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Bug Hunter
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Everything posted by linuxgurugamer

  1. Hey Everybody, Here is a recompiled, working version for 1.2.2, with a few additions: https://github.com/linuxgurugamer/PartWizard/releases/download/1.2.2a/PartWizard-4-1.2.2a.zip Updated for 1.2.2 Added special colors for fuel lines and struts Added code to not constantly update the highlighting
  2. Officially, 44, plus 4 contract packs, plus assistance provided to 10 other mods. You can see the complete list here: https://goo.gl/KxlgIC
  3. I have been able to reproduce this. No idea what's going on, yet, may be something to do with the emitter and the way KSP is now dealing with it. What I saw was the trails which reappeared were not new emissions, just the ones which had been emitted on the launchpad, as they slowly dispersed
  4. Hi Everyone, I've just released this mod for 1.2.2, available here: Please move all discussion over to the new thread.
  5. Continuing an old, but good little mod from @TaranisElsu, old thread here: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/23815-102-tac-self-destruct-v151-13may/ Because KSP needs more reliably planned explosions Features Self Destruct mode makes the entire vessel explode! Make sure you EVA your crew first! Waits 5 seconds and goes through a countdown sequence before activating. Explode parent only makes the Self Destruct part explode. Useful for creating a little explosion or getting rid of the extra weight. Not responsible for damage to the vessel. Abort Self Destruct -- stops the self destruct sequence, preventing the vessel from being destroyed. But where is the fun in that? Can be activated from EVA. Integrated with KAS so you can attach, detach, move, and store the part. Can add to the staging list and activate by staging. The Time Delay and whether to allow staging are both now changeable in the game, even during flight! The countdown is now togglable and is hidden when the game UI is hidden. Pictures Download Spacedock:http://spacedock.info/mod/1135/Tac Self Destruct Continued Github: https://github.com/linuxgurugamer/TacSelfDestruct License: CC-BY-NC-SA-3.0 https://www.patreon.com/linuxgurugamer
  6. @NavyFish You need to update this on SpaceDock, then CKAN will automatically pick it up. Spacedock still says it is for 1.2.0 only
  7. Huh? ModuleManager IS listed on CKAN, it's been for a while Would you like me to get CKAn updated for this? See next post
  8. Refresh your browser, you may have an old page cached. here are the links I just copied from that post: Basic Lasses: http://www.elliedlight.net:8080/KSP/GGsDiverseLasses-Base-2016-10.zip Serious Lasses: http://www.elliedlight.net:8080/KSP/GGsDiverseLasses-Serious-2016-10.zip Gothy Lasses: http://www.elliedlight.net:8080/KSP/GGsDiverseLasses-Gothy-2016-10.zip
  9. @Scottvdken I don't see anything in the log related to VaporVent which is unusual. It appears you have 3 or 6 vents on the ship, is that correct? and if so, are they all on the same stage or different stages? If you could get me the craft file, I might get some more info.
  10. Following up, how are you starting the game? The log says that OpenGL is being forced: Forcing GfxDevice: OpenGL Core Given that video card (I have the same one), you shouldn't be running OpenGL. If it isn't on the game, you will need to check the nVidia settings on the computer
  11. I just heard from @GreeningGalaxy . He is aware of the problem and will get the links fixed soon. He also gave me permission to put them up on github, he said he might do that himself. @GreeningGalaxy has updated his original post with updated links: I just finished downloading them all
  12. Os, memory, graphics card. And please don't paste your log here, it is unusable. Use Dropbox, Google Drive or any file sharing site Looks like you are running open glad for some reason
  13. Hi all, I'm going to be writing a small part module, called ModuleSelectableDataTransmitter. It's going to inherit from ModuleDataTransmitter, the change will be that in the editor, you will be able to select the antennaType, so that a single antenna can be used either for a DIRECT or a RELAY antenna. I was thinking about making it possible to flip it in flight. Before I get started, I'd like any input or comments as to the viability and usability of this. Thanks
  14. New release, fixes a bug with the Map view, 0.2.7: Fixed issue with Mapview not showing button folders Fixed issue with mapview and mods which show their buttons on the mapview only (ie: PreciseManeuver) you may want to redo it, see the release I just did
  15. Strange the projectPath isn't being set in my system.
  16. Try adding the following: if (Celestial.orbitDriver != null && Celestial.orbitDriver.Renderer != null) Celestial.orbitDriver.Renderer.drawMode = ......
  17. ok, let me know if you run into any issues. I don't think there was anything 1.2.2 specific
  18. You would have to compare the dates, sorry. or, look at the .version file in each. Do you need this for 1.2.1?
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