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Bug Hunter
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Everything posted by linuxgurugamer

  1. You do know that when a ship docks to a station, it becomes part of the station and loses its identity as a ship?
  2. I wasn't talking about Redhat; I didn't make a generalization. I was talking specifically about KSP-2 . For a gaming company, open source is not compatible with profits. For a company like RedHat, they get revenue as a result of the open source (ie: support contracts, etc)
  3. Ummm, no? They are spending millions of dollars developing KSP-2, they will want a return on that. Making it open source would totally negate the revenue stream
  4. New beta, https://github.com/linuxgurugamer/ModularSegmentedSRBs/releases/tag/ More part model updates Fixed missing sepratrons in nosecone Fixed missing transform topNode in the MinuteMan motor (was preventing top thrust after damage) Fixed configs for 1.875 & 2.5m nosecones Fixed top node of MinuteMan motor First stab at fixing the thrust of open ends and motor ends, seems to be mostly working Fixed all node sizes Adjusted position of thrust effects for many motors Open Issues Issue: Reverting to launch has a tendency to instead switch focus to the next vessel in flight, in my case, a discarded lander in orbit around Duna; this tends to happen more often than not following a crash or RUD, rather than simply resetting while in optimal flight or on the pad. Status: Unable to replicate, requested more information Issue: When stack is broken, open end is spewing same thrust (?) as motor end Motor continues to spew same thrust Status: Work in progress
  5. Why have an extra 20-40 lines of code when it's a single line in MM? The fact that you can do something doesn't mean you should. Besides, there are advantages to having a module in the vessel when it's instantiated and not afterwards. Vessels can be renamed, defeating the purpose of the mod
  6. Use MM to add a field to command pods to store a unique id, then reference that ID in the training center. You could add a new module which would allow the I'd to se set and changed in the editor, but once launched it would be readonly
  7. New beta, Updated part models and configs, thanks @SuicidalInsanity Removed debug code which was preventing the engines from firing (oops) Moved EndCaps to the Utility tab
  8. Oh. I'm so in love with CKAN .... I'll ad a link to the OP It's in the OP at the very top: Dependencies  Click Through Blocker ToolbarController ToadicusTools
  9. New release, Fixed new icon positions in directory structure Replaced loading icons from game database with ToolbarController.LoadImageFromFile Thanks to github user @ssweim for this: Added Kerbalism as an alternative to TacLifeSupport
  10. If you are going to give a snippit of an error, you need to give the entire snippit. What you gave above, besides being hand typed, didn't give any information as to where it happened. After looking at your log file, it would have helped to post the snippet as follows: [EXC 00:31:46.343] ArgumentOutOfRangeException: Argument is out of range. Parameter name: index System.Collections.Generic.List`1[System.String].get_Item (Int32 index) PartModule.ApplyUpgradeNode (System.Collections.Generic.List`1 appliedUps, .ConfigNode node, Boolean doLoad) ModuleDataTransmitter.CommPowerUnloaded (.ProtoPartModuleSnapshot mSnap) CommNet.CommNetVessel.UpdateComm () CommNet.CommNetVessel.OnNetworkPreUpdate () CommNet.CommNode.NetworkPreUpdate () CommNet.Network.Net`4[_Net,_Data,_Link,_Path].PreUpdateNodes () CommNet.Network.Net`4[_Net,_Data,_Link,_Path].Rebuild () CommNet.CommNetwork.Rebuild () CommNet.CommNetNetwork.Update () and [EXC 20:23:15.125] ArgumentOutOfRangeException: Argument is out of range. Parameter name: index System.Collections.Generic.List`1[KSP_PostProcessing.Profile].get_Item (Int32 index) KSP_PostProcessing.KS3P.Register (KSP_PostProcessing.PostProcessingBehaviour target, Scene targetScene) KSP_PostProcessing.Operators.FlightOperator.Update () In this case, it doesn't really help, other that to show that it seems to be in the part upgrades section. Looking at your file, I see lots of errors. While I'm not sure if it is impacting, you have a huge number of errors in KS3P, so I'd recommend removing that to start. It also seems that as time goes on, every time you switch to flight, there are more errors. It's going to be a pain, but you really should look at the file and start to fix the earlier errors. Remove mods which aren't needed (graphical ones come to mind), autopilots, etc. Something is causing the game to get confused, and you need to figure out what.
  11. Remove KS3P, looks like that's a big part of your problem
  12. Sounds like you are missing the dependencies: New Dependencies Click Through Blocker ToolbarController
  13. Well, yes, but then you are running a windows executable on Linux. As you say, why bother?
  14. You can do it now, there are equivilent parts with the same part names, specifically for this issue. But they are just regular batteries.
  15. @TriggerAu Would it be possible to make this work in the editor (VAB/SPH), without the staging buttons?
  16. When I adopted Fusebox I fixed a major issue with overhead. Ampyear was derived from Fusebox (look at the code), and while it does a lot more, the bug is still in it even though I notified the author about it. If you start having performance issues, i suggest that you look at Ampyear with an eye towards removing it and replacing it with Fusebox. I added a couple of empty parts and a part module to Fusebux to allow it to be a drop-in replacement for Ampyear
  17. For EC, you can try Fusebox or Ampyear (Fusebox has a lower impact on the game) Not sure about any of the others, although @Snark might have a small mod for this
  18. Beyond taking up some memory, would there be a disadvantage to including a float curve with several hundred lines? I'm working on getting float curves from a SRB design program, and while I don't want to include all the lines, I'm leaning towards using a lot more than normally seen in part files. Thanks LGG
  19. New Beta, Fixed missized Minutman and STS engines Fixed duplicated crashTolerance in nosecones Fixed typo in crashTolerance in segment_0625 and segment_125 Fixed following edge cases, caused by a divide by zero error: Placing 2 SRMs on a stack - (SRM + segment + SRM (upside down)) when launched, causes the game to jump to an ethereal Otherspace dimension. (there a name for this? Void Kraken? SubSpace Kraken?)Empty starfield, map doesn't work. Game can be reverted to launch or VAB, subsequent launches result in all textures being see through. Log is spammed with 'look rotation viewing vector is zero', if that helps. Placing a motor on a vessel without a fuel segment above it, if staged, also summons the SubSpace Kraken like above. Added Known-Issues.txt file Added new subdirectory called Ships, will contain sample ships. Currently has Kerbal-X with SRBs You can get it here: https://github.com/linuxgurugamer/ModularSegmentedSRBs/releases/tag/
  20. Found and fixed this problem. There was a divide-by-zero, causing the vessel to instantly attain an infinite amount of speed, etc. It's possible the same error (and fix) for the SubSpace Kraken listed above was causing this. Please try the new beta I'll be releasing in a few minutes
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