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Bug Hunter
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Everything posted by linuxgurugamer

  1. It actually does, but the visual isn't updated until it is snapped into place. That being said, I will get it fixed.
  2. But what value did you get for your money with all those cheap games? A few hours? Tens of hours? Hundreds of hours? Thousands of hours? Then compare that to KSP. Consider the DLC as a paid expansion. You don't have to get it, the game is fine without it. DLC which is needed just to play a game is different than an expansion
  3. How is KSP an expensive game? Let's forget the value received for cost, just look at cost: Most new titles are $60-$70 on Steam. KSP is $40 on steam, when not on sale. When on sale, about $23 Now, let's look at value: Take the cost of the game and divide by the hours you expect to play the game. So that a more expensive game has a chance of being good. I'll tell you, for me and lots of others, the cost for me on an hourly basis is much less than a penny an hour. For most games, I would expect between 0.50 and $1.00 per hour. And for lots of games, they only get played for a few minutes. KSP has by far the most value per dollar spent than anything else out there right now.
  4. @The White Guardian Could you add a .version file for the next release? It is used by AVC to notify about out-of-date mods, and is extremely useful Let me know if you need help with it. Thanks LGG
  5. Keep in mind that before reporting a bug in stock, you need to eliminate mods from the equation.
  6. It could still be the DMAgic stuff, you need to remove the mods to see if it is still happening in stock
  7. When I'm building a computer, the case is the 1st thing I look at. But not for esthetics. Is there space to route cables easily? Are there any sharp edges? How good are the cooling fans and how quiet are they? At that point, I will look at the esthetics of the case. But it's extremely rare that I would get to the esthetics question.
  8. I will thanks. Both mods were added together, so that's probably how it happened
  9. @Thomas P. I have a bash script which I use to generate a better .netkan file than what Spacedock currently makes. While Spacedock makes life easier, a significant number of .netkan files have problems in one form or another. Would you be interested in it?
  10. I mean, is the .version file updated? If so, I'll fix the netkan (the mod was frozen, I need to unfreeze it) Edit: I just checked, it hasn't been. You need to fix the syntax error, and should probably bump the version number to be safe.
  11. About 3 1/2 years ago I was watching someone on Twitch playing World of Taznks. Somehow I ended up watching someone landing on Duna by spamming parachutes. Got me hooked, bought iut when 0.25 came out
  12. @DennyTX I was trying to update the .Netkan file for this since you got it updated, but there is a syntax error in the .version file, there is a missing colon after the second "MINOR". Here is a corrected file: { "NAME":"SituationModuleInfo", "URL":"http://ksp-avc.cybutek.net/version.php?id=375", "DOWNLOAD":"http://spacedock.info/mod/1008/Extended%20information%20about%20scientific%20experiments%20in%20VAB", "VERSION": { "MAJOR":1, "MINOR":3, "PATCH":1, "BUILD":1 }, "KSP_VERSION": { "MAJOR":1, "MINOR":3, "PATCH":1 }, "KSP_VERSION_MIN": { "MAJOR":1, "MINOR":3, "PATCH":0 }, "KSP_VERSION_MAX": { "MAJOR":1, "MINOR":3, "PATCH":9 } } Also, the .verison says, but Spacedock says it's Could you let me know when it's updated so I can fix the netkan file? Thanks
  13. New release, 0.3.21: Nerva CoM offset Wing CoM Wing fuel & lift 2.5m LF tank volume Update fuelTank.cfg missing s at the end of bulkheadProfiles
  14. New release, Removed log spam in editor
  15. Did you incorporate the changes I had done in my version? Did you update CKAN for this?
  16. I'd rather this not become a witch hunt. What happened, yes, but not who
  17. New release, 1.5.9: Added ModuleKerbNetAccess and ModuleDataTransmitter to both parts Reordered Changelog, now newest first
  18. Once Spacedock comes back, I'll be updating, but making a full backup first. I'm looking forward to being impressed
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