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Bug Hunter
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Everything posted by linuxgurugamer

  1. No logs, no support Read this BEFORE asking for support: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/83212-how-to-get-support-read-first/
  2. Because I have see this problem without the mod. However, i do have it installed on my current game, I'll remove it and see what happens
  3. I put a beta in the issue you listed on github, please try it out
  4. Well, yes, but it's a manual process. First, use CKAN to install only the RSCapsuledyne part of the Recycled Parts mod. You can also install it by hand, if you want Second, would have been helpful to give the correct name, the "Quadroodle" is what I think you are looking for. Third, in the following directory: GameData\SpaceTuxIndustries\RecycledParts\RSCapsuledyne\Parts delete all directories except for the Engine directory
  5. Would be nice. I don't need it right now, but probably will in the future
  6. Add the mods back in 2-3 at a time. Slow, but gets the job done
  7. This was my first SSTO. Tiny, but got to orbit and back. Mostly stock, had Tweakscale and an open cockpit mod
  8. @Gordon DryIssues now available on Github for this mid I was not really aware of the morse code part of the mod, never used it. will look at it soon, but specifics of the bug are needed
  9. Yes, but sadly, wasn't the mod I was thinking of. There was a tape measure make by RoverDude, I must have misremembered the name Edit: What I was thinking of was Holotape, by Roverdude
  10. Sorry, the original author changed the license to ARR, also doesn’t want it out there any more. ‘Not going to argue about the license, the short answer is that he doesn’t want it available anymore. Sorry
  11. Since this isn’t a bug I’ve ever been aware of, can you please describe the bug? Log file would also be useful. and writing the setting to a file, while nice, is not a trivial amount of work. I’ll take a look at it when Incan. I’ll fix the GitHub issue tracker later Would have been nice if you had pinged me. Would have been nice if you had pinged me. Log file is necessary for support
  12. Very nice, but what Jen’s Big Stick did was a tape measure, with varying lengths. I like this, but would still like to get a copy of the old Jeb’s Big Stick, haven’t found a copy yet.
  13. Not really. The whole idea of ballutes is to provide a measured amount of drag, not too much given the high speeds they are designed to work at. Opening it up will destroy the structural integrity. Regardless, I'm not planning on doing this
  14. I looked at the log, nothing showed up, but you do have a number of random NullRefs during the initialization from a number of mods
  15. Huh??? what would be? Maybe I'm blind, but I don't see any request for a mod here
  16. That really doesn't make sense, if they "popped", they would deflate and lost all ability to slow down
  17. New release, Thanks to @zer0Kerbal for this: Removed extraneous "scale = 1" from the Ballute250.cfg Thanks to @eberkain for this: Added NEEDS to configs to eliminate errors when loading a stock game
  18. I came across a bug in KSP with regards to the alarm clock. I created a brand new install, and using CKAN, installed JNSQ & KerbalAlarmClock For example: Started a new game, settings were set (as default) to Display Kerbin Time (6h days, 426 d/year) I set an alarm for 200 days in advance. Stock alarm clock then showed an alarm for 100 days in the future KAC showed an alarm for 200 days in the future I then changed the system settings to show time in Earth (24 hour, 365 days/year) time. After setting an alarm for 200 days in advance, I saw the following: Stock alarm clock showed the alarm for 35 days in the future KAC showed the alarm for 200 days in the future This bug has been confirmed by @TriggerAu There is a fix for this here:
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