to avoid the blast, I flew straight into that dang water tower. Blew myself, the launchpad, and the water tower to bits. And I wasn't able to revert to save the crew for some reason. And that crew was Jeb and Bob!
  8. hehehe like it! Though it would be the Door-PAY Kerman Institute for Advanced SPAAAACE Research Ayuh! DPKI4ASRA!
  9. Did you write garpaflarping or is it a censor? If so, what word was censored?
  10. This would be a really cool feature to add to the game!
  11. Hehe. I'll try subbing that as well. Making an animated movie out of these stories would be great tho! Have Disney produce it Though I was thinking of the Deadpool theme song, with Spacekerb hehe
  12. Door-Pay.... hmmmm... OH YEAH Derpy! That annoying pilot! I thought he sounded familiar!
  13. That poor cockroach And Pokemon Go. And the Peek-at-u! Lol. Moar. Oh, and... Anastasia was MURDERED, right? Sooooooo..... Hmmm.... Maybe Valentina witnesses this? Hope so. That would be a sad but interesting part of the story.
  14. xd not to rush you... but... MOAR PLS OK, to rush you.
  15. Nice! Val knocks out all the people that ask questions along the way XD, then "accidentally" drops a extremely heavy bottle of yucky perfume on the unfortunate Perfumer Kerb's head.
  16. tz.......KA! Awesome. Don't mean to rush you, but can't wait for moar...
  17. ЬЯЗZHЙЭV. She gave a nervous laugh, "of course not, comrade Political Officer, why would I do such a silly thing as that? It was surely only the squishy bourgeoisie Foreigners' space station I saw." "Quite so, good Comrade, quite so. However, perhaps it is worth noting," he leaned in closely, "that all satellite schematics are kept in the Chief Engineer's filing office. Upstairs." ...STДLIЙS SШЗДTУ SФCКS! Valentina's lips drew back in something she hoped was a smile, "I, er... seem to have made a mistake..." "It would seem so, good Comrade," he laid a sweaty, and very strong, hand on her shoulder, "your position and rather prestigious career have afforded you a great amount of privilege..." His grin dissipated like the steam, "but even that... can only protect you from so much." "But I shall leave you to your task, brave Comrade!" and instantly it was back. She was just about to let her breath out when--- "And I shall expect a full engineering report in the morning on this wiring peculiarity! With diagrams and bibliography!" Valentina opened her mouth. "In triplicate." Valentina closed her mouth. "Have a safe evening, Comrade. Glory to Arstotzka!" hehehehe -EDIT- ....aaaand crashed again.... -ANOTHER EDIT- So does Vasiliy have ANY connection with vsully? -YET ANOTHER EDIT- Glory to Arztatzkah! (I spelled it right, right?)
  18. Segflfdb Wat? What does that stand for? Sh*tty Ergonomic Gear For Large Fat Dumb Bugs?
  19. "BOO," boomed Igor. Hehehehehehe, love it lol. Poor Vasily tho gulag for him
  20. Aw. I just started reading. I have a friend named Jabe (Gabe) btw lol
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