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Bug Hunter
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Everything posted by linuxgurugamer

  1. Thanks for the update. Two things: First, I'm pretty sure that the TexturerReplacerReplaced is a dependency, not a suggestion. Second, assuming that's true, what happens when you install TexturerReplacerReplaced and NOT the USI KolonizatoinClassSuits?
  2. @DennyTX Take a look at ToolbarController, will provide a bit more flexibility for you and players: @DennyTX You need to update the Spacedock entry about the requirement for Toolbar to be installed as well
  3. I'm not familiar with the Infernal Robotics stuff, but if I'm reading this correctly, you have an old version of the IRSurfaceSampler, from what I see in the log file you have, what I found on Github seems to be This dll is not being loaded due to it's need for KSPUtil, which was in an older version of KSP
  4. Thanks for understanding. I've gotten the files @Cheesecake While I'm pretty sure it isn't your problem, there is an update to ModuleManager which you should install, it fixes a bug. You have 3.0.1 installed, it's up to 3.0.3 That being said, it's very strange, the error I'm seeing in your log file is as if the ModuleAGX isn't installed in a part in the editor, which is strange since it is put there at game start time. Please upload your ModuleManager.configcache file.
  5. Please use a different site, the web site came up as a malicious site, and your output_log.txt was an executable file. I will NOT even try to download any of the others. use Dropbox, Google Drive or another well-known way of transferring files Since you have the Blizzy toolbar running, try left-clicking or right-clicking the button for AGExt
  6. Another beta, removed duplicated line, this fixes the issue of LS being used too fast: https://www.dropbox.com/s/7jwis5fefqsvopp/IFILS-
  7. New release, 1.2.8 Localization Click-through fixed, now requires the ClickThroughBlocker mod as a dependency Now available on Spacedock
  8. Having clicked one too many times on one window, only to have it click on the parts underneath (in the Editor), or click on an unwanted item in flight, I decided to solve the problem with yet another mod. Major Release Update, 1.10.5 Added Settings page Added new setting to specify Focus follows Click Added code to have the focus follow the click instead of the mouse, for both editor and flight modes Added initial window to select mode, shows one time only Modified the CBTMonitor to not run in any scene other than the editor Fixed window data not getting cleared properly Removed need to save window rect Reorganized code a bit Removed some unnecessary assignments Added stock settings page to support the FocusFollowsClick mode Removed need to save window rect Reorganized code a bit Removed some unnecessary assignments Added stock settings page to support the FocusFollowsClick mode Added cleanup class to cleanup all input locks after a delay, immediately upon changing scenes Added cleanup delay to settings page NEW DEPENDENCY ToolbarController This mod will do nothing by itself, it will need to be used by other mods (see Precise Node for an example) Mods which use the Click Through Blocker would need to be modified, and this would become a hard dependency for that mod. The changes are very simple: Replace all calls to GUILayout.Window with ClickThruBlocker.GUILayoutWindow, the parameters are identical Replace all calls to GUI.Window with ClickThruBlocker.GUIWindow, the parameters are identical Most important (for mod authors) All mods using this should add the following line to the AssemblyInfo.cs file: [assembly: KSPAssemblyDependency("ClickThroughBlocker", 1, 0)] This will guarantee the load order. One benefit is that KSP will output a warning and won't load an assembly if it's dependencies aren't met (which may be better than puking out a bunch of exceptions). The only other real problem with the forced to the top of the sort list method is that technically there's a couple characters before zero ('~', '!', '@', etc.) and dlls directly in GameData come first too. Of course someone pretty much has to be trying to break things if you have to worry about this particular case. How it works Each call first calls the original method (ie: ClickThruBlocker.GUILayoutWindow will call GUILayout.Window). After the call, the position of the mouse is checked to see if it was on top of the window Rect, if it is, it then locks the controls so that clicks don't pass through to any other window. Usage Add the following to the top of the source: using ClickThroughFix; Replace calls to GUILayout.Window with ClickThruBlocker.GUILayoutWindow Replace calls to GUI.Window with ClickThruBlocker.GUIWindow Functions - Identical to the GUI and GUILayout versions Rect GUILayoutWindow(int id, Rect screenRect, GUI.WindowFunction func, GUIContent content, GUIStyle style, params GUILayoutOption[] options); Rect GUILayoutWindow(int id, Rect screenRect, GUI.WindowFunction func, Texture image, GUIStyle style, params GUILayoutOption[] options); Rect GUILayoutWindow(int