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Bug Hunter
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Everything posted by linuxgurugamer

  1. I was unable to replicate this. The fact you you mention "Plugin" as opposed to "Plugins" tells me that you are looking at the older version, I don't use that, my version uses the more standard "Plugins" I have a beta ready now: Thanks to github user @Tuupertunut for these fixes Fix wrong trajectory after timewarp/loading in FAR model Fix swapping left and right clicks toggles between four states Fixed button icon display when starting to show correct icon (was always showing the Active icon to start, even when it was not active) Replaced logging with KSP_Log (now needs SpaceTuxUtilities as new dependency) Added code to dump config to log file when in debug mode here: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/z9327pqqm0mx3v2ct3l9g/Trajectories- I don't think it will be a problem to add the SpaceTuxUtilities, most of my mods already use that. It was easier for me to make this change for debugging purposes Please try this out and let me know how it goes
  2. Merged, thanks Are you sure? It remembers the last setting, try setting it off (check the config.xml to be sure) and try it again. I just confirmed this :-( will get it fixed before next release Someone reported that a new install failed due to a missing config.xml. I have been unable to replicate that. Also reported that there were extra directories, again, I have not been able to replicate this
  3. New release, Thanks to github user @x13x54 for this: Recalculate SMA on toggle RealSMA by calling OnMapTargetChange(v.mapObject);
  4. New release, 1.10.0 Added ability to control the part from EVA'd Kerbal
  5. Originally written by @kujuman, he released this into the public domain a few years ago (look at the original github repo) Very simple mod, just has a click sound when you save the game Availability Download: https://spacedock.info/mod/3526/Save Confirmation Sound Updated Source Code: https://github.com/linuxgurugamer/SaveConfirmationSound License: Public Domain
  6. All, I've finished the adoption, new page is here: Please move all discussion of this over there LGG
  7. NavBallAdjustor This mod was originally written by forum user @Dizor, he hasn't been around for more than 3 years, and a user requested that I update this for 1.12. Original thread here: Description NavBallAdjustor mod allows you to adjust scale/colors/priorities for navball markers and configure collapse behavior. You can disaccustom navball to hide on Map View or force it to be afraid of the mouse cursor. How to use Install, preferablly using CKAN Start the game and click on "gear" icon on the top of NavBall. Adjust any NavBall option. Go back to forum thread and like this post. Done. New Dependencies (will be installed automatically if using CKAN) Click Through Blocker ToolbarController Short video demonstration Pictures The first one is the toggle tab on top of the navball, the second is showing two of the markers made much larger. A montage of 3 different navballs is shown in the top of the webpage. Options: Ghost markers: Availability Download: https://spacedock.info/mod/3523/NavBallAdjustor Updated Source code: https://github.com/linuxgurugamer/NavBallAdjustor License: GPLv3 Available via CKAN Adoption notes The old mod actually was working, but there was a bug where the toggle wouldn't hide if F2 was pressed It now requres that the ToolbarController be installed as a dependency. See details in the Changelog below Changelog Recompiled for KSP 1.12 Removed linuxgurugamer.cs, replaced with calls to Toolbarcontroller (code optimization) Added toolbarcontroller as dependency Added version file Added AssemblyVersion.tt Added InstallChecker Moved config file into PluginsData Added Changelog Fixed button icon not hiding when F2 is pressed Moved Icons into PluginData directory
  8. I'm working on adopting this mod, a few things needed updating, and fixed a bug with the toggle not hiding Should have a new version out in a day or so LGG
  9. New Beta Release: 0.0.7 Performance improvement: Removed the OnGUI methods from the PartModule (moved to PartInfoWindow) Created new MonoBehaviour: PartInfoWindow Instantiates PartInfoWindow when called Added code to prevent multiple versions of the window from being opened for a single part If I don't get any negative feedback by Sunday, I'll make this a full release Now a full release https://github.com/linuxgurugamer/PartInfo/releases/tag/0.0.7 Thanks to @Gotmachine for finding this issue. While it wasn't that significant for small vessels, it caused a proportational increase in overhead as vessels got larger. From his comment when he told me about this: which is significant.
  10. New release, Fixed bug with ModuleAeroSurface not working (bad index) Had nothing to do with the dedfaultActionGroup, turned out to be a bad index which I had fixed but somehow got reverted before the last commit.
  11. Ok, I've been able to replicate this using a stock airbrake, will see what's going on
  12. That name doesn't come up in CKAN, can you provide a link to the mod? web page would be fine or are you referring to all airbrakes??
  13. No, he contacted me back and requested that I not adopt it. It does work in 1.12, I use it in my games
  14. New release, Changes Added code to check for up to 3 ModuleControlSurface modules in a part (at least one part has two of them)
  15. probably not, but this isn't anything I can fix without the hardware, sorry. maybe someone else can
  16. Check the dependencies first, if that doesn't help, will need a log file
  17. @Delta 86 @JadeOfMaar I've gotten a beta up on Github here: https://github.com/linuxgurugamer/AECS_Motion_Suppressor/releases/tag/ Changes Added code to check for up to 3 ModuleControlSurface modules in a part (at least one part has two of them) Please check it out and let me know
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