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Bug Hunter
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Everything posted by linuxgurugamer

  1. I looked at your log file, you have errors from a multitude of mods. The majority seem to be from FAR, I suggest you contact the FAR thread with this same info
  2. Forum user @oyster_catcher write this mod Dec, 2020, original thread is here: https://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/198760-181-1101-boostguidance-v101/ This mod aims to autonomously guide a Booster to land on a drone ship or the launch site (or anywhere else) using a combination of Boostback, Re-entry Burn, Aerodynamic Descent and Landing Burn, i.e. SpaceX Falcon 9 style. Select your landing point either by clicking on it, typing the latitude+longitude+altitude or selecting a target (e.g. drone ship). Its aimed to be reliable and fairly easy to use. It also works in Realism Overhaul where limited throttle able engines and limited ignitions mean you can't play fast and lose with your engines. With suitable engines and using the right number active you can achieve in Realism Overhaul which gives a real feeling of satisfaction. The mod relies on accurately simulating the entire trajectory to landing including burns later in the flight which means guidance should be accurate without the need for any heroic maneuvers as the impact of say the reentry burn is properly factored in. Booster Guidance will continuously monitor the target error and aim to reduce it in boostback, re-entry burn, aerodynamic descent and in the landing burn steering either via engines or via grid-fins depending on the phase of flight. You can set the steering gains during the flight to give the grid fins more/less to do, and configure the reentry burn via altitude and target velocity. Some more advanced settings allow you to set safety margins, speed of final descent, at what height to give up steering and more. You can also log the whole flight and plot it to examine in detail what happened and how closely you could copy SpaceX. Availability Source code: https://github.com/linuxgurugamer/BoosterGuidance Download:https://spacedock.info/mod/3018/Booster Guidance Boosted License: GPLv3 Available via CKAN New Dependency Click Through Blocker ToolbarController SpaceTuxLibrary Here's some videos showing it working with a single stage Falcon 9 booster In Realism Overhaul with a 2-stage Falcon 9 rocket where I make a half-hearted attempt to get the 2nd-stage to orbit. Limitations Clicking the target only works close to the terrain or there are physical structure (some KSP/Unity Raycast limitation I don't understand) In Realism Overhaul you may need to manually reduce the gain close to landing to avoid large oscillations Landing legs deployment is unreliable Guiding more than one booster simultaneously should be possible but is currently unreliable. My goal is a Falcon Heavy two booster landing. That will be awesome! It should work on other planets too though the trajectory should be sub-orbital to impact the ground within about 10 minutes as simulation time is limited for CPU reasons Changes by Linuxgurugamer Removed need to have FAR installed to compile, now accessing FAR via Reflection Reorganized repo Added InstallChecker and AssemblyVersion Moved DLL into Plugins directory Added missing Localization folder Added support for the ClickThroughBlocker Added support for the ToolbarController Merged code in BoosterGuidanceApp.cs into the MainWindow.cs Added code to hide window controls if target is not set Increased width of window slightly Added sample F9 built with Tundra Exploration (will need to be manually moved into save game) Consolidated all logging functions into a single class Moved Logging files into <KSPDIR>/Logs/BoosterGuidance/ Fixed issue with NullRefs caused by inconsistent logging calls Added automatic enabling of RCS Added automatic triggering of a desired action group Added limitation of engine thrust vs where vessel is pointing Moved Enable/disable guidance button to top of buttons, and changed Enable color to green, Disable color to red
  3. Sorry, I think I got 3 or 4 log files that day, got confused. Try this, it's a fast quick-fix for the null-refs I see in the log file: (deleted) If you get issues with the handles, please get me another log file, I added an extra logging statement which might help me figure this ou t Edit: Sorry, had to remove it, didn't build correctly Edit: Here: https://www.dropbox.com/s/p8qsiw9c9bkpr5w/B9_Aerospace_ProceduralWings-
  4. A copy of the ModuleManager.configcache file would be useful
  5. New release, RC-2 Removed all calls to FindPartModuleImplementing<> RoverScienceDB is now created as a child of RoverScience https://github.com/linuxgurugamer/RoverScience-Continued/releases/tag/ And, the poll came up with this result: Rover Science Re-Mobilized Assuming no more changes, release in a few days
  6. ummmm, Enriched Uranium? What's that, it's not part of stock.
  7. So you are launching horizontal, not vertical? Try tilting it up slightly, so the left is slightly higher than the right. Also, get me a copy of the craft file, I'll try it out when I get some time
  8. how did you install it? you have a large number of mods installed. Please make a smaller install and test it there. If it works, then add a few mods at a time until you start getting failures
  9. It was a YouTube video 400 engines, and if you have 400 tanks,, then that is 16,000 timescas much overhead as a single tank/engine combo. Add mods, and the lag becomes understandable. It's not just the tanks, it's the tanks multiplied by the number of engines
  10. It's not just the parts. How many engines do you have, and how many tanks? There is a problem where, for example, if you have 10 tanks and 10 engines, that will have 100x the performance impact of 1 engine and 1 tank; 10 tanks and 1 engine is fairly low. That picture showed a lot of tanks and engines. It also depends on mods, and how many part modules are added to each part.
  11. How many parts? What are the specs of your computer? What mods (if any) do you have installed ?
  12. It should be, but remember that it's not compatible with any mod which changes info on a part
  13. Read this BEFORE asking for support: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/83212-how-to-get-support-read-first/ I assume he installed it via Steam? Did he install any mods?
  14. Would need to see aog file (see my sig for info). Have you tried restarting the game? You may also try creating a new save
  15. for now, looks like there may be another missing model, I'll have to look at it later
  16. There is a script in the directory you have to run. It's documented in the OP, I'll copy it here:
  17. Only the original author can edit the OP. In cases where I adopt mods, I usually start a new thread to avoid confusion
  18. ok, I'll take a look. Was this a totally clean install? Also, are you running it native or under Wine (or another emulator)/ The log file says you are using the windows player
  19. ok, you need to be a bit more detailed. Which toolbar, the stock toolbar or the Blizzy toolbar? I looked at the log file, you don't have any other mods installed which would use either the ToolberController or the Blizzy Toolbar. How can the problem persist if there aren't any mods installed?
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