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Everything posted by Starslinger999

  1. Well I tried that, and it seems like its outdated. At least the section for Mac is. It tells me to open console and go to "files" and there is no "files" when i look. And since its Locked, I cant reply for help.
  2. Just tried deleting Cacteye and it seems to have the same problem but with another mod.
  3. is it just me or is the texture replacer outdated? New one:
  4. I have a problem where my game loads and just when it begins to start, it stops and does nothing until you quit. Log and Gamedata ^ *Edit* Found out it was DangIt causing the problem.
  5. Nuuuu!!!!! Wish it was in orbit of another star a binary one like in the movie
  6. Im having a bug were the game loads and it stops loading at "Cacteye Tele Solor" Included Gamedata and Debug Console *Edit* Tried reinstalling via Github and still gives the same problem.
  7. Is Kolyphemus in a different star system or in orbit of Kerbol? Because I might do a Graphic novel with interstellar travel and MKS Colonization
  8. For download is it recommended to install the Volumetric Disk WIP? And i just realized that this isn't compatible with 1.3 so I might wait for this.
  9. It does bundle scatter as an "Extra" Option. It looks good so I chose it. Ill try the new version and hope it is compatible with Daydream.
  10. Was playing with all the extras including Scatterer and found this: THE LAND IS MISSING, IT MUST BE INCEPTION OR SOMETHIN!!!!
  11. My game is asking me to "Update Far Future Technology" yet, I never downloaded this. I just have Near Future Tech installed.
  12. Im not even going to question this because it may upset the mods. -Edit: Didnt see the thing in the corner. -_________-
  13. I had a feeling that was inspired by the concept for the Engeria II AKA "Uragan". The concept was to have an unmanned space shuttle with its cockpit replaced with payload storage and 4 reusable flyback boosters with fold out wings. Now I wanna build this in KSP because IN SOVIET RUSSIA, ROCKET FLY YOU!!!! *Soviet March Intensifies*
  14. Lived little aliens called Kerbals in an almost Insignificant part of the galaxy
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