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Bug Hunter
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Everything posted by linuxgurugamer

  1. So now that I have a good beta with localization, can you do any translations?
  2. New release, 2.0.1: Thanks to @Kerbas_ad_astra for this: Added "universal" tag-based patcher.
  3. Can you add ckan support? Not to install by ckan, but to manage different ckan directies along with the gamedata folders
  4. People may not realize they need this updated, in this case I'd recommend that everyone update to avoid future problems as more mods start using ToolbarController
  5. Try playing withoutt reaction wheels. Use the mod MandatoryRCS and have some fun
  6. As you say, it's an edge case. And rather hard to catch. It's not really worth my time right now, and I'm not even sure it's possible, I would have to do some research on it.
  7. @Li0n Just an FYI, the problem was solved, it was another mod which was causing the problem
  8. No problem. Regarding CKAN, I support it, and use it for all mods except those which aren't listed. My main game has about 230 mods installed by CKAN, and aside from occasionally having to restart CKAN, I don't have any problems with it
  9. PRs are welcome, but I'm trying to understand what you are saying. How can you tell if an engine is turbopump-driven or pressure-fed? Sounds like it would be very useful. And, regarding the limit for lifter engines, for now I'd like to leave it at 80, although specific engines can always override that. The actual limit can be chagned later.
  10. New beta, https://www.dropbox.com/s/1bmbuovc85evy8p/PreciseNode- This fixes the problem with the game being locked up when closing a window with the "X" button This version has the Click Through Blocker broken out into a seperate mod, you need to install both mods in the GameData directory. To be safe, please delete the old directory before putting the new one there
  11. No need, I found the problem. And your description confirmed what I found.
  12. Is it possible you closed a window using the "X" button, and that's when the problem started? If so, then open that window again (ie: You opened the options using the K or the O button, but then closed it using the X button in the Options window) and see if it fixes the problem
  13. Ok, good enough description for me, thanks. Ignore that file with the tilde, it is from an editor and is harmless, I will remove it from the next release. The output_log.txt is always there, even if you kill the progam.
  14. And this is why I like CKAN, things like this don't get missed. Glad it's working for you
  15. Ok, you may want to look at my KSP-Build-Scripts, might make it easier to do release builds.
  16. @The White Guardian just an FYI, your github repo hasn’t been updated for the latest version @The White GuardianCurious as to what your development system is, Linux or Windows?
  17. Some more information would be useful. Code would also be useful. Log files are useful as well
  18. He is totally new, may not know how. You can upload an image to any file sharing site, a very popular one is Imgur, another is imgbb.com. once the file is uploaded, get the direct link and paste it into yor post
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