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Bug Hunter
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Everything posted by linuxgurugamer

  1. Not really, that's baked into the parts, You may want to look at Vapor Vent:
  2. Two things: First, I can't see those pictures. Second, what does this have to do with SmartParts?
  3. I'll see what I can do. As long as only one is activated, there shouldn't be any problem
  4. Please describe what happened, I'll test for it
  5. I occasionally need to refer back to some old notes posted for previous releases. I always am annoyed to have to search for them, so I've collected all the links I can find here: modders-notes-for-ksp-1.2 modders-notes-for-1.3 1.3-changes-not-mentioned-in-the-notes Missing notes for 1.4, 1.5, 1.6, and 1.7 1.8.0-modders-notes modders-notes-1.9.0 modders-notes-1.10.0 modders-notes-1.11.0 modders-notes-1.12.0 modders-notes-for-making-history-expansion Somewhat out-of-date wiki: https://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/137476-new-ksp-api-documentation-v141/#comment-2525226 @JPLRepo @TriggerAu If you could get me the links for the missing notes, I'd like to add them here
  6. Ummm, that's what KSP does already, when a ship is on rails. What they are doing is a way to minimize all the individual physics calculations for all the individual parts in the ship when it is loaded and active
  7. See previous message Part of the work I'm planning on doing
  8. I’m going to adopt this mod, give me a few days I need to see if it needs any work Linuxgurugamer Edit: good news is that I have it working in 1.12
  9. Hmmm, I uploaded to Spacedock this morning using Chrome, didn’t have any issues. Could it be some sort of issue with your internet?
  10. APC is good, and some of the can have external batteries added
  11. Ummm, how? Your previous statement is diametrically opposite of this. You are contradicting yourself. Your previous statement said: If you don't control time warp, you can't make a course correction
  12. Ummm, how is inter-SOI irrelevant? What about mid-course corrections? What if, for whatever reason, you have a vessel going to planet A, and realize that it can go to planet B and get more science? This is something that I do, I launch very-capable probes which have enough delta-v to be able to change destinations.
  13. New beta, This is a release candidate Change Anomalies module from loading 1x to loading every time flight scene is entered Fixed issue with multiple rovers being in physics range causing exceptions https://github.com/linuxgurugamer/RoverScience-Continued/releases/tag/ Please note that I added the dependencies to the OP and here: Dependencies Click Through Blocker ToolbarController SpaceTuxLibrary
  14. It works with all the regular experiments. It does not work with the experiments added in the DLC, those require actions. This also does not with with experiments which can not be done multiple times
  15. No, sorry. This mod does things that are incompatible with other mods, including scaling
  16. A nice little mod to help you get science originally made by @WaveFunctionP, original thread here: https://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/107803-142-forscience-v152-your-science-autopilot/ It hasn't been updated since KSP 1.4.2, I've adopted this and brought it up-to-date PCGamer: http://www.pcgamer.com/the-best-kerbal-space-program-mods-2/ ForScience! is an autopilot for running, collecting and resetting experiments. Science can start to be a little grindy or tedious after some time playing KSP. This plugin is intended to help improve the experience in various ways. What it does: Automagicly detects and runs experiments that have science available, when they are available. (Even those special biomes around KSC.) Automagicly collects the data from those experiments into a science container (command pod). Automagicly resets experiments that are "run once", when you have a scientist onboard. (mystery goo, sci jrs) What it does not do: Give you science you could haven't gotten otherwise. Run experiments that do not implement the stock science modules. Run "run once" experiments without a scientist on board. How to Use: The Green FS toolbar icon means it is running. The Red FS toolbar icon means it is not running. No toolbar icon means you have no containers onboard, (And that it is not runnning). Dependencies Click Through Blocker ToolbarController SpaceTuxLibrary Availability Source Code: https://github.com/linuxgurugamer/ForScience Download: https://spacedock.info/mod/3010/ForScience! License: CC-BY-SA-4.0 Available via CKAN
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