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Bug Hunter
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Everything posted by linuxgurugamer

  1. Really? I hate to disagree, but this is what I quoted: What I was talking about was having N+1 threads per planetary object (the master thread and N child threads, one for each of the N). For the purposes of the game I would ignore the microgravity that occurs between vessels, it's too small to matter in the game.
  2. Wondering the state of the mod, I don’t see any recent updates on Github
  3. You cant because the influence each body will have on the spacecraft depends on the distance the spacecraft is from each body Ill disagree here. With clever programming N-Body can be split up into multiple threads. The basic idea is this: A master thread is assigned a vehicle. Using an assumption of 5 bodies, the master thread can start 5 more threads, each thread would do all the calculations for one specific body’s interaction with the spacecraft, ending up with a vector of the interaction. When all the threads are completed, the master thread would then have to add all the results together to arrive with a final vectorto arrive with a single vector. This will take more time than calculating for a single body, but not N times as long.
  4. I assume you installed this by hand. Please download and install the latest version, (you have Not sure if this will fix it, but you need to do this anyway Edit: I just realized that you are using a Mac. Thats probably the issue, shaders have to be built differently for a Mac.
  5. Start off by providing a log file, you really haven't given us any information about your system. Read this BEFORE asking for support: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/83212-how-to-get-support-read-first/
  6. New release, Thanks to forum user @AccidentalDisassembly for this Fixed missing closing curly brace in the file: GameData/Workshop/MM_Patches/_OSE_PartRecipes.cfg
  7. As far as I know, all parts mods are compatible with JNSQ. JNSQ is bigger than stock, was designed to be more realistic
  8. Stock works. For anyone who has this issue, here are a set of steps to follow to work around it: Temporarily remove the PartVariant module Delete the PartDatabase.cfg Load the game to the MainMenu and exit Restore the PartVariant to your part cfg file Open the PartDatabase.cfg file Find the part you are looking for (the "url" will be the complete path below the GameData) Copy the DRAG_CUBE section which was generated by your part Paste it in at the end of the file, before the closing brace If you have ModuleDragModifier modules, either delete them or comment them out.
  9. Your opinion. Video doesn't play. My opinion: Waste of my time No information on vessel in your post. Any mods needed? DLC?
  10. No So is everybody else No Unknown New parts have been shown.
  11. I was going to suggest this. Look at the Mk 1-2 (I think) to see an example. The CoM should be below the CoL, try moving it 1/2 m down and see what happens
  12. Hi, I got a message about this, reposting it here since this is the correct forum: I updated my mod Full AutoStrut on SpaceDock and it's update isn't showing up in NetKan's pull requests for some unknown reason. thanks! https://github.com/Xyphos/KSP_FullAutoStrut https://spacedock.info/mod/1479/FullAutoStrut I'm guessing that maybe the bot is broken and needs to be restarted
  13. Hi, I have several parts in this mod I'm making with builtin parachutes. I have a problem in that they are not getting drag cubes generated in the PartDatabase.cfg, instead I see the following: PART { url = ModularSegmentedSRBs/Parts/ModularSRB/0625/Nosecone_0625/MSSRB_Nosecone_0625 DRAG_CUBE { procedural = True } } I know that I can embed drag cubes directly in the part file, but am puzzled as to why this is happening. Could it be because of the partvariant? When I deleted the Module ModulePartVariants, it did create it properly. Wondering if this is intentional or a possible bug
  14. I always accept improvements. Are your changes localized enough to be able to switch between the current mode and your updated mode? Also, what sort of further improvements are you thinking of?
  15. Actually, I do AVC as well :-) Anyway, was a bad release, I just pushed out
  16. Go into the Stock settings, and there is now a tab for Lights Out where you can disable the buttons
  17. New release, Fixed nullref when Kopernicus was installed, was causing generation to hang I also updated the netkan info, it wasn't updating due to the old version number. Please note that CKAN currently shoes It can take 3-5 hours for CKAN to see the new version
  18. I assume you installed via CKAN, please remove it, tell CKAN to update and then install again. This warning is not in my version at all. Your log file was not available I've been able to replicate your issue. Did you have a planet pack installed, or just Kopernicus?
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