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Bug Hunter
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Everything posted by linuxgurugamer

  1. Absolutely right. Care to make the parts to do it?
  2. If vaporvent is throwing NREs, i need to know, please post a log file in that thread. nothing onKURS yet. VOID is real soon now
  3. New release, 1.1.4: Fixed nullrefs when doing symmetry parts Added toolbar registration Removed old toolbar code
  4. You need to destroy the texture yourself, when done with it, otherwise it will remain in memory. Use something like: Destroy(tex); I have no idea why it needs a power of two, probably something to do with the compression. My method will load any size without a problem
  5. I've been able to replicate the problem. I wonder if this has been there for a while, I tend to doubt it's 1.4.1 related.
  6. More details, please. And a craft file, with a description of exactly what you were doing. Thanks
  7. So, if the cameras are showing, then it's a known bug related to the Unity upgrade. If nothing else, I need to rebuild the shaders. This is one of a few mods that need significant work due to the upgrade, and it's on my list of things-to-do
  8. For the first, try saving the ship first, and then doing the sim For the second, I need to know more about the flight. The wireframe is experimental, and may get removed if it's too much of a bother.
  9. Lets start off with a log file. I understand you have problems, but you didn't give any significant info, such as which version of KSP, which version of the mod, etc. The log file will provide all of that
  10. The Ballutes are treated as if they are parachutes, so the same limitations which apply to the parachute apply here. I've adjusted the min pressure to be 0.01, that seems to eliminate the funny stuff with it. The altitude is because the max altitude for a parachute is hard-coded to be 5000m (nearly 15 miles high) And, without coding, I can't have staging cut the lines
  11. Not really a difference, except the coding involved. But the default has to be the current behaviour, which means that the override will default to none, and priority will default to remote
  12. New release, Added two methods, currently only working on the stock button: public void DisableMutuallyExclusive() public void EnableMutuallyExclusive() Fixed hovering over button in Blizzy toolbar not working
  13. No, it seems to happen even when the stage has fuel. But I think I found the problem New release, Fixed nullref which occurred after decoupling a vessel
  14. I have to do some updates to the parts, hopefully will have that done tpmorrow
  15. Sounds like you have two differnt DLLs installed. Would be nice to see a log file so that I could help you
  16. Manual landing. it lets you jump between the different stages and fly each one
  17. State taxes are deductible from income for Federal taxes. I believe it's calculated based on what was withheld on the W2, so if you get a state refund, that money was not taxed by the federal, so that's the reason you pay taxes on state refunds
  18. No,. Federal refunds are not taxable, however STATE refunds are, since you didnt pay taxes on that money, I should know, I get a few thousand back every year from the feds, and usually about a thousand from the state. and yes, I have been audited, never had a problem
  19. New release, Disabled log spam due to missing shader Updated version file Note: The MovieTime and NightVision modes are currently not working. This is known, please do not report as a bug
  20. It is the HullCamera mod. The shaders can't be loaded due to the change in Unity, this is now on my list of things to work on once I get everything updated. however, it actually showed a different issue, so I'll disable those messages in a few minutes with a minor update
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