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Bug Hunter
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Everything posted by linuxgurugamer

  1. Thanks, I did see it, but have been very busy, hope to get to it this weekend Thanks
  2. would be best if you post things like this here first, so that others can see the issue and respond.
  3. How did you install RO? And, what vessel are you using to test, along with how many Kerbals are in it? Have you tested it on an unmanned vessel? That's good to know
  4. Looks like it's not quite 45 degrees. How about trying +/- 5 degrees (ie: 40 and 50) and see how it looks.
  5. Incorrectly installed, see these lines from the log file: [LOG 09:34:20.998] Incorrect ResourceOverview Installation: ResourceOverview has been installed incorrectly and will not function properly. All files should be located in KSP/GameData/ResourceOverview/Plugins. Do not move any files from inside that folder. Incorrect path(s): GameData\GameData\ResourceOverview\Plugins\ResourceOverview.dll [WRN 09:34:21.062] File 'C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Kerbal Space Program\GameData\KerbalChangelog\KerbalChangelogSettings.cfg' does not exist Hmm, what about in flight? I'll look into this. The whole idea of this mod is to show the resources, and to be as lightweight as possible. For now, that's not going to happen Next beta will have a stock skin. Again, lightweight, everything that gets added makes an impact May be doable in the future, I'll keep this in mind
  6. Originally made by forum user @SMILIE for 0.90, hasn't been updated for many years. Original thread is here: https://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/83840-090-resource-overview-for-vabsph-v1200-16-dec/#comment-1382943 Resource Overview for VAB/SPH and Flight It's a simple plugin which shows you following things in the VAB/SPH: Total/Dry Mass Crew Capacity Part Count All Resources on the vessel and their max amount Total/dry mass, crew capacity and part count can be toggled on/off in the settings window. Toolbar and stock app launcher can also be enabled/disabled via the settings window. Dependencies SpaceTuxLibrary ToolbarController ClickThroughBlocker Availability Source: https://github.com/linuxgurugamer/ResourceOverview Download: https://spacedock.info/mod/3021/Resource Overview License: CC-BY-SA 4.0 Available via CKAN
  7. New release, Changed Update to FixedUpdate (slight optimization)
  8. I've done a quick test in the editor, they look ok, but would like someone to try this in a game with actual landing before including it in the mod. Please ping me with the results
  9. New release, Thanks to github user @KvaNTy for this: On loading settings, code was checking wrong file-path for texture. And when dragging buttons into folder, code for saving folder's icon been forgotten.
  10. New release, 1.3.10 Thanks to github user @nash-p for this: Added sounds launch sounds for Friendship 7, Faith 7, Liberty 7 and Gemini 3. Also renamed generic 'Apollo' to 'Apollo8; given that new Apollo sounds will be added (hopefully). Note that the sounds still use the generic 'Hold' and 'Abort' sounds from SpaceX, I also haven't specified TowerCleared, AllEngines for any of them, yet. But the countdowns are complete.
  11. Use CKAN to install the VesselView-UI-Toolbar, that will solve the problem Please confirm, then I'll get CKAN updated for this
  12. How did you install it? According to the log file, that DLL is just not there. I'm guessing you did a manual install Also, it's better to get me the Player.log, the KSP.lgo is missing some info, but it looks like you have a very old version of VV installed
  13. Sorry, not something I have the ability to work with at this time
  14. This is usually caused by a bad install, missing mod dependencies or mods installed in the wrong location
  15. New release, Thanks to forum user @ColdJ for updating all the tags in all the part, making it more consistent when doing searches Thanks for forum user @HebaruSan for fixing a few syntax errors
  16. New release, Fixed harmless exception reverting to the editor from flight Thanks to github user @epower53 for this: Fixed the non-EC resource consumption on jump execution. Now only EC will be drained, while other resources are left as-is.
  17. New release, 1.2.12 Thanks to Github user @WagnerGFX for this: Fixed the Intuitive Maneuvers feature. The logic itself is intact, what I changed was another logic that detected new maneuver nodes to add the handler to override the stock behavior. Added a fix to the "+ Orb" button that was displaying as "- + Orb" while only incrementing. This issue was in the English, Spanish and Russian translation, but not on the Chinese one.
  18. Please don't ever paste a log file here, a link like this is best Not really a good idea, would be best to fix the problem. It's actually not compiled for 1.12, you should wait for @Lisias to release an upcoming update before digging more into this I didn't see anything significant in the log file
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