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Bug Hunter
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Everything posted by linuxgurugamer

  1. Ok, here is a fixed file: https://www.dropbox.com/s/vaqxdtk6on4theb/QuizTechAeroPackContinued-1.3.8.zip?dl=0 Please confirm it's good before I release Thanks
  2. What happened was that I had ro rename the model, and forgot to update the cfg
  3. I realized I made a mistake a little while ago, I'll fix it in an hour. Which is why I said it was a test release Thanks
  4. Made some time, here is a test release, please let me know how it is: https://www.dropbox.com/s/8e5xdlld7kzejc1/QuizTechAeroPackContinued-1.3.8.zip?dl=0 Fixed K-35B engine/wings, thanks @TMasterson5
  5. I see it, will get it added this evening. Thank you!!!!!
  6. Glad you found it. Next time, post a link to the log file. It's impossible to do any sort of help without it. This goes for any mod, not just this one
  7. Yes, you will be able to override it. Re. it being saved, it is saved correctly. I'm not definite on this yet, but if I can't fix it, then I will lock it from being a root part.
  8. Just tried this, it seems that some other modules will override this (probably ModuleCommand, among others) I ended up using the attachRules as you described in the part
  9. No need. Just make sure you are on the latest, then send me the entire log file.
  10. PluginData/JanitorsCloset.cfg Which buttons were you trying it on, or did it not matter?
  11. I assume this is the same save that you sent me the CKAN info on? What scene are you in, and which button did you do it on?
  12. Does anybody else have identify information they can send me on the buttons? I'd like to have as many as possible before the next release. Thanks
  13. and I've removed the conflict from CKAN. thanks
  14. Subject says it all. I have a part (NRAP) which I want to set so it can't be a root part. Thanks The following answers my question:
  15. Be sure to ping me, either via PM or here, when you have it fixed and ready for release Thanks
  16. It's been reported to me that Hullcam is now working with the latest version of Kerbalism. Before I remove the incompatible flag from CKAN, I'd like some other people to install it and let me know how it goes. Do the same with Kronal Vessel Viewer, if possible. Thanks
  17. Oh. Duh! Sorry, my mistake. yes, they do, I'll put this in as a bug Thanks That is a stock message, not from this mod
  18. @Fan777 Reporting bugs is fine. More information is better. Criticizing is not! Mod authors do not get paid, they do this in their own time, for their own enjoyment and reasons. Many times they don't have the time to test all permutations. If you don't like something in a mod, then fix it. Or ask politely if there is anything you can do to help (see @Jebs_SY's post above yours). While this may be simple to fix, it also may not. If you don't like the lack of response, you are free to fork it, make a local copy and fix it for yourself, or just don't use it!!!!
  19. @politas I just made a bunch of updates fixing most of the errors I saw in the stats.ksp-ckan.org page. Hope it helps, let me know if anything was wrong (I merged them since they were just typos, new dir names, or in at least two cases, overriding the .version file due to a syntax error)
  20. Hi, Your .version file has a typo which is causing errors. the second quote on line 8 is not the correct quotes, it appears to be backquotes. This can happen if you copy/paste from a windows editor. It is very hard to see, the best way to validate it is to go to the following site: http://jsonlint.com and paste the entire text of the file in, it will show if there are any errors and where, although a back quote is still hard to identify, it will show where the error is Edit: It actually looks ok on Github, for some reason, what you have on Spacedock has a bad file Edit 2:Can you notify me when you do the next update, so I can revert changes I made to CKAN to bypass the error? Thanks
  21. I'm still working on the final problem, which is when NRAP is the root part, and you leave the scene and come back, the size is wrong. I'm leaning towards not allowing it to be a root part.
  22. Thank you for letting me know, I'll contact him to find out what was done to fix it
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