id, Rect screenRect, GUI.WindowFunction func, string text, GUIStyle style, params GUILayoutOption[] options); Rect GUILayoutWindow(int id, Rect screenRect, GUI.WindowFunction func, GUIContent content, params GUILayoutOption[] options); Rect GUILayoutWindow(int id, Rect screenRect, GUI.WindowFunction func, Texture image, params GUILayoutOption[] options); Rect GUILayoutWindow(int id, Rect screenRect, GUI.WindowFunction func, string text, params GUILayoutOption[] options); Rect GUIWindow(int id, Rect clientRect, WindowFunction func, Texture image, GUIStyle style); Rect GUIWindow(int id, Rect clientRect, WindowFunction func, string text, GUIStyle style); Rect GUIWindow(int id, Rect clientRect, WindowFunction func, GUIContent content); Rect GUIWindow(int id, Rect clientRect, WindowFunction func, Texture image); Rect GUIWindow(int id, Rect clientRect, WindowFunction func, string text); Rect GUIWindow(int id, Rect clientRect, WindowFunction func, GUIContent title, GUIStyle style); Additional functions bool MouseIsOverWindow(Rect rect) Returns true if the mouse is over the specified rectangle Download Source: https://github.com/linuxgurugamer/ClickThroughBlocker Spacedock: https://spacedock.info/mod/1689 Github: https://github.com/linuxgurugamer/ClickThroughBlocker/releases License: GPLv3 Available via CKAN
  9. New test build, fixed a small bug where the foreground processing wasn't working: (deleted, new beta released below)
  10. New release, 1.3.3: Added option to disable Ullage simulation for all engines Thanks to forum user @Nittany Tiger for the following: Add configs for OPT's OPT-E J Linear Aerospike and OPT-E SCOOP Rocket "ARI-75b". Update MM_Bluedog.cfg, Now includes configs for Agena A, Agena D, Atlas "Bossart" engines, Titan LR-87 single chamber vacuum, Saturn F-1A, J-2S, J-2A-2, J-2 sea level, and J-2T-250K.
  11. I cant download the log right now, but it sounds line you need to go to the USI thesd for those. They may be harmless, but only they can help with those errors
  12. An interesting idea, and not too hard to implement. Of course, I. An already see some interesting issues. Ill be pulling your PR this weekend, will see if I can add the Ulage option as well
  13. Well, lets see: KWPatch-Community-Parts.cfg only adds two parts based on existing parts. No need to duplicate entire files when a simple patch will do SRB Fix. is a text file, not processed unless renamed InterstageFix.cfg is a possibility. And of course, the patches for mods can’t be merged. My time is not unlimited. I see no reason to spend time merging a single patch file which is working perfectly. Back whe I did the redux, I merged over a dozen patch files which were at times contradictory and redundent. It made sense bakc the to do it, but doesn’t make sense for this. I would welcome a PR, but need to review to be sure it would be good.
  14. Essentially, yes. But, there are some which can be ignored, you will learn over time which can be ignored and which can’t.
  15. Having just spent some hours wrestling with the background processing in IFI Life Support, I think that this would be good to revive. This mod has code for ModuleGenerator, but doesn’t for ModuleResourceConvertor, it’s easy to add that since I figured it out for IFI. I approach this with trepidation, but will hopefully not be overwhelmed. of course, if @jamespicone comes back I’ll be very happy to pass it back to him. I will have my new release out in a few days for anyone who is interested, and will get CKAN updated as well. @JPLRepo let me know if you have any issues, I’ll be forking your github repo for this.
  16. I've found the problem with the background processing of the convertors. This is a test build, I would appreciate any feedback: (deleted, working on a new beta) Assuming no problems, I'll release this on Sunday.
  17. Hitting F3 right after the explosions shows the following: J-414 Jaguar Afterburning Turbofan VTOL collided into J-414 Jaguar Afterburning Turbofan VTOL T-414 Jaguar Afterburning Turbofan VTOL collided into Runway Jet engines can't be surface attached, they need to go into something. You also didn't have any air intakes. I assume you put those engines on the front for power, but that's the wrong place for them. Actually, I got the plane flying with only two of the engines, but the vrersion I updated for you has 6 on the wings. You also didn't build it with symmetry, my version has it, makes it much easier to build I've gotten your plane working, you can get it here: https://www.dropbox.com/s/g8wuvdkpm091b56/Albatros.craft?dl=0
  18. Ok. It's a KSP bug, triggered by the way you are adding them. The fact that the plane jumped up in the air was significant. Install this mod, it may help: Also, upload the craft file somewhere so I can take a look at it and try to reporoduce it So the issue is the aero effects? First, you need to do a clean install with only this mod and see if you can get it reproduced. Those effects look strange, but I have no idea what would be causing it. A log file would also be useful
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