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Bug Hunter
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Everything posted by linuxgurugamer

  1. I have an idea what's going on, but I'll need the complete log file, and if possible a copy of the persistent.sfs file. Thanks
  2. Since you've seemed to have adopted this, why don't you start a new thread and ask the moderators to lock this one? Also, the netkan is still saying this is only 1.10 to 1.1.99 compatible. Would you like me to get it updated?
  3. Install The Janitor's Closet, and you can then use the "Mod Filter" to only show parts from whichever mod you want.
  4. @HalcyonSon This thread is about the KVV mod, not about specific vessels.
  5. Oh. Duh! I'm just waking up after a very long night. Find the file: GameData/SXT/Patches/ModCompatibility/WIP/KIS/SXT_KIS.cfg Delete it. It's an older file, I'll have to go over it and figure out what makes sense
  6. I kind of thought it was a language issue. No offense taken, and please try the update
  7. I'll certainly add that, but, I'd like to make some points: Please don't lecture me. Your tone is very condescending, and frankly, it is somewhat offensive. I'm hoping it is more of a language issue, and I'll take it that way. This isn't my job. I don't have the time to do full testing debugging, I (and other mod authors) depend on good reports. I asked for the full GameData directory so I could isolate the bad mods and notify the authors. I looked at your log file again, and was struck by the fact that there were a number of various exceptions. I suppose i should have done that earlier, but I was focused on this mod. Those exceptions are most likely the cause of this error. You should notify the author of those mods to get those problems fixed, they will only lead to other issues elsewhere. Very specifically, DynamicTanks, IRSurfaceSampler and FlattenMountains keep coming up Finally, you are running an outdated version of Lack Luster Labs Continued. I know this because I saw a error in the log which has been fixed Anyway, I just uploaded the next version: 0.1.8: Removed limitation on width of displayable lines in the mod filter Added check for null part in the InitialPartScan(), needed in case other mods mess up during loading and put a null part into the loadedParts list
  8. Ummm, if that happens when KIS is installed, then you have a problem with KIS
  9. AGM? Please post a log file And can you please be a little more specific? For example, can you select an action group with the part and it isn't being activated?
  10. How does FF store the award info? what happens when someone reverts a game, or loads a save?
  11. I would suspect FF. Krash reverts the entire file, but if FF keeps some stuff in memory, it's not going to know about the test.
  12. I must say that I'm looking forward to seeing this working again. Looks like it will be around the time I am ready to start a new career game. I'm looking forward most of all to the treads, just love them and still miss them. If you are doing private testing, please consider including me; I'd appreciate being able to test some of my other mods with this in there. It helps if I read back 2 posts
  13. That would be great. Emissives are good too, just get me the model and textures, and tell me what the name of the emissive is.
  14. Hi All, New thread here: I now have a release for 1.2.1. Currently only on github, will be adding to Spacedock soon and then to CKAN Please move all discussion to the new thread. Thanks
  15. Since @Leeman hasn't been around, and I needed to use this, I've revived it for 1.2.1. Most of the following text is just copied from the previous thread (here) and the original thread (here) Navball docking alignment indicator (Community Edition) To begin with, it is just fair to say that @mic_e is the original Author of this mod. His thread can be found here. As stated in this thread as I personally like this mod alot and he wasn't online for 3 Months I decided to pick it up and continue it's development in his absence. License and all will be kept exactly the same, the only difference will be the name (added Community Edition for clarity) and the sourcecode obviously. Now a little bit about this mod, what it does and what you use it for. Ever had the issue that when you were planning a rendevouz in space and wanted to dock to your target however it was a pain in the a** due to rotation of camera, lightning or some other reason? Well then this mod might be just the mod you are looking for. This will add a new Marker to the Navball to show if you are aligned with the targeted Dockingport. (You can also tell the targets rotation by it if you need it) and this will save you lot of fiddeling and switching back and forth to double and triple check. It really is just a minimalistic mod and yet so usefull Features Add a new marker to the navball to indicate Dockingport alignment You can change the color of the marker via a config (r, g, b values) Pictures: Screenshots It's just a red marker on the navball. So enjoy the following pictures of red markers... on navballs. They even have descriptions! We're directly facing the alignment marker. As you can see, the vessels are off quite a bit, but their docking ports are precisely parallel. The target velocity marker is used to 'push' the position marker in the direction of the alignment marker. As soon as it has arrived there, the velocity marker is moved onto the alignment marker. Where to download: Github: https://github.com/linuxgurugamer/NavBallDockingAlignmentIndicatorCE/releases Spacedock: http://spacedock.info/mod/1098/Navball%20Docking%20Alignment%20Indicator%20CE-2 it also is available via CKAN License: GNU GPL v3 Source Github https://www.patreon.com/linuxgurugamer Issues and Suggestions: Here or on Github Changelogs (newest Version on top): Version Built for KSP 1.2.1 Added versioning into assembly Version: 1.01 change color of the marker via config; By default red; Version 1.0b Fixed issue where marker did not disappear on vessel / target change Version 1.0a Disabled Debugging Information as in toggleable via Hotkey Version 1.0 Rewrote most of the code ("legacy" code is marked in the SourceCode) Compatible with KSP 1.1
  16. New update: https://github.com/linuxgurugamer/VOID/releases/tag/1.1.4-beta updated with latest code from KER for new fuel flow methods
  17. I just rebuilt Kramax for 1.2.1 Please download and test again, and then get me the log files. thanks
  18. Ok, then please test it as a plugin, using the toolbar to open the window, I want to know if this is an IVA problem or not Thanks
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