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Everything posted by linuxgurugamer

  1. I am repeating again my request that this thread stay on the subject of the game itself. There was another thread which talked about the “ripoff”, copyright, etc. issues, which was shut down rather quickly. This thread is to discuss the game, not the politics behind it Thank you
  2. No, it should be aircraft. I did that very late at night, was somewhat tired. I would suggest the following makes more sense: vesselType = Plane
  3. New release, Fix bug where GT was always being called if it was there
  4. Forum user @CliftonM write this nice little utility which changes the screen resolution on the fly. He hasn't been around since August, and since I use this, I'm adopting it. Original thread is here: https://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/134621-12 New Dependencies Click Through Blocker ToolbarController What does it do? It allows you to quickly and easily change the screen resolution and switch between fullscreen and windowed. You can use any resolution imaginable as long as it is positive number. How do I use it? In any scene, simply press alt + /, or click the toolbar button if it's available. It will automatically open up when you're in the settings menu. Pictures: I was never happy with the original interface, and took this opportunity to redo it in a cleaner method. The changes I've done include: Rewrote all windows to make it a much simpler interface Removed the confusing presets windows Created Changelog file Added support for ToolbarController, for Blizzy toolbar support Added settings page for Toolbar control Added Toggle on window for toolbar control Dependencies This mod is now dependent on two other mods, the Click Through Blocker and the Toolbar Controller. These mods are not included in the download, you need to download and install them yourself. CKAN installs will automatically install them There is a hard dependency on the Click Through Blocker mod, available here: There is a hard dependency on the Toolbar Controller mod, available here: Download Spacedock: https://spacedock.info/mod/1681/AnyRes Continued Source Code: https://github.com/linuxgurugamer/AnyRes License: CC-BY Available in CKAN Donations gratefully accepted https://www.patreon.com/linuxgurugamer
  5. And where was KSP, back when it was still free? It was pretty raw back then, I think you can look at this as being in that state;
  6. I wasn't aware, thanks. yes, I do know how they grow, and grow, and grow, and grow.....
  7. Sometimes pipedreams come to fruition. Why not give them a chance? I dont understand the “heart”, it is a demo video which shows promise. Look at Cities Skyline comaped to SimCity. Same thing, only much better
  8. Manual install...get this error... https://imgur.com/oujnvYh Still seems to work after hitting OK. It does not make any sense because its telling me the correct path and then telling me that the same path is incorrect. Is this a known issues due to the fact that the mod is not specifically 1.3.1 compliant? I dont think younhave the latest version, this was a bug when I first adopted it because I moved the dll into the Plugins directory. I use this all the time without any problem, Inuse CKAN to install, somI know I have the correct version. Please check the version, and then, if it continues, post a log file. It is jus a warning, so you can continue. Also, when you install, delete the old directory entirely, then put in the new one.
  9. If you are using mods, then install TakeCommand. If not, then attach some sort of command pod to the side with a decoupler, launch with the pilot in that and then decouple the pod once you get the pilot out Another way would be to launch the pilot in a small rover (again, using a command pod), drive the rover away from the runway, launch the boat, then drive the rover back.
