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Bug Hunter
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Everything posted by linuxgurugamer

  1. Regarding a comment you made: This 1.2 update is getting a bit frustrating. I can't seem to override the Launch button anymore, so that's a real downer. I might have to change things to an "on the pad" filling method Take a look at the code for KRASH, both current and the old code from Holodeck, it might help
  2. @Probus Is the YongeTech mod rebuilt for 1.2.2? I looked at the github, first, I couldn't find the source for this, can you please tell me where it is? I was going to take a quick look to see if I could find a fix for the bug mentioned in the previous post: I believe this: When parts are detected in several nodes, it behaves like a AND, thus both nodes must be researched before the part can be used by the player. Thanks
  3. A quick search showed the following: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/60380-12x-kerbonov-kn-2-cockpit-module/&do=findComment&comment=906034 http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/150837-12-rekt-escape-pod-mod-v042-beta/&do=findComment&comment=2823487 http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/122102-122-contares-181-with-addons-for-tantares-and-tantareslv/&page=1
  4. I believe the kerbal is internal, therefore not visible. I'll have to see if I can disable internal transfers like that. To get the kerbal back, dock with it and do another transfer back What other mods do you have installed? Specifically for the internal crew transfers
  5. Nope. Although there seems to be a funny graphics bug in KSP now, in that the smoke trails follow the vessel (actually above the vessel) as it ascends
  6. ok. One thing I can say is that it looks like it is installed correctly. So I'll take a closer look at this later this evening, please leave the files there for a few days at least
  7. https://github.com/linuxgurugamer/ShipSections/blob/master/README.md I've opened an issue, but would appreciate confirmatino from someone else
  8. Please do NOT PASTE THE LOG FILE IN THE MESSAGE. It is unusable that way, and causes problems with mobile users Provide a link to a file, use Dropbox, Google Drive, or some other file upload service. Thanks Are you using Take Command?
  9. There is a bug in the ShipSections part of the mod, I am working on it and hope to get out a fix in a day or so. Thanks
  10. And if you used CKAN, you wouldn't have to go hunting all the mods, the installer will do it for you, for all the mods that are registered with it (most of them)
  11. @micha Are you going to be doing official support for this moving forward, since the original author hasn't been around for 7 months?
  12. New beta release: https://github.com/linuxgurugamer/KWRocketryRedux/releases/tag/ added missing tech tree nodes
  13. You also need to do the same for the highPerformanceFuelSystems, ti is also included in ETT
  14. I have a new beta release I need tested: --------- https://github.com/linuxgurugamer/KWRocketryRedux/releases/tag/ The only change between this and the previous standard release is that all standard patches have been merged. I developed some automated tools to both merge the patches (modified ModuleManager) and a utility which reads the both the old file and new file, and both copies over any comments which were missing as well as ordering the lines in the new file in the same way as the old file. Given the changes I'd really like some feedback before I do a full release. Most important are the engines, they were the most complicated, and I actually found a syntax error in a couple of the old files which caused me no end of headaches.
  15. According to ckan, AOa 1.2.7 is available, and the following are installed along with it: Firespitter Core 7.5.1 RasterPropMonitor 0.28.0 B9 Aerospace Props 6.2.1 B9 animation Modules 1.0.5
  16. Many mods on spacedock.infi have all the dependencies included. Re ckan, I can help with that if you like, just let me know
  17. So install it, then install Janitor's Closet which you can use to hide/prune the unwanted parts
  18. you may want to fix the title, continued is spelled "Continued", not contunued anyway, Greatjob, looking forward to the next release. CKAN is submitted Here is a link to the New_Stuff_For_Station_Science by DirtyFace: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/ae00lapu184t1yi/AABfmeJBYqlXHZ5xkjcjhFkNa?dl=0 and here is a link to the old thread:
  19. I was going to ask for a log, but probably don't need it. Could you get me the craft file? Thanks
  20. that's fine, I won't be able to get to this for another day or so. IThe log will show me other stuff, and no, I haven't yet been able to reproduce it.
  21. A tour bus needs a driver. A tour plane needs a pilot. Etc. Did you raise this on an issue on github? If not, please do so.
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