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Bug Hunter
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Everything posted by linuxgurugamer

  1. Then I need a log file, and complete details, such as what parts you are having the problem on , etc
  2. No, that's up to the game. and even if not, it isn't work spending the time on it. Sorry Already mods which can do that
  3. As I said, the arrows adjust the top value, the slider then goes between 0 and the top value
  4. Ummm, I don't understand. Use the arrows to change the top value of the Kilometer, the single arrow adjusts the top value by 25km, the double arrow adjusts the top value by 100. For the Meters, the single arrow adjusts by 25m, the double arrow adjusts by 100m.
  5. 1.12 has the ability to change action groups in flight, not sure if that came in 1.11 or 1.12 Look for this button in the toolbar:
  6. New releases (on July 16) Added AssemblyFileVersion Updated version file for 1.12 Thanks to github user @lampeh for this fix: Only show popup in map view
  7. If I get some time, I'll look, so check before working on it, if it was merged, then I was able to do it. And like I said, don't worry about the indentations, I'll take care of that
  8. Hi, I know its been quite a while, wondering if you still have this file
  9. Is this going to be in CKAN? Either I'm too fast LOL or something is wrong, I don't see it listed in CKAN yet
  10. I didn't say that, I said that I couldn't work on it. Frankly, the author is still around, although busy with other stuff. Why don't you contact him about it?
  11. You realize that you are a _little_ late, I released it on the 19th
  12. Is that this: https://github.com/linuxgurugamer/KerbinSpaceStation/pull/14 ??? If so, there is a conflict with the current version, can you fix that? Also, don't worry about the indentations, I'll take care of it if it needs it (could just be a problem with tabs and spaces)
  13. If you uploaded the plane to KerbalX, even if you don't save it, it will give you a list of the mods that it detects in the plane
  14. Nice plane, but would be helpful to list the mods that are you used
  15. Yes, but please be specific about the part name, specifically, the internal name used by the game. You can use the PartInfo mod to get that if you dont' want to dig through part files
  16. Well, because it's been suggested many times before. Good luck, though.
  17. No, I just haven't read it yet been busy, I know there's a link there, will get to it either today or tomorrow
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