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Bug Hunter
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Everything posted by linuxgurugamer

  1. New release, Fixed _configSavePath being incorrect due to new KSP launcher introduced in 1.12.4
  2. Yuck, more launcher issues. I'll take a look at this
  3. Ok, I've done some tests, and there is definitely something wrong. I tested a 1.8.1 install with the Engineering tech tree installed and then a 1.12.4 with the same mods, and it does overwrite. I'll do some more digging, but will probably take a few days
  4. I think your problem might be that you didn't place all the stock parts into your tech tree. I looked at a couple of the older tech trees, and they placed the stock parts. Maybe try doing that and see what happens
  5. No promises, but if you send me what you have, I may have some time to look at it. Without your mod, I can't do anything since no one else is using this anymore. Frankly, have you looked at how some of the other tech trees work? Maybe they can be an inspiration for you; they seem to be able to do it without this mod
  6. Wow, I haven't touched this mod since 1.8.1 Try this, I recompiled it against 1.12: https://www.dropbox.com/s/ycxje0u69uhfkml/YongeTech_TechTreesPlugin-0.7.0.zip?dl=0 If it works for you, then I can release an updated version, let me know
  7. Sorry, no. You have to access the logger. Toolbar button for this won't work, what if you have multiple loggers on a single vessel? For example, I launch multiple probes with a single rocket, and sometimes put a logger on each probe. Other cases could be, rover as cargo in a vessel, etc. I will be releasing an update in a few days, which does add a toolbar in the SpaceCenter, used to see general game notes
  8. You do realize that you need to add a part to get the functionality? The part is the DataLog Info Drive, you can easily find it by typing "notes" into the search field I'd rather not add yet another toolbar button at this time
  9. New release, Fixed nullref caused when mod was not enabled Added saving of ProtoCrewMember.KerbalType as well as the trait Changed IFIMess calls to Log.Warning, removed IFIMess() Made messaging of kerbalsl being turned to tourist and restored to active duty consistent Changed minimum update frequency from 15 to 5 seconds Fixed tourists not being reset back to Kerbals when LS restored Development is not yet done, but it is now in a released state. There is a lot of cleanup to be done in the code, but nothing (at present) which affects the functionality
  10. Getting a nullref sometimes with this mod: 27383 NullReferenceException 27384 at (wrapper managed-to-native) UnityEngine.Transform.SetParent(UnityEngine.Transform,UnityEngine.Transform,bool) 27385 at UnityEngine.Transform.SetParent (UnityEngine.Transform p) [0x00001] in <12e76cd50cc64cf19e759e981cb725af>:0 27386 at OneWindow.OneWindow_Rect+<GetScreenMessageText>d__8.MoveNext () [0x000b6] in <45cdc62073a5427d9aab186cdffe0b6b>:0 27387 at UnityEngine.SetupCoroutine.InvokeMoveNext (System.Collections.IEnumerator enumerator, System.IntPtr returnValueAddress) [0x00026] in <12e76cd50cc64cf19e759e981cb725af>:0 Full log here: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/stsqag4kw74o4kq/AAAMznffUPeJ8-ytDlfc60sea?dl=0
  11. Then you installed it incorrectly. You downloaded the source code, not the release. I don't put DLLs into the source code Download the release zip, NOT the source code. You can get it from either of these two sites: https://spacedock.info/mod/2871/Vessel Notes %26 Logs/download https://github.com/linuxgurugamer/VesselNotes/releases/download/
  12. From the log file: FileNotFoundException: Could not load file or assembly 'ToolbarControl, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null' or one of its dependencies. UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:Internal_LogException(Exception, Object) UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:LogException(Exception, Object) ModuleManager.UnityLogHandle.InterceptLogHandler:LogException(Exception, Object) UnityEngine.Logger:LogException(Exception, Object) UnityEngine.Debug:CallOverridenDebugHandler(Exception, Object) You don't have the ToolbarController installed, which is a required dependency. The folder is there, but no DLL How did you install it? I'm wondering if you downloaded the source code and not the release file
  13. Log file, please I'd prefer the Player.log. The player.log you uploaded is either incomplete or just doesn't have what I need. I can't say I've seen this before. I have just tested it, and it isn't happening, at least for now. I'll need either one of the following: A specific set of steps to duplicate the issue, beginning with starting the game A log file (Player.log) which is from a run when it actually happened.
  14. New release, Release to get AssemblyFileVersion set properly, no functional change
  15. Do you have any other mods which control the visibility of buttons?
  16. Please remove that embedded file and post a link to the log file, embedded files like that cause problems
  17. I need an updated log file. I'm having trouble getting the launcher to start, so need you to provide a log file every report I was just able to get the launcher running, and the current version of the mod is working, at least for me. Log file will have more info
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