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Bug Hunter
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Everything posted by linuxgurugamer

  1. Did you ask for help when using 1.10.1? How about a log file?
  2. How did you do the installs? If Steam, did you manually delete ALL the files before reinstalling?
  3. I have tried contacting him, haven't gotten a response
  4. Possibly so, but would make the game in many cases unplayable.
  5. Ok, I'll review it tomorrow. Thank you. Yeech, I AM tired. I just realized that what you had in the spreadsheet are patches, not code from the mod. I'll review the whole thing, I take back what I said (for now), until I can review those mods
  6. I'm a bit puzzled. This mod merely adds power usage to those parts which don't have any (so-called magic parts). All of the DMagic stuff already uses power, so what are you looking to do here?
  7. Hmmm. The one thing I"m taking away from this is that the fastest planes tend to be the smallest. Based on my experience, I've gotten my plane up to 1715 m/sec with 8 Rapiers, at 23000 I think I'll try replacing the Big S wings with something a bit smaller; less drag should compensate for losing some engines
  8. You aren't making sense. Why can't you use the Mk1-3 pod with this? The whitelist file is only used to make sure needed texture files are left available for non-restock mods to use
  9. Latest test run is now 40:53. Making progress, but I have to go to work now, will continue later
  10. Sounds like it is acting on both the keydown and key up, I'll take a look tomorrow
  11. The current beta is stale, I need to do a major revamp, and I'm taking a break from it for a bit while it jells in my mind
  12. Which mode were you using, FocusFollowsClick or FocusFollowsMouse?
  13. Ok, thanks for that. 23000, and I'm flying at about 1710 m/sec, overheating issue seems to be solved. I was having a problem with the Mk2 cockpit overheating, but I think I have that solved. I just put the cockpit back after seeing @zolotiyeruki's comment about it needing to be a cockpit and not a passenger compartment, with some changes. I won't know until I've done a complete flight, but my last test was on track to do a sub 39 minute flight, until I messed up the landing. It was a test, I have a bit more refinement to do before doing a "official" attempt.
  14. First I've heard of this. Not sure when I can look at it, but it's on my list. For now, try Action Group Manager, that's the only other mod which controls action groups that I know of
  15. Make sure you have enough EC, otherwise the probe core will not do anything. I found that if I have a probe core, I don't need a full cockpit, just a passenger compartment
  16. Well, the gauntlet has been thrown down. Working on a revised entry, the Speeder 1H, I've gotten a sustained speed of over 1710 m/sec (must have moar speed). I'm not sure how you aren't overheating, especially after flying for 40 minutes at that speed. @zolotiyeruki Would you consider possibly breaking things out into a couple of categories, either by weight or by number of engines? @zolotiyeruki Rules question: Regarding clipping. Could I clip a radiator onto a part and have it extend into another part, in order to move the heat around?
  17. Other than not supporting the new Axis groups, what issues are you having? No
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