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Bug Hunter
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Everything posted by linuxgurugamer

  1. Please wait for the next build, tomorrow morning sometime The bug with QuickGoTo is a preexisting bug, I’d like to fix it before the next build. thx
  2. First, for some of the buttons, right-click will bring up the settings, others just left click does: The following buttons bring up their settings page when left-clicked: QuickSAS QuickRevert QuickIVA QuickBrake QuickSearch QuickContracts (only in Mission Control). Right-click also works for this button The following button brings up a dialog in which is a settings button: QuickExit The following buttons uses a right-click to bring up the settings page: QuickHide The following button uses the mouse scroll wheel when the mouse is over the button. QuickMute, clicking the button also brings up an image in the middle of the screen to show the current volume setting The following Quick mods don't have buttons: QuickCursorHider QuickFineControl QuickStart This is QuickHide. Disable the Auto-Hide on mouse hovering out the stages option QuickGoTo is setting the input locks and not clearing them, you can clear the locks using the Alt-F12 button QuickGoTo is mostly untouched, it is NOT using the ToolbarController
  3. Very strange. The beta I released was built using Visual Studio, and yes, it isn't working properly, although tests earlier were good. But this was a full rebuild, I wonder if something is wrong with VS when it does multiple compiles side-by-side. I just got the mods rebuilt using my Jenkins server, which does everything sequentially. And so far, it looks better, but I'm going to do more testing before posting it
  4. Thanks. I'll work on this in a clean install. No update tonight, maybe tomorrow
  5. New release, Added error message if no deploy animation found
  6. @4x4cheesecake have you had a chance to test with the updated versions of the ToolbarController and Toolbar mods as listed in the OP?
  7. You are running an old version of the ToolbarController. I encode the version of each dll as they get built, so I'm able to easily identify issues like this: ToolbarControl v0.1.5.7 / v1.0.0.0 : ToolbarControl, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null Nope. irrelevant in this case Thanks. see above comments for the issue.
  8. If you are installing by hand, I've tested the following versions: Click Through Blocker: EVA Enhancements Continued: Toolbar Controller:
  9. If you are having problems, please try the following test: Make a new, clean install of KSP 1.4.3 Using CKAN, install only EvaEnhancements and the dependencies Start the game, create a new game and get to the space center Exit the game, and check the log for errors Let me know the results
  10. I would have to look at the log, but make sure both dependencies are the latest. ToolbarController ClickThroughBlocker
  11. I just updated the OP with links for beta versions of the Toolbar and ToolbarController
  12. Oh nuts, I forgot to upload an updated BBC version of both Toolbat and ToolbatControlker. Well, that's why it's a beta. I'll try to get them uploaded this afternoon
  13. @Malah wrote these mods, each of which does one thing well. He left, and passed the baton to me. The original thread is here, please look at it for detailed instructions: https://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/85834-130-malahs-quick-mods-20170531/ Source: https://github.com/linuxgurugamer/QuickMods Licence information: GPL v3 Important update for ZeroMiniAVC for KSP 1.12.2 A change to KSP caused ZeroMiniAVC to not work properly on KSP 1.12.2. This will be a problem if you install an older mod which still has the MiniAVC.dll isntalled Fixed issue on 1.12.2 where KSP now checks for duplicate DLLs, and only runs the latest, which was run even after ZeroMiniAVC unloaded and pruned it Added a dummy KSP-AVC dll which prevents the MiniAVC.dll assemblies from loading Added search for all files named MiniAVC.dll and pruned them https://spacedock.info/mod/1614/ZeroMiniAVC New Dependencies Click Through Blocker ToolbarController All the mods are included in a single zip file for the beta. You need to download and install the dependencies separately from the mod itself Release Source:https://github.com/linuxgurugamer/QuickMods Download:https://github.com/linuxgurugamer/QuickMods/releases Individual Quick mods are available on SpaceDock License: GPLv3 CKAN has been updated with the new dependencies From the original post: Malah's Quick mods are very small plugins which add a small feature You can download all of my mods on SpaceDock, on GitHub. These modlets are compatible with KSP-AVC, Toolbar and the stock localisation (localize in English and French). All my mods can be installed with CKAN. Released: QuickBrake : Brake your vessel at launch QuickSearch: Enhanced the editor part search and add a part search on the tech tree QuickStart : Start your last savegame after the loading QuickGoTo : Go to an other scene from anywhere QuickRevert : Revert keeper QuickContracts: Keyboard's shortcuts for Mission Control QuickSAS : Moar keyboard shortcuts for the SAS QuickHide: Hide the stock toolbar and the stages QuickExit: Exit everywhere QuickMute: Mute all sounds QuickIVA : Go to IVA at the loading or the launch of a vessel QuickFineControl : Toggle the precision control at the load of a vessel QuickCursorHider: Hide the cursor when you push on F2 in flight ZeroMiniAVC: Delete/Prune/Disable all MiniAVC Brief Instructions First, for some of the buttons, right-click will bring up the settings, others just left click does: The following buttons bring up their settings page when left-clicked: QuickSAS QuickRevert QuickIVA QuickBrake QuickSearch QuickContracts (only in Mission Control). Right-click also works for this button The following button brings up a dialog in which is a settings button: QuickExit The following buttons uses a right-click to bring up the settings page: QuickHide The following button uses the mouse scroll wheel when the mouse is over the button. QuickMute, clicking the button also brings up an image in the middle of the screen to show the current volume setting The following Quick mods don't have buttons: QuickCursorHider QuickFineControl QuickStart ZeroMiniAVC Extended Instructions for QuickSearch QuickSearch is a small plugin which adds an extension to the part search function on the editor, it also adds a part search on the tech tree. What is the search extension? By default, the search extension is enabled, and with it you can: search with regex /ab/, make a AND a&b, make a OR a|b, make a NOT !a, search a word begin (ab or "ab, search a word end ab) or ab", search a word (ab) or "ab", search only the tag %ab, search only the name ;ab, search only the title :ab, search only the description -ab, search only the author ,ab, search only the manufacturer ?ab, search only the part size .ab, search only the resources +ab, search only the tech required @ab, search only the module _ab, a and b are the search example, all the shortcut can be edited on the config file. At this time, you can only cumulate AND, OR, NOT, words begin/end/full, but not with others shortcut.
  14. The ShipSections MOD has been depreciated, the dll is now included with the ExtensiveEngineerReport If using CKAN, remove the ShipSections mod If not, then delete the following directory: GameData/ShipSections I've updated the OP, and just finished updating CKAN. ShipSections is now listed as a conflicting mod
  15. Make sure you have the latest version of the ToolbarController installed
  16. Two posts above yourr post, I released an update which fixed this.
  17. Yes, because you didnt install the new dependencies, as documented in the OP
  18. That's the regular toolbar, located at either the bottom or side of the screen, depending on what scene you are in
  19. This is very strange, since it looks good in CKAN. Did you clear the CKAN cache? Check CKAN, make sure that you don't have 1.0 enabled in the Compatible Ksp Versions windw
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