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Bug Hunter
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Everything posted by linuxgurugamer

  1. Not planning on that. Also no sure what it would take to sense daylight
  2. No waterfall yet (no one has offered), and please send me your patches Thanks
  3. Any chance of getting this released? I just ran into the problem with CTT as well, the fix on Github works
  4. I'll be trying this out in my new career game, looking forward to seeing how it goes
  5. Strange. No one else has reported anything like this. Is it possible there is something on your computer which is automatically resizing the game?
  6. So what's the problem, then? The mod itself already ignores parts which have an inventory
  7. New release, 2.0.1 Added functionality to TrackingStation (this instead of adding another mod: "Resource Details in Tracking Center") This addition was inspired by a request I got to revive another mod, I decided to incorporate the functionality of it into this since they were so similiar
  8. Move whatever is in the nested GameData folder into the top GameData folder, ignore the duplicates. Then delete the nested GameData folder
  9. What kind of inventory? Stock inventory?
  10. If you has asked for help, I would have been able to tell you the one file you needed to delete. By design it leaves the file behind, and should be documented in the OP. I'll check that and add a note if necessary . Edit: this behavior is documented in the OP, I just added a second note to point out that it needs to be deleted to fully delete the mod
  11. That does sound like a problem. Can you be a bit more specific, as in, exact steps needed to reproduce it?
  12. New release Thanks to @HebaruSan for this: Fix cfg syntax error
  13. New release, Thanks to github user @SpoonyBoobah for this: Completed ALL Science Experiments and activated them in the cfg's
  14. New release, Fixed three lines where GUIStyle was being allocated during an OnGUI call multiple times, leading to memory leaks Thanks to github user @monstrim for this: Technodes now check for AnyToUnlock for progress/cancelling Thanks to github user @Horathio for this: Fixed typo in variable assignment of ParseBuildRateFormula()
  15. new release, Thanks to forum user @HebaruSan for this: Fixed some minor syntax error in cfg files
  16. New release, Thanks to forum user @HebaruSan for this: Fixed minor syntax error in the French translation
  17. New release, 0.1.3 Thanks to github user AtomikkuSan for these: Create CONFIG_ElevonSquished.cfg Create CONFIG_X-37B_XeGas.cfg Update CONFIG_X-37B_crewModule.cfg Create CONFIG_X-37B_scienceModule.cfg OMS Engines and Other Updates! Update CONFIG_X-37B_LFO.cfg Create CONFIG_X-37B_MP.cfg Update CONFIG_X-37B_LqfOx_RCS.cfg
  18. That's what I thought, but he said "just posted", not "posted recently", so I was/am wondering what he referred to.
  19. Quite so. But, modders do this for fun, are unpaid and in many cases underappreciated. A modder is one person, who cannot do the amount of development and testing that a team can. Also, a modder does not have access to the system documentation or internals, which in many cases means that a mod just can't work as well as something built into a program. I said that in many cases modders are underappreciated. I must emphasize that there are many people/players who DO appreciate and express their appreciation to modders
  20. New release, Added functionality for stock skin Fixed mass/twr calculations for RO Added adjustable font settings Added scene specific save locations (editor & flight). Settings window only has a single location saved Added color to fonts Full release, out of beta.
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