  10. I am intrigued by this new game/competitor to KSP, and have asked them for a key. It is an alpha, and why it obviously has taken some inspiration from KSP, it does look like a totally different game. I’d like this to be a discussion about this new game, with no discusion about “ripoffs”, copyright infringement, etc. Mods, if this isn’t the correct place for this, please move it. Anyway, so far all I have is the impression of the videos. According to the YouTube posting, you need to email them to ask for a key. I couldn’t find the game by name on Steam yet, so either I was loking for the wrong name or it’s hidden. My impression n is that they are right now concentrating on the a iation aspect of it, although they do have spaceflight implemented, the planets and moons are procedurally generated. It isn’t clear whether they are regenerated for each game or not. Here is what appears to be their latest video on YouTube:
  11. Editor extensions has that fixed. Ie. One click only
  12. Forum user @Qberticus wrote this a long time ago, and hasn't been around for many months, so I'm adopting it since I do use it. If he ever comes back, I'll be happy to give it back to him. Original thread is here: https://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/81114-12- Haystack Continued Now you can find that lost ship you were looking for! 0.5.4 Updated for 1.4.1 Added ClickThroughBlocker support New hard dependency on the ClickThroughBlocker Added part count to display Added delete button version 0.5.3 Adoption by LinuxGuruGamer Replaced toolbar code with ToolbarController Changed resource loading from MainMenu to SpaceCentre DLL moved into Plugins folder Updated name and namespace names New hard dependency on the ToolbarController Version Updated to be compatible with new Contract Configurator changes. Celestial bodies filter button state is now saved like the other filter buttons. Vessel type icons for plane and relay have been added. Main Features: Allows you to quickly see all of your vessels You can quickly search for vessels without scrolling through the entire map You can view your vessels grouped by the celestial body that they are orbiting Works in Flight Map View and in the Tracking Center. New in You can now display a list of docking ports for the nearby ships (i.e., loaded in physics range) and target them. The list only displays available docking ports (i.e., the docking port must not have a ship docked and must have a free attach node) New in The docking port list includes support for the Docking Port Alignment Indicator mod's named port feature. If it detects this mod it will use the name of the docking port that has been set in the display. If the mod is not detected it will default to using the name of the part. New in Support for blizzy toolbar New in A new button that allows you to set vessels to be hidden from the list. The hidden vessels are saved in the save game file and will be saved whenever the game is saved. New in Added support so Haystack displays in the Space Center. New in Extended vessel and celestial body information window. New in Nearby button that makes managing bases and space stations easier. New in Sort ordering, orders sorts. New in Rename vessel from the extended vessel information window. (Click on the R button next to the ship's name). Some screenshots: Downloads: Spacedock: https://spacedock.info/mod/1680/Haystack ReContinued?ga=%3CGame+3102+%27Kerbal+Space+Program%27%3E Source Code: https://github.com/linuxgurugamer/HaystackContinued License: MIT Available on CKAN Donations gratefully accepted https://www.patreon.com/linuxgurugamer
  13. If a new fmrs button is appearing, then something is wrong. How did you install it, is it the latest, and a log file is needed.
  14. The secret is knowing how to automate as much as possible. I use a Jenkins server, so once a mod is set up, it is very easy to rebuild it for a new KSP release
  15. @Padishar created this wonderful mod to adjust part angles extremely detailed. Original thread is here: https://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/73551-12x The mod hasn't been updated since 1.2, and the author has not responded to any requests for updates or any contact at all. I'm adopting this mod now, rebuilt it for 1.3.1, and replaced the toolbar code with the ToolbarController mod instead (a hard dependency now). I also added new buttons for stock. From the original thread: Part Angle Display This is a simple KSP plugin that allows you to surface attach parts at accurate angles. For compatibility with older versions of KSP, please see the older versions available on the Curse download page or from DropBox below. Download Spacedock: https://spacedock.info/mod/1679/Part Angle Display Continued Source: https://github.com/linuxgurugamer/PartAngleDisplay License: MIT Available in CKAN Hard Dependencies Toolbar Controller Click Through Blocker If installing with CKAN, they will be installed automatically, otherwise, see the following post for details: Simply put, the plugin allows you to display a small window in the VAB/SPH that displays the orientation of the currently selected part as pitch, roll and yaw angles and it also allows you to enter increment values for the pitch, roll and yaw and to apply these to the selected part. Usage