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Everything posted by maceemiller

  1. Hi all. OK, so this obviously isnt the best designed rover youve ever seen but I'm really pleased with it as its the first thing I've made using Infernal Robotics. Just wanted to share it with you
  2. What is that on top of your left booster, on the side? There isnt one on the right booster?
  3. Im presuming your using 32 bit KSP? Is this a new machine or an older one maybe recently having Windows put back on it? Are all your drivers up to date? Have you checked Device Manager to check all is well there? Just a few things that popped into my head.
  4. Well, today I took my first folding rover using Infernal Robotics to the Mun in an Apollo style mission which I've never tried before but loving already. This is my test mission before I screenshot everything and post it on this forum. Im really happy with my rover, so much so im going to make it available for you guys to download and give me your opinions on it or improve it For my next build I want to make something akin to the suits worn in Edge Of Tomorrow.......I can see a Kerbal fighting next to Tom Cruise lol
  5. As for your launch window, I normally go I into map mode and wait until the craft I am going to rendezvous with is nearly over the launchpad and then take off. With practice, by the time youve circularised your orbit you can be very close to rendezvouing immediately. Hope it helps.
  6. Thanks but ive sorted the problem. Now I have a foldable rover which, when folded is the same size as the Mk 1 pod but when "unfolded" its nearly 5 times the size. I will ask any further questions in the forum section you have mentioned. Thanks for your reply
  7. Hi all, just a quick question. Im playing around with building a folding rover with Inferno Robotics. I can set movement limitations using hinges in the servo control panel and they work perfectly, just as i want them too, however when i try the same with the Rotron it just continues to spin, ignoring my parameters? Is this me or is there something a little different when using these? Thanks in advance
  8. Not sure why ive put link in 2 spoilers but I have just woken up lol.,
  9. I'll never reach an end game scenario. There simply is just too much to do. For instance yesterday I started playing around with the Infernal Robotics mod. Theres a whole new game right there! Anyway, I dont want the fun to end
  10. Have you tried scanning a planet and visiting all anomalies in one visit then return home? I recently did this on Duna which I found fun. Also, I was a sandbox only player for a good year. In the last couple of weeks though ive been playing career mode in stock only and its brilliant! I love the way you get a part, weight and height limitation...really makes you think about your designs. One other thing youmay want to look at is the Infernal Robotics mod. I myself have been looking at this mod on youtube for example and I have to say, it will be my next mod for sure. Ive already got some wacky ideas for craft (whether I can make them work or not is a different thing, however it will be fun trying) Dont lose inspiration....try to think outside the box and go try something completely different. Hope this helps
  11. Wow that science looks amazing! Ive been playing for quite a while now in sandbox and only recently started a career mode. I always wondered how to get a good chunk of science. Now I think I know!
  12. Bandus is correct. Scott is great but just search KSP tutorials on YouTube and there is a wealth of excellent information. Basically I learnt the basics there
  13. Well, I was going to say Happy New Year to every nation and pilot from around our planet and Kerbin but it seems I'm too slow you beat me! Either way, wherever you are, from Georgia to Gilly, Ipswich to Ike or Manhattan to Moho, I'd like to wish everyone a Happy New Year and a stonking 1.1 when we get it. Until then please remember.......dont drink and fly
  14. I remember my first return from Duna. Such a great feeling! Congratulations pilot
  15. 50% throttle sometimes is perfect for me depending on what ive built. Also, when I get into my car for example it sits at zero throttle until I decide how to start driving (or launch). Its a personal taste for sure, but if it was defaulted to 100% id be forever throttling down at launch. 100% power is only essential (maybe) for a few seconds.
  16. Your words echo my thoughts about this community. Never before has 1...a game changed my whole experience of gaming but, more importantly, 0.5...the wealth of knowledge and pure honesty that oozes from here. I visit this forum everyday at least 10 times and always find something of interest, either about the game or a members comment. And a merry Christmas to you sir, and every other member here
  17. I have no problems flying very smooth with my PS3 controller
  18. If its a brand new computer id hit the updates. Ive just bought myself a new laptop, installed win 7 and tried playing my KSP save from my old machine and it was terribly jerky and nigh on unplayable. After a few visits to the Windows update center my KSP plays perfectly. Just an idea.
  19. I made my 2 Kerbals EVA at 2KM above the ocean when my parachutes failed and they survived if that counts
  20. I dont think KSP can be improved much as everyday I love it more! Still, 1.1 is exciting and waiting for it is no problem
  21. I think chatterer is good but it would be nice to have various "language packs" to use to change the sound. This may be fun when doing different missions to different planets.
  22. Maybe try ALT F4 to quit game, leaving plane in orbit and reloading to try quicksaving?
  23. All the above are correct however I like the Protractor Mod. Simple to use and hits your target every time.
  24. I dont get what you mean about parachutes? Ive had no problems with them at all in 1.0.5 either on Kerbin or Duna.
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