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Bug Hunter
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Everything posted by linuxgurugamer

  1. I was planning on adding these lines to the .version file, and then to update AVC with what's needed to implement this. Trying to not add unnecessary mods
  2. Yes. I'll be more specific when I publish specs, such as the starting point for DIRECTORY, etc. Can you think of anything else you'd like to check on? While it may be redundant, the thought occurred to me that adding dependency checking here might be useful. OTOH, I don't want this to be a burden on authors. Edit: I realized I don't need a seperate section for dependencies; this would work quite well as is
  3. Play on 1.7.3 until the mod(s) get updated This mod is not yet updated, please be patient
  4. How could the files not be there on loading? You are presenting some vague unknowns without having bothered to read and understand the post I made here 5 hours ago, I'll provide the link so you don't have to search for it: https://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/189164-adding-small-dll-to-parts-only-mods-to-verify-install-loc/&do=findComment&comment=3693171 Please point out which of the following statements is wrong, I'd really like to know: The DLL has to be there when it loads The directory the DLL is in has to be there when it loads The path to the DLL is available when the DLL loads If these three statements are true, then the method I'm using to check will work. So I ask again, how will this discomfort the user? Regarding the user, using the word "foolish" is insulting to them. It's an honest mistake which anyone can make. This is a simple protection for them. But, if you don't like it, you are free to remove the dll
  5. So it's been 2 months since he was last on. I assume you sent him PMs? There is a problem with the licensing of this mod. It's listed as MIT on Spacedock, but the github repo doesn't have a license, and no license is listed in the OP. there is a ReadMe, with a very strange paragraph where he says "license". It would be best if he were to update the OP with the license and add it to the repo
  6. @DStaal @Nertea I'm thinking about the change to the .version file. I'm thinking of something along these lines: "INSTALL_LOC": { "FILE": "fileName", "DIRECTORY": "dirName", "MESSAGE": "message to display" } If multiple files would need to be checked: "INSTALL_LOC_1": { "FILE": "fileName", "DIRECTORY": "dirName", "MESSAGE": "message to display" }, "INSTALL_LOC_2": { "FILE": "fileName", "DIRECTORY": "dirName", "MESSAGE": "message to display" }, The message line would be optional, if not there, then a generic message with the mod name and other appropriate info would be displayed
  7. Please explain how a silent DLL "discomforts" people? It only makes noise when there is a problem
  8. Are you the current maintainer? If you do a full release, will it be coming from @The White Guardian repo and other locations?
  9. There is a problem with CKAN, I've opened a ticket on it
  10. That would be fine if people weren't busily deleting all the MiniAVC.dll files and not installing the full AVC mod. I thought a lot about this. Adding the DLL actually takes longer than just updating the AVC version file would take. At least this way, I know that if someone tries to install a single parts-only mod of mine, that they will either install it correctly or will be told that they installed it to the wrong location. It's a good idea @Nertea, and I'll think about it. I'll probably add it after I'm done with all the 1.8 updates, but as of now, I have about 180 mods to go, so it's going to be at least a month or so before I do anything new other than bug fixes. What I'll do is get out a specification in the next day or so as to what it will be, so that people can start adding it now for when it is released. Probably just a one liner, but I want to make sure I cover all bases
  11. It might be nice, but I'm not going to be porting any mods to KSP2 for a while. And then, it would probably need complete rewrites. The PCR is something I'm keeping alive, but won't do the rewrite myself
  12. Because it would then have to search for the .version files, etc. This way no searching needs to be done. I've released one parts-only mod with it, Bargain Rockets, you can see how it works there Please explain to me what your discussion of the GPL has to do with this? Because I can't see anything in any of my posts where I mentioned the GPL or any other licensing. If you have questions about what this is doing, fine. But leave licensing out of it, since there is nothing mentioned about it
  13. Probably because the two games will be similiar, but different in subtle ways as a result of the platforms
  14. For someone who has been around the forums for 5 years, you seem to be unaware of the countless times people install mods in the wrong location. You also seem to ignore what this is supposed to do, and the reasons which I explained earlier why I'm adding this. Beyond that, see the above message from @Jacke , who says the rest of what I was going to say
  15. what version of KSP, and if 1.8, I don't see that RPM has been updated for 1.8
  16. Never feel afraid to ask a question. If you are working on a mod and get stuck, I can usually take a few minutes to take a look. May take a little while, after all, RL comes first. But if you put it up in github, I (and others) can always pull it down to take a look.
  17. New release, 1.1.10 Added InstallChecker Changed some obsolete lines to use new names Rebuild for 1.8
  18. Of course not. You can look at the code, it's all available on Github. Just look in any of my mods for a file called InstallChecker.cs But the line which does the checking is here: var badPaths = assemblies.Select(a => a.path).Select(p => Uri.UnescapeDataString(new Uri(Path.GetFullPath(KSPUtil.ApplicationRootPath)).MakeRelativeUri(new Uri(p)).ToString().Replace('/', Path.DirectorySeparatorChar))); Specifically the KSPUtil.ApplicationRootPathis is provided by the game to point to the GameData. You are absolutely free to do that. It isn't needed to play the game, but it is needed to make sure that the mod is located in the wrong place. It also writes a line to the log file identifying the mod early in the startup process. This line is useful for debugging if I need to look at the log file. Moving forward, as I add this DLL to the mods, I may sometimes as that the mod be reinstalled and then generate a new log file. If the line is missing in the new log file, I'll probably just throw up my hands and not do any more, since it would be obvious, at that time, that the player is not interested in listening to instructions. The problem of a mod being put into the wrong directory happens more often than you might think. This DLL is a very simple, non-intrusive, unmeasurable amount of time used, way to assist the player (meaning you) to make sure that the mod is at least installed in the correct location.
  19. New release, 0.3.10 Added InstallChecker Rebuild for 1.8
  20. New release, 0.0.5 Added InstallChecker Rebuild for 1.8
  21. New release, 1.1.6 Added installChecker Rebuild for 1.8 Please note that this requires the JSI Part Utilities, version 0.5.0. It was just updated, probably won't be updated in CKAN for a few hours, so if you need it, you can get it here: https://github.com/linuxgurugamer/PartUtilities/releases/tag/0.5.0
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