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Bug Hunter
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Everything posted by linuxgurugamer

  1. @NecroBones Is this needed anymore in 1.2? If so, are you going to recompile it ?
  2. zip will compress it a lot, and I do need it. Put it on a dropbox or google drive, let me know and I'll grab it as soon as I get the notice
  3. Meant to say "entire", phone messed it up. Please get me a copy of your entire GameData directory, thanks. Looks like you are hitting some limit, it will be easier to find if I have your directory to test with. Thanks
  4. Also, please delete the evite directory and reinstall it. If that doesn't help, could you zip up the entire GameData directory and put it somewhere I can get it? Thanks
  5. For me, once I'm ready to release, takes about 10 minutes. I keep a changelog up-to-date as I make changes, so I don't bother rewriting the read-me that often: Update .version file Rebuild release code Run script to build release package (mostly a Windows batch file, a few use a bash shell script) Commit all changes to Git Push changes to github Upload new file to Spacedock (I don't bother with curseforge) Upload new file to Github (this also tags the release for me) Update KSP-AVC web site with correct version Post in appropriate forum What takes time for me is when I'm doing an initial release for a new (or newly adopted) mod. Also, I update the version file first because part of the build process embeds the version into the assembly, so that when someone has a problem and send me the log file, I can immediately see which version they are running. This has helped solve some issues very quickly, when people say that they are running the latest and it turns out they aren't. So rather than calling someone out, I can simply point to the log file and say that they made a mistake. Anyway, regarding a quick patch, why don't you do the coding and just make an unofficial dll available?
  6. Hi Everybody, I noticed that @Leeman hasn't been around since Sept. 27. That being the case, I wouldn't mind adopting this and keeping it going. let me know
  7. Is this 1.2.1 compatible? If so, can you get the version info updated so that CKAN can install it? Thanks
  8. New release: 0.1.7: Fixed sort of sizes Added text "Adapter" to adapter sizes Moved initial window position right 100 pixels Added code so that window will have a minimum height of 10 buttons, and a maximum height of 20 Fixed sort so that: The line with "larger" appears at the end Lines beginning with "Adapter" appear after the other lines
  9. And the log file showed one issue: You don't have the latest version installed, you are running 1.5, it's up to 1.6. Anyway, might as well wait a few minutes, I'm fixing the sort and will put in something which will keep the window at a minimum size
  10. Log file please. I just installed (as a test) the latest version available through CKAN, and this is what I see: http://imgur.com/a/R3H3D that looks like an older version, but I need to see your log file to know exactly what's going on
  11. What are the specs of your system? What kind of video card? It's a resource intensive mod, I haven't heard of anyone else having problems. Please send me your log file, maybe there will be some info there. Thanks
  12. If I don't hear about any other problems, I'll do a release in a day or so. At that time I'll get it updated in CKAN as well
  13. Well, that isn't really a bug, it a factor of the way the game works. and it's not worth the time to code around it. when a vessel is not in focus, essentially nothing is going on, very few of the modules do anything while the vessel is on rails
  14. So, anyone who wishes to volunteer to make a model? I'd be very happy to include it instead of the current parts
  15. Not at the present time. I'm not aware of the issue with timewarping, but if you could try it out (since you know what you are looking for) and let us know, that would be great
  16. Can someone provide a list of open issues? I would like to do a full release, so that it would be available in CKAN, but would like to at least have a list of what's not working Thanks
  17. I'm not going to move the files, but a list of parts and suggested categories would be useful. Thanks
  18. New release 0.1.6: Fixed problem with model usage not being detected. Replaced messy code with better identifiation of model & mesh files Speaking of SXT, if you can suggest better organization of the parts, please let me know, since I also maintain that
  19. and I just found the problem. Apparently the SXT part refers to the file as a model, while the Squad code refers to it as a mesh
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