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Bug Hunter
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Everything posted by linuxgurugamer

  1. @Delta 86 @JadeOfMaar I've gotten a beta up on Github here: https://github.com/linuxgurugamer/AECS_Motion_Suppressor/releases/tag/ Changes Added code to check for up to 3 ModuleControlSurface modules in a part (at least one part has two of them) Please check it out and let me know
  2. Sounds reasonable, but I still don't know the mod, it doesn't come up searching for SOCKS in Ckan. I do see that it's only getting one component, so it shoudn't be too difficult to change it to do multiple. But I'd like to be able to test it before releasing.
  3. No logs, no support. It's listed in my 2.4.4 release notes Issues are now enabled on my fork on Github: https://github.com/linuxgurugamer/KSPTrajectories I have 4 bugs listed which I've gleaned from the last few months messages, I'll be working on this over the next week or so
  4. How about an example, as in a craft file, if that's what you think is going on? I can't test against every single mod out there, if you find an issue, it's up to you to report it with enough information for the modder to fix
  5. I don't have a list of the changes up to this point, the changelog will be kept up-to-date moving forward
  6. New release, 0.0.4 Too many changes to list Note: I am aware of one bug, in that if a tranmitter runs out of power, the radio will continue playing the station Please report any other bugs found to me
  7. Not at the present time I am finally working on this again, hope to have a new beta out by the weekend
  8. Have you notified the CKAN people about this? I know you don't support it directly, but earlier you did say you would contact them
  9. Glad you figured it out. For the next time you need to post logs: Read this BEFORE asking for support: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/83212-how-to-get-support-read-first/
  10. Probably not, compatible, but I'd have to do some digging
  11. Sorry for the delay, I'll try to look at this soon You still have the FAR cfg files, please remove those and do another file. Thx
  12. No development is being done on this mod anymore.
  13. It's built in to the camera code, i don't think it can be easily replaced
  14. No logs, no support. most likely, you don't have one or more of the dependencies
  15. New release, Thanks to github user @aishwarya25252 for this: Made the bash script more robust to paths and fixed some typos
  16. This is your problem: [WRN 15:28:52.480] AssemblyLoader: Assembly 'ToolbarController' has not met dependency 'ClickThroughBlocker' V1.0.0 [WRN 15:28:52.480] AssemblyLoader: Assembly 'ToolbarController' is missing 1 dependencies [WRN 15:28:52.480] AssemblyLoader: Assembly 'CC_RemoteTech' has not met dependency 'RemoteTech' V1.7.0 [WRN 15:28:52.480] AssemblyLoader: Assembly 'CC_RemoteTech' is missing 1 dependencies [WRN 15:28:52.480] AssemblyLoader: Assembly 'KerKonConConExt' has not met dependency 'KerbalKonstructs' V0.9.0 [WRN 15:28:52.480] AssemblyLoader: Assembly 'KerKonConConExt' is missing 1 dependencies T oolbarController, isn't there, so CivPop fails on looking fo rit. You also seem to have issues with CC_RemoteTech and KerKonConConExt I am assuming you installed by hand instead of with CKAN, if you had installed your mods with CKAN, these issues would not have arisen. Also, I prefer the Player.log, not the KSP.log
  17. Read this BEFORE asking for support: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/83212-how-to-get-support-read-first/
  18. Need logs for any help at all. Sounds like it might be a different contact, there is nothing in the mod or the CC contacts included with it which mention anything about "phased" Without any specific info, I can't take this as a legit report, sorry
  19. No idea. I would need the following: Player.log copy of: GameData\LoadingScreenManager\PluginData\LoadScreenManager.cfg Image of the directory which LSM is pointing to
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