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Bug Hunter
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Everything posted by linuxgurugamer

  1. New release, 1.9.7 Thanks to github user @TuckMeIntoBread for this: Optimize Reflection Usage in ProcessRealchute Method. This pull request introduces optimizations to the ProcessRealchute method, significantly improving performance and all but eliminating VAB hiccup/lags related to StageRecovery + RealChute being used in combination.
  2. New release, Thanks to github user @Tuupertunut for these fixes Fix wrong trajectory after timewarp/loading in FAR model Fix swapping left and right clicks toggles between four states In-flight overlay now shows the whole trajectory Fixed button icon display when starting to show correct icon (was always showing the Active icon to start, even when it was not active) Replaced logging with KSP_Log (now needs SpaceTuxUtilities as new dependency) Added code to dump config to log file when in debug mode Note: There is now a new dependency of the SpaceTuxLibrary
  3. Comedian Tom Smothers has died at the age of 86. They were a great comedy duo
  4. Reported Version: v0.2.0 (latest) | Mods: none | Can replicate without mods? Yes OS: Win 10 | CPU: i13900k | GPU: AMD 7900xt | RAM: 64 meg Happened during my stream. Was doing the mission to the Mun to find the Arch. Upon returning, everything was fine, until it got close (<6km) to the ground, then funny things started happening. You can see it in this clip: https://www.twitch.tv/videos/2014806716 Issues become visible about 2:30 The video clip is over 200mb, so I can't upload it, but you can see it on Twitch Included Attachments:
  5. Reported Version: v0.2.0 (latest) | Mods: none | Can replicate without mods? Yes OS: win 10 | CPU: Intel 13900k | GPU: AMD 7900xt | RAM: 64 gig When using a size m decoupler with a size s engine, the automatic fairing which gets created is wrong, see the attached picture Included Attachments:
  6. FYI, EJ ran into this same problem. The 10k mission didn't complete when it should have
  7. I see that this has been updated in CKAN as compatible with ForSCience (0.2.0), but would like to know what the mod is doing. Big changes since March 30, which was the last post here
  8. New releases Magicore, 1.4.0 Fixed StringTranslation to remove control characters at end of body display name Updated version to 1.4.0 to ensure that SensibleScreenshots, DatedQuicksaves uses the correct version of this dll Added KSPAssembly to specify version 1.4 for dependencys DatedQuickSaves - Added dependency for Magicore 1.4 or later SensibleScreenshot - Added code to sanitize filename Added dependency for Magicore 1.4 or later
  9. Always provide a log file, please. I have no way of knowing anything about the version of the game, of the mods or anything else
  10. Would also be much better to use CKAN to install rather than doing manual installs. It installs mods into the correct location, and also installs any dependencies needed
  11. Reported Version: v0.2.0 (latest) | Mods: none | Can replicate without mods? Yes OS: Win 10 | CPU: Intel | GPU: AMD | RAM: 64 g The mission for the "Mun or bust", has text talking about an antenna with range of 86gm around Jool .ipsImage { width: 900px !important; }
  12. Reported Version: v0.2.0 (latest) | Mods: none | Can replicate without mods? Yes OS: win 10 | CPU: Intel | GPU: AMD | RAM: 64 Would be nice to either replace or have alternate fonts, those pixelated fonts are hard on the eyes. .ipsImage { width: 900px !important; }
  13. Reported Version: v0.2.0 (latest) | Mods: none | Can replicate without mods? Yes OS: win 10 | CPU: Intel | GPU: AMD | RAM: 64 Pixilated arrow is hard to focus on. .ipsImage { width: 900px !important; }
  14. Reported Version: v0.2.0 (latest) | Mods: none | Can replicate without mods? Yes OS: Win 10, updated | CPU: Intel 37900k | GPU: AMD 7900xt | RAM: 64gig A minor quibble, but this was solved in KSP, it's an easy fix. I wanted to have a colon in the name, for example: "KSP 2: For Science" (without the quotes) and it wasn't allowed
  15. 2nd post: If I do win this, my Kerbals will be giving it away during my Tuesday stream ( since I already have it) Kerbals will be relaxing on the Mun in Jeb's Cabin: LGG
  16. I was unable to replicate this. The fact you you mention "Plugin" as opposed to "Plugins" tells me that you are looking at the older version, I don't use that, my version uses the more standard "Plugins" I have a beta ready now: Thanks to github user @Tuupertunut for these fixes Fix wrong trajectory after timewarp/loading in FAR model Fix swapping left and right clicks toggles between four states Fixed button icon display when starting to show correct icon (was always showing the Active icon to start, even when it was not active) Replaced logging with KSP_Log (now needs SpaceTuxUtilities as new dependency) Added code to dump config to log file when in debug mode here: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/z9327pqqm0mx3v2ct3l9g/Trajectories- I don't think it will be a problem to add the SpaceTuxUtilities, most of my mods already use that. It was easier for me to make this change for debugging purposes Please try this out and let me know how it goes
  17. Merged, thanks Are you sure? It remembers the last setting, try setting it off (check the config.xml to be sure) and try it again. I just confirmed this :-( will get it fixed before next release Someone reported that a new install failed due to a missing config.xml. I have been unable to replicate that. Also reported that there were extra directories, again, I have not been able to replicate this
  18. New release, Thanks to github user @x13x54 for this: Recalculate SMA on toggle RealSMA by calling OnMapTargetChange(v.mapObject);
  19. New release, 1.10.0 Added ability to control the part from EVA'd Kerbal
  20. Originally written by @kujuman, he released this into the public domain a few years ago (look at the original github repo) Very simple mod, just has a click sound when you save the game Availability Download: https://spacedock.info/mod/3526/Save Confirmation Sound Updated Source Code: https://github.com/linuxgurugamer/SaveConfirmationSound License: Public Domain
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