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Bug Hunter
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Everything posted by linuxgurugamer

  1. While I'm probably not going to spend any time on this, it would be a good idea to go over what you should provide if you want any help at all. The version of KSP you are playing How you started it (Steam, by hand, using a shortcut in Steam to bypass the launcher, etc) A complete Player.log file (may not be always necessary, but saves time if it is) A complete list of installed mods. A set of specific steps (including time if that is a factor) to reproduce this. For example, doe sit happen if the mod is installed, but you don't change any of the warp settings (ie: installed, but using stock settings) It would also be extremely helpful if you spent some time creating a test install and removing all mods which don't affect this. For example, if it was ONLY this mod, then say so. Having a minimal set of mods to install and test with would assist me (and any other modder/interested party) in reproducing the problem. Also, since you seem to blame this mod, try using the Time Control mod (https://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/143763-112-time-control-211/) which does essentially the same thing. This will help determine if it's a problem with the mod, or with the game. FYI, there are reports on that mod's thread about sound cutting out as well. IMHO, this is probably due to the game being stressed beyond what it was designed to do. Despite what people say, Unity is multi-threaded, and it's quite possible there is something going on when timewarping at extremely high rates which causes something internal to lose sync or get confused.
  2. yes, you should be able to do so, especially if you are using the KSP_PartVolume mod
  3. Ummm, I have this link in every one of my posts: Read this BEFORE asking for support: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/83212-how-to-get-support-read-first/ Read the link, it will tell you what you need to do
  4. I prefer the Player.log, please get me that. However, I did go through the KSP.log you provided earlier, and I didn't see any issue in there related to this mod. There were a number of other exceptions, but nothing about this one. Did you try to press the asterisk key (*) on the number pad to see if it activates? You can also check to see if the stock settings page for it is loaded
  5. It works, just tell CKAN that all 1.12 mods are compatible
  6. New release, Fixed path for loading images (broken by new launcher)
  7. New release, Fixed path for loading images (broken by new launcher)
  8. new release, Fixed path for loading images (broken by new launcher)
  9. I've been able to replicate the problem, and will be releasing a fix in a few minutes New release, Fixed path for loading images (broken by new launcher)
  10. It is, if you are using CKAN, use the compatibility settings to allow all of 1.12
  11. Actually, based on some benchmarks done by a former Microsoft developer, Dave Plummer, it appears that C++ much faster than C#. You can review the results here, along with all the source code used: https://github.com/PlummersSoftwareLLC/Primes The first of the series of videos can be viewed here:
  12. Ummm, I do disagree. While Lua maybe slower than native, if the game is compiled into native code, the speed loss won't be noticeable compared to interpreted c# byte code
  13. Thanks, got it uploaded. and there are going to be a bunch more over the next few weeks. This new launcher is a real mess for older mods
  14. Should be fine, just tell CKAN to allow all 1.12 mods as compatible
  15. I just tested this using both CKAN and the Steam launcher, it works fine on both, so I really need to see your log file Assuming you are using the launcher, would need to know the version of the launcher, To get that, in the Launcher, click on the "Private Division" dropdown in the upper left, then scroll to the bottom and get the About version info and paste it here
  16. You should always provide the log file, just saves time on my asking for it. This bug is why I did the last release, to try to find the issue.
  17. No log, no support, although I'll make a guess that you are using the new Steam launcher. It's broken a lot of mods in various ways. I'm working my way through all my mods, I'll try to look at this one later today if I get some time
  18. And a bunch more to go. Really wish T2 hadn't broken the game this way so late in it's life, just a waste of time for me and other modders
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