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Bug Hunter
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Everything posted by linuxgurugamer

  1. Please tell me how to get a sat into a keostationary orbit aboce the poles. You can’t. The best you can do is to create a set of satellites in polar orbits. They can be at keostationary distances, but wont be stationary
  2. Just an FYI, Someone contacted me claiming that one of my mods was generating endless exceptions in his debugger build and was saying it was mu fault. When he finally sent me the info on the exception, it turned out that there was a try/catch, where I was writing the exception message to the log, and it was THAT which was null (the exception was for a filenotfound). So somehow, his debug buld was creating its own issues. That being said, I think I’ll be trying this for 1.4.4 in a few days.
  3. new release, 1.6.6 Added new field to allow the PAW field to be prepended with "TacSelfDestruct". See included parts for usage: addPawIdent = true
  4. Currently there isn't any way to disable it
  5. I never played RSS/RO, so obviously I was mistaken about those. But as you say, SMURFF does the first part. why not do the 2nd part yourself?
  6. I did. And it would have made sense a few years ago. but, the game has been released, there are thousands of mods, hundreds of thousands if not millions of players all used to the current way it works. RSS/RO have done what you are asking for. There are other mods which rebalance parts. But it is nonsensical to talk about rebalancing the stock game itself. You even acknowledged this yourself in your post: So, rather than talk about this, why not look at those mods which already do what you are proposing? If no mods do exactly what you want, then it sounds like you could have a possible mod here. Having done a balancing pass on three mods myself, to fix the weights and fuel ratios, I have an idea as to how much work would be involved. and then there would be extensive playtesting to make sure it still works as a game.
  7. New release, Updated to use latest ToolbarController Removed blizzy option, now managed by ToolbarController Added dependency checking
  8. New release, Added dependency check
  9. New release, Added dependency checking Updated to use latest version of ToolbarController Removed Blizzy option since it's now controlled by the ToolbarController Deleted unused toolbarwrapper.cs file
  10. Listed in the OP: http://spacedock.info/mod/56/WasdEditorCameraContinued and if you dont use the latest version, I can’t give support. Check the OP for dependencies
  11. New release, Thanks to github user @schnobs for this: Custom Drag Cube for SXTCargoBay1 (2.5m Cargo Bay) The game sees the cargo bay as a hollow tube, giving it very little surface area. Drag-wise it does not line up with other 2.5m parts, both leading and trailing 2.5m items have much higher drag than one would guess from looking at the vessel. The effect is comparable to inserting a modular girder or I-beam into a 2.5m stack. This patch fixes the issue by giving the closed cargo bay the surface area of a (similar-sized) Rockomax-16 tank.
  12. As long as they are supported by the stock action groups then yes
  13. It might have been taken better if they had been upfront about it, and given an easy way to opt-out. As it was, it was slipped into there with no notice, and of course people noticed and were upset. Good to see it gone, at least that controversy will now be over
  14. Launch Day! Jebediah, Bill and Bob were attempting to get to orbit again, in a new rocket. The countdown 3 2 1 Ignition Liftoff..... Jebediah, Bill and Bob glanced at each other as the engines roared. The pressure mounted as the rocket lifted off the pad. "Tower cleared", came the call from Mission Control. The rocket rotated a bit. "Roll program complete". "All systems go" The engines continued to fire. All of a sudden, an alarm started sounding. Jebediah ignored it, kept looking out the window. Bill wasn't much better, but Bob was concerned enough to speak up. "Jebediah, that alarm is going off, don't you think you should abort?" Jebediah replied "No, those alarms always go off" "But, the last time THAT alarm went off, the rocket exploded" Jeb said "That was last time, this time......." That was as far as he got, because: KAAABOOOMMMMMMM!!!!! as the rocket exploded! Later, in the revival chamber, as they were being reconstituted (again), Bob decided that he wasn't going to do that again. Next time, he decided, he wasn't going to leave it in Jebediah's hands. A few weeks later, the next launch. Same rocket; they were assured by the engineers and technicians that they had fixed the