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Bug Hunter
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Everything posted by linuxgurugamer

  1. You should contact the ckan thread, seems like your version numbers are confusing ckan
  2. Huh? This changes the game resolution. Super sampling is for images, screen captures, etc. There are other mods which do that
  3. I've accidentally hyperedit edited the mun to an orbit 70km high. Game was fine, it looked rather funny.
  4. Ok, I've been able to replicate one of the problems. I hid Chatterer in the current scene (Flight), and now clicking that button hides all the other windows I have open. I see the problem both when doing a hide, or just moving it to a new button folder This may end up being an incompatibility in the way the mods set up their toolbars. If it is, I'll be creating an exclusion list for these sorts of mods
  5. Also, for the people having issues with the toolbar acting funny, I need to know which scene you are in. And finally, I need log files. I've added some of the mentioned mods and haven't seen the issue yet. Also, it would be helpful to see a screenshot of the toolbar, both before and after you set up the button folders Thanks
  6. You don't want the mouseover to pop up the menu? Both work, the click essentially locks the popup in place. I'll add this as a feature request, but need to fix a bug first: https://github.com/linuxgurugamer/JanitorsCloset/issues/4 Please add any comments you feel would help CKAN isn't getting the latest version because the latest version is a BETA. Once I get a toolbar button bug fixed, I'll release it as a final version, probably by Monday Are you hiding the buttons, or moving them to a new or existing folder button? Which buttons are you hiding? I know basicly what's happening, but need to replicate it here first, am working on it now Which USI mod is installing Servo Controller?
  7. Recompiled for KSP 1.2.2: https://github.com/linuxgurugamer/TimeControl/releases/tag/ The only change made was to the .version file, I upped the build number from 0 to 1 to differentiate it from the release (needed for AVC). Please note that I'm not really sure this was needed for 1.2.2, I haven't had a chance to test the 2.4 version (built for 1.2.1) on 1.2.2. @westamastaflash I'm going to do a PR, but since there weren't any code changes (yet), there isn't a dying need to merge it. If anyone finds a problem with this, please post and reference me so I will get notified. I'll do what I can until @westamastaflash gets his system back. Only bug reports please, no feature requests
  8. I'll respectfully disagree. I'm not going to touch his stuff, just going to update the dependencies, which are covered by different licenses. It won't be a derivative since I'm not going to change his content. However, I will (as I've done before when questions like this come up) ask the forum moderators for a ruling and go along with what they say.
  9. That will be difficult, the cfg files are generated from a script. Here is what I'll need to do a specific version for Galileo's planet pack: List of bodies, with a maximum deadline (in days) for each. Necessary because bodies further away take longer. For each body, the antenna needed for RemoteTech to work Once I have this, I should be able to generate a contract pack for you, but you are going to have to test it
  10. @steedcrugeon Looks like you have this on Spacedock, I'll get it in CKAN tomorrow
  11. Ok. If I need to make any changes I'll create a PR for you
  12. I'm starting to get together an updated list of all the texture packs which are available for this mod, and will be putting them all into a single Github repo so they won't be lost again. If you have any of the texture packs which are no longer available, please let me know and get them to me. I know that the packs made by @GreeningGalaxy are beautiful, but his server seems to have gone away; it looks like it was at a university, and classes ended for him. So, if you have any/all of his texture packs: GreeningGalaxy's Diverse Kerbal Lasses Serious Lasses Gothy Lasses Lass GIMP File Please get them to me. As soon as I start getting in packs which are unavailable, I'll get it up in Github and post a page with all the links. I know that many others aren't available. Please check your disks and send me them. Thanks
  13. So, correct me if I'm wrong: KSPRC is mainly a part/art mod, with other mods bundled together, correct? If so, and since I see that the original author hasn't been around since the middle of November, would anyone be interested in a simple repackaging of the mod, with all current dependencies included?
  14. yes, but that mod can't deal with the heat of reentry, at least not the way it is
  15. Something I'd like to see is along these lines: Ablative material can be added to any surface, and adds weight, the thicker the material, the more it weighs As it gets used, it slowly turns darker, and loses weight lighter Cannot be repaired, although a mechanism where a base could refurbish the vehicle would be nice In my opinion, the whole idea behind ablative materials is that they burn up and away, thereby taking the heat away as they vaporize. Some of the issues I see are: How to add ablative material to one side of a part only How to change the surface texture of a part to show the ablative material I would suspect that it would probably be easier to have a special procedural part which would be an ablator, and could be customized to the surface it is on. Is this doable at all?
  16. Something I'd like to see is along these lines: Ablative material can be added to any surface, color would probably be white, and adds weight As it gets used, it slowly turns darker, and turns lighter Cannot be repaired, although a mechanism where a base could refurbish the vehicle would be nice In my opinion, the whole idea behind ablative materials is that they burn up and away, thereby taking the heat away as they vaporize. Electrical charge is, IMHO, a cheat, but I'm not going to fault anyone who uses it. I won't, but that's fine. Some of the issues I see are: How to add ablative material to one side of a part only How to change the surface texture of a part to show the ablative material I would suspect that it would probably be easier to have a special procedural part which would be an ablator, and could be customized to the surface it is on.
  17. I have no idea, but given that he said that it won't be updated for 1.2.2, it may need to be recompiled for each version. I won't do a general release unless @westamastaflash says it's ok, sorry
  18. I just fixed that, you can now add an issue. And it's probably a simple fix, I should be able to fix it this weekend
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