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Bug Hunter
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Everything posted by linuxgurugamer

  1. When a part exceeds it's lifetime, failures become more common
  2. When showing a vessel in a ortho mode, sometimes you won't want to show them. Look for the button on the toolbar: KVV
  3. Did you notice I got the stock fairings exploding and opaque properly?
  4. I'm not sure, since I don't play with this, but I'm sure there are others who can help
  5. And here I was thinking it was ready for a release. Craft file and log file, please. Most importantly, I need to know which heat shield, from which mod
  6. It very specifically says that Liquid Hydrogen is less dense than liquid fuel, so you will need more tanks. You are comparing apple to oranges. Don't complain about a documented feature of the mod. The mod is doing what it is designed to do.
  7. Release day: 0.0.6 Fixed null ref when going into flight Added support for stock fairings exploding and opacity (some dirty Reflection code) Added .version file Added version info into Assembly info Converted numeric inputs into sliders on config screens Converted shaders into bundle files Added bundle files for all environments (Window, Windows OpenGL, OSX and Linux) Removed engine fairing explode option Now available on Spacedock and Githhub (see OP for links) and submitted to CKAN
  8. Post the craft file, please. also the log file. And what did the F3 screen say? Is it possible there was a vessel there already? Also, for everyone, I just uploaded a slight update, removes some bad files from the zip:
  9. If you can make it as a Unity model (ie: in a .mu format), I'd be happy to take alook at it.
  10. Which files are you editing? In the editor, when you right-click the drive module in the parts list, it should show the drive information with the updated values. If you aren't seeing it, I'm wondering if you are updating the correct parts. I know the correct version is there, becuase it fixed the FPS issue for @steedcrugeon Please delete the entire directory and reinstall before testing again
  11. Ok. Please raise the Plane and Relay types as an issue on Github. Then go ahead and raise the Debris as another issue. There may be a problem with debris because of what it is, but if I get time to look at the first two, I'll look into the Debris as well. Check before you start, it may already have been done
  12. I'm updating Kronal Vessel Viewer for 1.2.1, and have made a lot of progress. However, I'm stumped when working with the stock fairings. Specifically, when in the editor, and you move the mouse over a fairing, it explodes and becomes opaque. I've figured out that using the following functions will manually set the exploded view and opacity, my problem is that the game seems to constantly update and reset them no matter where the mouse is: p.SetExplodedView(VesselViewConfig.fairingPanelValueParam); p.SetTgtExplodedView(VesselViewConfig.fairingPanelValueParam); p.SetOpacity(0); p.SetTgtOpacity(0); I can probably remove the two SetTgt... functions, but that's not my issue. So for now, I have a LateUpdate function which constantly sets the values while in the Editor. It works, kindof, but is kludgy, also the opacity of the fairings flickers. Is there any way to disable the game from constantly setting those values? I've even tried using the following: InputLockManager.SetControlLock(ControlTypes.All, "KVV"); EditorLogic.fetch.Lock(true, true, true, "KVV"); Thanks in advance
  13. Feel free. If you do, and you get it into a good condition, do a PR, I might include it always possible I'll change my mind when i actually get back to working on this
  14. I can't make the end segments line up the way you are asking. It's using the stock code to do the offsets, and that's what stock code does when you move the mouse over the fairing. Regarding the opacity, I have a partial solution, but it involves doing constant updates, so you will see flickering in the view because stock code keeps trying to change it. I don't have a great solution yet for this
  15. Sorry for being a bit out of it, I've been busy (see this: https://goo.gl/KxlgIC for details) I just merged the changes from @LeLeon, and have created an actual release:, available here: https://github.com/linuxgurugamer/LLL-Continued/releases
  16. New release: 0.1.6: Fixed issues with config values not appearing properly in mod Fixed issues with stacking drives not working properly Fixed stacking scale Pre-calculated exponents to save time @steedcrugeon I used GCMonitor to watch the FPS. Using 3 drives, there was 0 drop on my system. It may have been the exponents causing the problem, I took care of that
  17. The stacking of the drives is new, and somewhat complicated. It's being worked on
  18. No. Debris is just that, Debris. I'll look into the Plane and Relay types.
  19. Can you be a bit more specific? Also, the craft file and the log file would be useful. More information is needed. Did you have multiple drives? Can you please post the config you modified?
  20. New release: 0.1.4 Added option to filter by mods Not really, that's outside the scope of this mod. It's an idea, please open an issue on Github, I might do it later
  21. I don't think so. I think the last time this worked before I started with it was in a 1.0 version
  22. New release: 0.1.5: * Updated stacking to be a descending exponential curve for additional drives. It is now using the formula: force * 1.4 ^ (-cnt) Where force = generated force by drive cnt = cnt of additional drive mode. So this means that the following applies to additional drives: Drive # Multiplier 2 0.714285714 3 0.510204082 4 0.364431487 5 0.260308205 6 0.185934432 7 0.132810309 8 0.094864506 9 0.067760362 10 0.048400258 * Updated display of generated force and chances to take multiple drives into account
  23. I am aware of a harmless Null Ref Exception when going to the launchpad. No need to update, just ignore it
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