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Everything posted by linuxgurugamer

  1. Oh, you mean the wetware? Mechjeb is probably jut needing to learn how to use it properly.
  2. Ummm, it's a GAME. People will always come up with ways to work around the rules, and while yes, it looks wierd, and I suspect it wasn't originally intended that way, it's the way the game works. While people do tend to abuse it, it's a real life fact that multiple antennas do indeed increase range. Of course in real life, they are carefully designed, crafted, placed, but after all this _is_ a game. Why are you arguing that? While it is a game, it is attempting to mimic to a certain extent real life physics. Ummm, then don't accept contacts for things beyond the range of 2 antennas. It's game, and people will make of it what they will
  3. I got excited when I saw this, was hoping you had fixed the netkan processor, but apparently not :-( I see al the backed up workflows are still there, and it is still failing (just tried one)
  4. Ummmm, since when has a relay antenna not been able to function as a direct antenna? What I said was: So, if you don't need a relay antenna, then you don't need to spend the mass for it. Useful for early flights, small relatively local probes, etc. When you need a relay antenna, you put one on. The reason you see KSP rockets with tons of antennas is to increase the range, not to provide additional capability. If you don't have the top antenna, but you need the range of it, then you can add multiple smaller antenna to get that range.
  5. If you drill down into the directory for this, you can find the ogg files used. Try playing them, most likely they are just clipped sound files
  6. Nothing that I'm aware of, would need a log file to see if anything is going on
  7. No idea what you are talking about or trying to show If you are referring to the script to copy the missing textures, all it does is copy some missing texture files. Code is there for you to look at. Can't and doesn't do anything else
  8. Depends on the sound files, whch soundtrack are you using?
  9. I've fixed it, but not worth doing a release for it. If ever there is another release, it will be there, thanks
  10. Remove the file(s): GameData/JanitorsCloset/JCModfilter-v2-1.cfg GameData/JanitorsCloset/JCModfilter-v2-2.cfg GameData/JanitorsCloset/JCModfilter-v2-3.cfg
  11. You are ignoring the issue of how to reconcile any vessel(s) in the branch which need to be placed at the appropriate locations/orbits/etc if you break the branch. Not saying it's undoable, but certainly not a simple issue. The mod would have to keep track of all vessels, locations, orbits, maneuvers etc.
  12. Certainly an idea, but kind of restricts your options. Well, some people want to manage a space program. Kind of like what I do currently, but I just do it in the game itself.
  13. After thinking about this whole idea, it is obvious that there are a host of unanswered questions, at least for KSP1. I'm sure that the same issues will apply to KSP 2. For example: What happens to any vessels that were created in the first playthrough when you revert to the saved snapshot? What happens to any vessels that were destroyed in the first playthough? What do you do about any changes to vessels which were already in existence at the start of this? Staging, parts destroyed, crew transfers, etc? These are some questions that I came up with after only a few minutes of thinking about it. I'm sure there are lots of other issues that can arise.
  14. Once you start playing with time, all bets are off, it doesn't matter what game you are playing with. Sounds like you would be well satisfied with a good save game
  15. pretty much, but there are differences. This would actually be a bit easier That would be very difficult with what you proposed. Might as well just fly multiple missions. I can see something along the lines of, if in the first mission you upgrade the building technology, that those events could be synced with the second mission Ummm, this wouldn't easily be doable, in fact, this would be a nightmare to deal with. Now you will need to have the mod essentially duplicate everything that the game does regarding a vessel. Now, possibly, if you restrict it to those times that the vessel was on rails, I suppose it could be doable, but this would still require a very deep integration with the guts of the game
  16. It's an interesting idea. Actually may not be that difficult to implement, as long as you don't worry about a mission you are flying interacting with another mission/flight. I can see this working by specifying a "return to" point in time to start, and then ending a mission which which time you return to the starting time
  17. Ummm, why? Different antennas have different abilities. Relay antennas can act as direct antennas, but due to the need for the relay equipment, is heavier. Not possible in KSP, and I would assume the same for KSP2. It's just the way the game works, you can't assume an antenna is pointed properly due to things like timewarp, rails, etc
  18. I guess you don't make backups? Even with an in-game modmanager, you should backup the game (save files & game files) before updating. CKAN has been greatly improved to the point it's one of the best mod managers I've come across. Especially given the way that KSP modding works, along with ModuleManager patches, an internal mod manager really wouldn't work. Of course, MM is somewhat unique to KSP, hopefully it won't be necessary in KSP 2. FYI, I've been using CKAN for years, and can't recall any games being wiped out. There were issues in the earlier years, but they've been solved for a long time
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