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Bug Hunter
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Everything posted by linuxgurugamer

  1. That file hasn't been used for many years. There are some possibilities, but I'm not sure how well KSP will react to the changes. I might take a look next week, but not sure if it's really worth while.
  2. Second stream last night. We selected the following image, this one shows a cargo section near the bottom with engines on the side and also the bottom of the rocket: Here is the KSP 1 result: and KSP 2. While this is not a ship to take off from the launch pad, I show the picture to give an idea of the size:
  3. New release, Changed rounding for radiatorEfficiency, batteryCharge, newCapacity to allow 2 decimal digits
  4. It would have helped if you have done the following: Provided a Player.log Mentioned that you were using Linux I am not a mind reader. 99% of people play on Windows, how am I or anyone else supposed to know that you are using Linux? Since I'm not using Linux with the game, at this point I can't really help at this time, maybe someone else can help
  5. Use CKAN to install it. CKAN will install necessary dependencies
  6. Peter Schickele Dies: “P.D.Q. Bach” Parodist & Film/Broadway Composer Was 88 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Peter_Schickele The people I grew up with are slowly going away
  7. I sent you a PM with a link to a beta, please let me know how it works
  8. I'll look into changing it to allow 1 decimal of fractions, will that suffice?
  9. This. I think the idea is to concentrate on the upper tiers which will lead to interplanetary travel (eventually)
  10. Ok, for now, that's the way the mod works. It deliberately rounds to avoid fractional measurements. The fact that .8 would go to zero is something to look into, and I'll also look into having a min value. Frankly, tank sizes of that size don't really make sense
  11. I haven't checked, yet, but could this just be a display error? Edit: Try setting the resource to .7, looks like it might be rounding. Also try the following please: 1.1, 1.5 and 1.7 and let me know what happens Edit 2: Also, are you looking at max capacity, or current volume?
  12. New release, 0.11.20 Added new RCS support Turn off all RCS Turn on RCS in current Stage Turn on RCS in active Stage Global RCS Thrust limiter adjustment Current stage RCS Thrust limiter adjustment Updated release, Moved fields and toggles into it's own submenu in the PAW
  13. Given the total lack of activity on this thread, I have no idea what patch you are talking about. It would have been good to quote the post you were referring to.
  14. I'm doing a series of builds on stream to reproduce some old style rockets from the 40's, 50's and 60's science fiction and concept art. This is where I'm going to post the images of the results. These ships are totally impractical, but were/are a lot of fun to reproduce. This is not a contest, although if you want to post similiar, that would be ok. Only rules are, stock parts, clipping is allowed; the KSP 1 install has a number of graphical mods installed. Last night I started with the following image from an early Boy's Life magazine: In KSP 1, I was able to make the following: And in KSP 2:
  15. To clarify, I adopted it, but it was originally written by @SIT89
  16. Not sure I understand you, regarding JC and EEX, can you elaborate? EEX and JC are totally separate mods, no interaction with each other Regarding unpurchased parts, once I understand what you are referring to, I can look at it
  17. Let's start off with the following: Copy of the Player.log Snapshot of the main Game directory
  18. Since you just discovered this , I'd suggest that you just use the stock settings for a while to get used to what they are doing before using this mod.
  19. You can move the button to the toolbar by modifying the settings in the ToolbarManager (Yellow wrench)
  20. The real question is, should the change in the science rewards be retroactive or not? Right now, it seems like there is an internal value which is kept for each science experiment completed, and it is multiplied by the science rewards multiplier any time science is needed/used/displayed. This can be considered a design decision, although I do agree, it can be confusing unless it is properly explained. I would lean towards changing the method to what people are expecting, or at least having an option to apply the rewards multiplier retroactively.
  21. Some sort of update was just pushed, but there are no release notes. It was a 6 gig download on Steam, I can't find any info on what was fixed
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