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Bug Hunter
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Everything posted by linuxgurugamer

  1. I really appreciate all the likes, but what I really need is more confirmation from various people that it's fixed. Thanks
  2. Can you post an image and/or a craft file showing the problem? Thanks
  3. hi all, There was a problem with the patch I submitted and included in 7.4.2, in that some (?) animations were continously active. I think i got it fixed, would appreciate some other people testing it before I submit it to Roverdude: https://www.dropbox.com/s/31lk4uedv55rz92/Firespitter-7.4.2a-beta.zip?dl=0 changes are on Github
  4. Hi, I think I got it fixed, but before I submit it for inclusion, I'd appreciate some of you testing this: https://www.dropbox.com/s/31lk4uedv55rz92/Firespitter-7.4.2a-beta.zip?dl=0
  5. If someone wants to revive it, they can always start a new thread
  6. Hi all, I'm looking into this problem now
  7. I've created a PR on Github for both repos up there
  8. Ok. So I'm assuming that the problem is that you are unloading textures from RAM after the game has loaded. So this is causing a problem for me. Since buttons are very small, how about adding the following line to the code: if (texture == null || !texInfo.isReadable) continue; // Following is added line if (texture.width <= 38 && texture.height <= 38) continue; This solves the problem for me, and still allows you to unload most of the textures.
  9. So i did some more digging, and found that the following code is causing the problem for me. This is in Loader.cs, around line 294: foreach (GameDatabase.TextureInfo texInfo in texInfos) { Texture2D texture = texInfo.texture; if (texture == null || !texInfo.isReadable) continue; // Unload texture from RAM (a.k.a. "make it unreadable") unless set otherwise. if (isUnloadingEnabled.Value && !keepLoaded.Any(r => r.IsMatch(texture.name))) { try { texture.GetPixel(0, 0); } catch (UnityException) { continue; } memorySpared += textureSize(texture); texture.Apply(false, true); texInfo.isReadable = false; Util.log("Unloaded {0}", texture.name); } }
  10. @shaw @RangeMachine It seems that Texture Replacer is interfering with a mod I've written to control the stock toolbar. I'm using a Rect for the new toolbar, and multiple Rect's inside for each button, and GUI.Button. When Texture Replacer is installed, it just isn't displaying. I see from my debugging that my code is being executed properly. When I remove Texture Replacer, it works. This happens on all screens. Any ideas?
  11. No need to pull it off. just let me know when it is fixed, and I'll get the process going again. it isn't hurting, just not available Thanks
  12. You need to get the Tech-KSP Utils updated for 1.2.2, so that CKAN will allow installs
  13. @MeCripp, @Delta_8930 The problems listed above are significant, especially the numerous .DS_Store directories, which is making it impossible for CKAN to process the file
  14. Nice mod, a few problems while working on the Netkan file: The zip file has a __MACOSX directory which probably shouldn't be there There are .DS_Store directories in various places No .version file. Still listed as 1.2.1 on Spacedock
  15. Another release, I forgot to remove a file relate to KIS 0.3.5
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