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Bug Hunter
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Everything posted by linuxgurugamer

  1. It's going to be updated to 15 seconds, with a minimum of 5,thanks I'll look into this, thanks Edit: I found the issue, it was set to show the max day, not what was available. Will be fixed in next release
  2. Found and fixed, will be in next release. FYI, this only happened when setting up a new game, not when modifying an existing one
  3. Ok, so now do this: Start the game with RSE installed, exit and save the ModuleManager.configcache Then, remove RSE and repeat. Post both for us to look at. Saving the Logs/ModuleManager directory for each would also be good
  4. If you think it is RSE, then remove it and see if that fixes the problem
  5. It works in 1.12. The font size can be changed by itself:
  6. No, should only be one. I thought I had fixed that, but will look again, thanks
  7. that is a very wide monitor, I envy you Logs won't help. And, sorry to say, I think you are out of luck. I can take a look, but not really sure what's going on, and without a monitor to test with, it's rather hard to do anything
  8. Finally, a new beta release: - BETA 2 Lots of changes and fixes Please be sure to install ALL the dependencies listed in the OP https://github.com/linuxgurugamer/IFI-Life-Support/releases/tag/
  9. It actually has nothing to do with the alternative fuels, that was a rabbit hole. I modified one of the engines to use Liquid fuel, just like stock, and had the same issue, so it looks like another issue with the part models. I also tried replacing the model (.mu file) , and it worked, so it's definitely something with the .mu file No idea yet, will keep digging
  10. It should, try it out and report back. Note, however, the author hasn’t been around in months
  11. I never heard back, and since the license won’t allow me to adopt, I’ve dropped this endeavor . Specifically, this includes parts from CXG2827 - CXaerospace Station Parts which is under ARR. I contacted the author of that mod, and he was unwilling to change the license, the limited terms he offered would have been difficult to follow. Sad, it is a nice mod, and I had already done a lot of work on it before I heard back
  12. New release, 0.0.1 Added display of additional contract parameters
  13. This doesn't seem to work, at least in the limited testing I've been able to do Edit: It doesn't work on the Kane-SABP1 Command Pod Boilerplate, but does work on the regular Kane There IS an error in the patch, you forgot to delete the old ModuleAnimateGeneric, but I've added that in my testing
  14. Yes, the parts do have Tweakscale in there. I'll update the patch to remove the module if Tweakscale is not installed
  15. sorry, been rather busy, will try to get it to you in a bit
  16. I'm going to update the instructions to remove the "double-click" method for Linux, apparently that doesn't work anymore, or at least not on the current desktops I've tested it on. Beyond that, I'll wait to hear from @Ruedii before releasing anything
  17. I have now tested it on a CentOS 7 system, and it worked fine. This test was CLI based, since the CetnOS system I had was one of my servers I tested the following (so you can replicate): 1. Cd'd into the SXT directory, ran the following command: bash BashCopyTextures.sh 2. Cd'd in the GameData directory, ran the following command: bash SXT/BashCopyTextures.sh 3. Cd.d in the main KSP directory, ran the following command: bash GameData/SXT/BashCopyTextures.sh I'm building a new Kubuntu using the Easy Install method, will test there when done Edit: I've now repeated these same tests in Kubuntu, and they work. The only thing that doesn't work is the double-clicking of the file from the desktop, I copied the terminal output below (the messages about "cannot create" are ok since the files are already there): Desktop/KSP_1.12.3_dev/GameData/SXT$ bash BashCopyTextures.sh (screen cleared) /n/nThis batch file will copy the missing textures from the inaccessable Squad/zDeprecated directory /n/n Press return to continue mkdir: cannot create directory ‘fuelTankT800_v1’: File exists mkdir: cannot create directory ‘fuelTankT400_v1’: File exists mkdir: cannot create directory ‘fuelTankJumbo-64’: File exists mkdir: cannot create directory ‘Size3Decoupler’: File exists mkdir: cannot create directory ‘fuelTankX200-32’: File exists mkdir: cannot create directory ‘protectiveRocketNoseMk7’: File exists mkdir: cannot create directory ‘probeStackSphere’: File exists mkdir: cannot create directory ‘liquidEngine48-7S’: File exists mkdir: cannot create directory ‘liquidEngineSkipper’: File exists mkdir: cannot create directory ‘dockingPort’: File exists mkdir: cannot create directory ‘dockingPortSr’: File exists mkdir: cannot create directory ‘rcsBlockRV-105’: File exists /n/nThe files have been copied/n Press return to continue jbb@jbb-virtual-machine:~/Desktop/KSP_1.12.3_dev/GameData/SXT$
  18. Ok, I'll make a Kubuntu install in a vm and test the script there
  19. First off, you are running KSP 1.11. Second, there is a newer version. Not sure if that fixes this issue, but you should always have the current version, I can't do anything for old versions Third, what is the setting for Auto Stock Alarms? I'm going to make a guess that it's on, try turning it off
  20. New release, Fixed issue with some parts which have variants which have colliders below nozzle, causing a raycast search to hit the wrong part
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