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Bug Hunter
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Everything posted by linuxgurugamer

  1. To find your log file: Windows (32-bit): See {KSP}\KSP_Data\output_log.txt Windows (64-bit): See {KSP}\KSP_x64_Data\output_log.txt Mac OSX: Open Console, on the left side of the window there is a menu that says 'files'. Scroll down the list and find the Unity drop down, under Unity there will be Player.log. Aka Files>~/Library/Logs>Unity>Player.log Linux: See ~/.config/unity3d/Squad/Kerbal Space Program/Player.log
  2. I found the problem with the struts not hiding, will be doing an update tomorrow
  3. New releaes: 0.1.4 Fixed UI after ftl drive used
  4. Thanks for the issues, that's why this is a beta I'm not sure what you mean about the preview window's ratio I was aware of the shadow slider I will look at the others. Please keep in mind that this mod is doing stuff with shaders which I don't understand (I'm not a graphics guy). My intent was to get this working. I'll move it along as much as I can, but there may come a point at which I'll stop. Also, the previous version of the mod had the problem of the struts (and other parts) not hiding. I'll keep working on it. I will probably set up a formal release in a day or so. It seems to be mostly usable now,
  5. This is a beta, as such is not in CKAN. Read the OP for more details
  6. @MaxRebojust ninja'd me. EEXR does not do anything with that key. PAD is your problem, I suggest you remove it first, and then try using the E key again
  7. It's not an official release, I havent yet uploaded the latest into the repo. I updated the OP to be more specific about it
  8. I've started a new thread for my version of this, it's available here: Please move all discussion of my version of KVV to the new thread In the VAB
  9. This is a plugin that creates blue-print-like images (into your <KSP Root>Screenshots/ directory) from the KSP Editor (VAB/SPH). As featured in Scott Manley's Video. Note: At this time, the 1.5.1 release only supports the legacy KAS, not the KAS 1.0. Dependencies Click Through Blocker ToolbarController CKAN has been updated to install the dependencies, if needed Big thanks to @Kerbas_ad_astra for updating the shaders for me Once the panel is up click 'Part Config' button and check the items you wish to 'explode apart' or 'Offset'. Once you've checked 'Offset checkboxes' and you enter a value between 3 and 0.1 (3(or higher)-0.1(minimum) click the 'Offset View' button. Once you have set your configuration settings you can toggle the broken apart view by clicking 'Offset View' and 'Revert' buttons respectively. If you are 'Exploded/Offset' the Save & Exit buttons are disabled. Ensure that you click 'Revert' so that you can Save/Exit the Editor. This lets you make images such as the following: Availability Spacedock: http://spacedock.info/mod/1092/Kronal Vessel Viewer Continued Github: https://github.com/linuxgurugamer/ksp-kronalutils Soon to be on CKAN License: Unlicense Credits This was originally written by @kronal, who actually is still around. The original repo is here: https://github.com/shrx/ksp-kronalutils It was then taken over by @bigorangemachine, who got it updated and working (mostly) for 1.1. He seemed to stop development and releases back on April 3. His last activity in the repo was apparently in July of this year. His repo is here: https://github.com/bigorangemachine/ksp-kronalutils My fork is of @bigorangemachine's repo, and is compatible with 1.2.1. Just for reference, there is another fork, made by ayan4m1 (github name) which was made off of @bigorangemachine's repo, but he doesn't seem to have it working fully Changes When closing the window, the vessel will now revert so that you aren't left with an exploded vessel in the Editor Now uses Unity bundles to store shaders Added stock fairings
  10. I still have two things (minor) to fix, as well as getting the assembly info updated and a full release. Glad to hear it's working for you.
  11. I think I copied the wrong dll. This one has the updated one, and it's a new file. don't forget to remove the symlink https://www.dropbox.com/s/wuvgw8iagf7z0fs/KronalUtils-beta2.zip?dl=0
  12. Ok. any eta? or, if you could ping me when the replacements are our, that would be good. KVV shows vessels in an exploded view, it is aware of the KASModulePort and treats it as av explodeable part
  13. I didn't relize that you were on Linux. it's a typo To get around this. do the following: At a Linux prompt: cd to the GameData directory do the following command: ln -s Kronalutils KronalUtils Or, just download the zip again, I just updated it.
  14. First, I need the complete log file. Second, You did remove all old copies and copy the entire KronalUtils to the GameData directory?
  15. It is blocked because of dependencies, once they get updated, this will appear on CKAN
  16. I just found and fixed a problem with the Revert code. I updated the zip, no change, so if you already downloaded it, please get it again
  17. I've taken over the Kronal Vessel Viewer. KVV looks for KASModulePort to know if KAS is installed or not, because it does things with that module. What will be replacing it?
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