The default keys are the stock settings, which are set in the overall game settings. To summarize: Part Pitch Down W Part Pitch Up S Yaw Part Left A Yaw Part Right D Roll part Left Q Roll part Right E The < and > buttons can be used to cycle the angle setting through 120, 90, 72, 60, 45, 30, 15, 10, 5, 1, 0.1 and 0.01 degrees. The F key also adjusts the "Fine" angle control (F to cycle down, Shift-F to cycle up and Mod-F to reset to 5) The key to cycle the fine angle increment now defaults to G because the stock editor uses F. The normal angle increment can be cycled using B. The modifier key for the WASDQE keys to use the separate axis increment values now defaults to Ctrl as Mod is used to disable surface attachment which would make it impossible to adjust surface attached parts in place. Pitch, roll, yaw shows values of current part Enter the desired values into the +/- fields Control activates, then use normal keys to rotate, etc. History It originally used a single hotkey of Mod-P (Mod being KSP's configured "modifier" key which defaults to Alt on Windows and RightShift on Linux) as it doesn't clash with any of the mods I use. If you don't have a part selected then it will show or hide the window. If you do have a part selected then it will apply the angle increments to the part by simply adding the increment values to the displayed Euler angles and re-setting the rotation of the selected part. This has strange effects caused by the way that Euler angles work. Version 0.2 introduced a new way use the plugin. The original Alt-P hotkey still works the same way but it also now overrides the handling of Mod-WASDQE in the stock game (the standard part rotation controls with the configured modifier key held down do the same as the unmodified key, rotate by 90 degrees) to instead rotate by whatever angle increment is entered into the respective field in the dialog. This allows you to set increment values to 1 (or 0.1 or even 0.01) and then have seamless, accurate rotation of parts. Version 0.2.1 fixed the handling of the standard pitch keys and makes the angle increments they use configurable. W/S and Shift-W/S no longer go in opposite directions. The < and > buttons can be used to cycle the angle setting through 120, 90, 72, 60, 45, 30, 15, 10, 5, 1, 0.1 and 0.01 degrees. The F key also adjusts the "Fine" angle control (F to cycle down, Shift-F to cycle up and Mod-F to reset to 5). Version 0.2.2 introduced "Part-relative" mode. This changes the rotation keys to act around the axes of the currently selected part rather than the usual fixed axes. E.g. if you rotate a Mk 1 plane cockpit to an odd angle and then switch to "Part-relative" and roll using Q and E the part will roll around its own axis. Version added the saving and loading of settings (window position, visibility and all the control settings). Version made the keyboard shortcuts configurable in the settings file. To change the shortcuts you will need to run the game and enter and exit the VAB/SPH once for the default settings file to be written out (in GameData\PartAngleDisplay\PluginData\PartAngleDisplay\settings.cfg). Then simply edit this file (you shouldn't even need to quit KSP) and change the three lines starting "key" to be the keycodes you desire. Note that the "toggle window" and "apply Euler" operations always use the configured modifier key and the "cycle fine" operation uses plain, shifted and modified keypresses. Version added support for both the stock and Blizzy's toolbars. The use of the stock toolbar can be disabled in the settings file (useAppLaunch). Version for KSP 0.90 has had to change quite a few things. The key to cycle the fine angle increment now defaults to G because the stock editor uses F. The normal angle increment can be cycled using B. The modifier key for the WASDQE keys to use the separate axis increment values now defaults to Ctrl as Mod is used to disable surface attachment which would make it impossible to adjust surface attached parts in place. Version for KSP 1.0.2 is simply a recompile for the new version and a minor bug fix. Version for KSP 1.1 has been significantly refactored to simplify it and fix the part relative rotation that has been broken since the editor changes in KSP 0.90. Version for KSP 1.1 enables the part rotation keys when the dialog is closed making it usable without ever opening the UI. Version for KSP 1.2 is a straight recompile. Version for KSP 1.2 now stores the key bindings as strings rather than integer values. Version for KSP 1.2 fixes the loss of the toolbar button with Contract Configurator. A Kottabos review, showing how to use it: Donations gratefully accepted https://www.patreon.com/linuxgurugamer
  16. First, it appears that the Community Tech Tree defines SpareParts as well, the DangIt config checks for that. Second, the config is so different it doesn't make sense to do so: RESOURCE_DEFINITION:NEEDS[!CommunityTechTree] { name = SpareParts density = 0.00378 flowMode = NO_FLOW transfer = NONE isTweakable = true unitCost = 12.6 }
  17. Yes. You could do it yourself, just look at the current files. No complex searches, that would be the realm of quick search, not this mod
  18. I have no idea, what are the stats for the ReplacementPart?
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