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Everything posted by maceemiller

  1. Hi all. Ive been trying to build a Duna lander and return ship, however im struggling with weight. Im using stock parts and have a DeltaV map showing me the fuel needed to achieve each stage. I can build the lander and the stages to get to Duna and back to Kerbin but i cant seem to get the launch stage dv enough without building a huge stage which doesnt take off or simply crashes. My question is should I build half of the ship, launch it to orbit then launch the second part and dock them, then go to Duna or should I persevere? Ive watched videos on how to do this but these used mods which im not. Thankyou in advance
  2. I dont get it? I have the gauges on with no problems at all? I dont use opengl either? I run ksp on 2 machines: My laptop: i3 processor 8GB RAM Intel HD intergrated graphics My PC: DUAL CORE 3GHZ processor 3GB RAM ATI HD6670 graphics card I dont understand how many people are getting these crashes. I use a few mods (off the top of my head): Mechjeb Hot rockets EVE KER Docking Alignment Chatterer ....and possibly a few more I cant remember right now. I run in full graphic settings on both machines (my laptop does get a little warm admittedly, my PC is always fine) however I can play for 10 hours straight if I like without one crash, even with the temperature gauges on. Am I just lucky? EDIT: Just saw this was an unmodded thread.....if this makes a difference please tell me, however id expect more RAM usage would be more of a problem. It just works fine for me on my weak machines?
  3. I had this idea a long while ago. Get on a multiplayer mod, get to the Mun or Minmus, create a "track" by placing pods as cones and having a race! Not sure if it would ever work but would be great. I love Formula 1 and rally btw - - - Updated - - - Ahhhh! WipEout is awesome....now that IS a great idea. Rep sent for that
  4. For me I dont give a damn about bugs, complaints, rushed releases........I LOVE this game with a passion. Sure, It's not perfect, but then what in life is?
  5. I use Raredens skybox and it looks great imo. You can spot real constellations like Orion too http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/87311-Rareden-s-Real-8k-Skybox-for-Texture-Replacer
  6. Only experienced crashes in 1.0.2 when trying the Astronomers Visual Pack however I suspect my computer isnt powerful enough for it. Apart from that, I can play for hours straight and experience no crashes at all.
  7. Its addictive to me yes! I cant walk past roof solar panels or mobile phone masts without thinking about KSP! Ive been "into" games before over the last 30 years but this has got me like a bear trap.
  8. I agree with Murph too.....I really like the warp here feature and use it all the time. Ive always been a bit "warp button finger heavy" and overshoot my manoeuvre nodes regularly so for me this is an awesome help.
  9. I have jeb in the craft and while I still think its different than sandbox, I have mastered a little. Anyways, my conclusion is........sstick with sandbox, its far better thanks to all who have answered
  10. Mmm....ok. im flying with a kerbal so it appears that it could just be me as a pure sandbox player expecting the flight to be the same. I will carry on with career for a few more hours and see if it is just that. Thankyou to all that have answered and I will post my conclusion later today
  11. I prefer not to use SAS however with it on or not, same result.....
  12. I am using kerbals yes, so maybe their lack of experience is an issue? - - - Updated - - - about 3 hours with a few tech trees done. - - - Updated - - - Craft do not act the same, even though between career and sandbox they are identical.....iin career the ship wont go more than 300m before spinning ...... in sandbox, over 11km easiky?
  13. So, put quickly, I started my first career mode, purely to see what it was like. After testing 7 different designs in career and sandbox, the career craft do not handle nowhere near the same. Using only stock parts, can someone explain to me the huge difference between them? As of now, I shant be using career again as to me its a complete joke.
  14. Mmm I thought as much.i will see if I can set it up later as I only want to use the sticks for flying. Is it easy enough to configure?
  15. Hi everyone. Having seen many references to people playing ksp with a joystick, I was wondering if it was possible or advisable to use a PS3 controller? Has anyone tried this and if so, what are your thoughts?
  16. I look forward to seeing them and welcome
  17. Since 1.0.2 my loading times have increased dramatically! However, I have never had the game crash on me at @all (only once when I tried to install KSPRC).
  18. Well done pilot! Keep going on this fantastic game
  19. maceemiller


    I have a Dell Vostro 220 with 3gb RAM, 2.9GHZ processor and a AMD HD6670 1GB graphics card and KSP runs perfectly with the graphic settings maxed out. My laptop has an i3 processor, Intel HD graphics with 8gb RAM and KSP plays great, albeit the graphics in-game have to be lowered somewhat (default is fine)
  20. Ahh I see now thankyou. With KSP running im at 2.56GB memory usage, stable and smooth gameplay.....5 hours into play time with no crashes
  21. Thankyou buddy, thats a great help. Save me wasting time, I think Ill look at the AVP and see if anything there works. Thankyou once again
  22. Hi all. Was just wondering if there was a RAM usage chart that anyone knows of? For example, id like to see how much RAM FASA uses or KSP in general but im not sure how to find out myself. Any ideas or solutions would be a great help to me.
  23. Hi all. On my 1.0.2 install, I have installed texture replacer and it worked fine (i always fire up the game after every mod to test) however when I ran it after installing KSPRCv0.2 I get the following error message right at the end of the boot up (I get a black screen with a purple square in the bottom right of my screen) The game crashed. The crash report folder named "2015-05-18_194628" next to the game executable. Is there any way I can fix this? Thankyou in advance.
  24. Ok thanks. Ive just searched for that yet cant seem to find it. Oh well, ill just try it and if it mashes up my install, ill try again. - - - Updated - - - Never mind, found it now:confused:
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