problem. As usual, the two daredevils, Jebediah & Bill believed them without question, but Bob wasn't so sure and insisted that they install his new invention without telling . He knew that Jebediah would throw a fit if he knew about it. 3, 2, 1, Ignition and Liftoff again Things went fine for the first few minutes, and then another, different alarm started to sound. This time, however, as soon as it sounded, the abort system was automatically triggered. The capsule was blasted free of the exploding rocket by the LES (Launch Escape System). A few seconds after it burned out, the LES was jettisoned, and then the parachutes deployed. This time, they were gently lowered to the ground, no need for the revival chamber this time. Jebediah was dumbfounded, until.... Bob turned to Jeb, smiled and said "That was my new invention, Bob's Panic Box'. We can now live better lives not having to be reconstituted every time something goes wrong." ------------------------------------ This mod gives you a reason to put on an escape tower; while stock has a single escape tower, there is wonderful mod called Launch Escape System which adds 4 more towers, for different size vessels What does it do? The mod can detect the following events: Explosions Negative vertical velocity High G Excessive AoA (angle of attack) When an event is detected, the abort sequence is triggered (action group). After an abort, a secondary action group sequence can be triggered There is a timeout, meaning that the mod will only be active at the beginning of a flight, for the specified amount of time. When the timeout is exceeded, an action group can be triggered (for example, to jettison the escape tower). Usage Settings page This is where you can set default options. The page has three columns First column is the initial setting for the buildings and if you go directly to the launchpad/runway. Second column are the initial settings which are set, currently the settings are shared between all the environments. Third column is how to access the mod. Toolbar Button Editor/Flight Configuration Window Kottabos Review Usage You can configure it to use either a toolbar button, a button on the PAW (Part Action Window), or both. Clicking them will bring up the Editor/Flight Configuration Window Most of the options are self explanatory Arm Explosion Detection will detect any explosions on the vessel, NOT on any parts which were jettisoned. Neg-Vel-Limit will detected if the vessel is going down at that speed High-G-Limit will trigger if the G forces exceed the specified number Max AoA will trigger if the Angle of Attack exceeds the specified value, useful to detect flips, etc. Disable after flight time will disable the mod after the specified amount of time. You can specify the time either in the text box or by a slider Trigger action after timeout will activate the specified action group after the mod is disabled due to timing out Trigger action after abort will activate the specified action group after an abort. (see the next line) The post-abort delay is the amount of time to wait after an abort before doing the Trigger action after abort The disable BPB after altitude, will disable the mod after the specified altitude is reached When in flight, and additional button is shown, depending on whether an abort has been triggered or not The Apply button is shown when things are normal It will only be active if there are changes to be saved. If an abort has been triggered, the Apply button is replaced with either Acknowledge , which acknowledges an abort is in progress, or Disable Abort, to disable the abort sequence. Disable Abort is shown after an abort is acknowledged Additional Functionality Toolbar button(s) flashes when abort is active on active vessel Click the button to acknowledge the abort, button will stay red Click a second time to cancel the post-abort sequence, button will go back to normal Abort sequence now disables if no control source Dependencies Click Through Blocker ToolbarController Recommended Launch Escape System Availability Source:https://github.com/linuxgurugamer/BobsPanicBox/ Download: https://github.com/linuxgurugamer/BobsPanicBox/releases License: GPLv3 Now available in CKAN Donations gratefully accepted  https://www.patreon.com/linuxgurugamer
  15. New release, 0.8.4 & Updated code to use latest version of ToolbarController Removed blizzy options, now handled by ToolbarController Added dependency checking
  16. No, this doesnt. Sounds like that needs to be on some sort of probe control
  17. New release, Fixed Nullref when Blizzy toolbar not installed and buttons were selected to be on the Blizzy button
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