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Everything posted by jrodriguez

  1. Hi @allista, I just opened a new issue on github. Quoting me:
  2. @SuicidalInsanity I've done a test battle with your awesome Stratovore!
  3. @GDJ My AeroKraken V1 https://kerbalx.com/crafts/21262/
  4. Here is my submission the AeroKraken! Simple and powerful! https://kerbalx.com/crafts/21153/
  5. Are you using VS2015? var velocity = Part?.GetComponent<Rigidbody>().velocity ?? Rb.velocity; ? is a null propagation feature implemented as part of C# 6.0 which requires VS2015. ? is equivalent to var velocity = null or default value if( Part != null){ velocity = Part.GetComponent... }
  6. Hi all, A new release of BDMk22 is available here: https://github.com/jrodrigv/BDMk22Plugin/releases/tag/v1.1.2 However the IVA is showing wrong tags on some fields ( as some of you already mentioned). I have tried some suggestions from @Papa_Joe and others, but it didn't work Please if anyone knows how to fix it you are more than welcome to send a Pull Request to the repository. Thanks in advance, and apologies for this inconvenient.
  7. @Murican_Jeb I'm pretty sure this issue is related with the one we also have in BDA. https://github.com/PapaJoesSoup/BDArmory/issues/74 @SpannerMonkey(smce) knows more about this than me, but I think the root cause is that all animations/fx were done with Unity 4.x and they don't work properly in Unity 5 4
  8. Hi all, The new release for KSP 1.2.1 is available here https://github.com/jrodrigv/DestructionEffects/releases/tag/v1.2.0 Now, you have two destruction animations available. The new and default one created by @SpannerMonkey(smce) and the one created by @BahamutoD A settings.cfg file has been added: DESettings { LegacyEffect = False } Change the value to True if want to switch from the new effect to the old one. Enjoy!
  9. @westamastaflash I only did the upgrade to KSP 1.2.1 . So if have any features that you plan to add in the future please feel free to do it. I will only do the basic maintenance to keep this mod working for KSP.
  10. The answer is @BahamutoD. He had the idea, the will and the knowledge to create all these mods.
  11. Hi all, I belong to the BDArmory (Continued) development team. I'm glad to announce that I just released the new version of CameraTools ready for KSP 1.2.1. You can download the new version from: https://github.com/jrodrigv/CameraTools/releases/tag/v1.7.0 Enjoy!
  12. Thanks @Gianni1122. VesselMover is going to be our next priority. We will keep you updated.
  13. @Aerolfos BDArmory has been updated to KSP 1.2.1. Let us know if you need any further assistance from the BDArmory team to update this awesome weapons pack
  14. @Murican_Jeb I'm committed to do it, but I didn't say when . I'm thinking that maybe we can use the new parameter "breakingForce" of the jointBreak event to decide whether or not we should trigger the effect. Maybe the value is 0 or negative when the vessel is rebuild?
  15. I think you are experiencing this issue right?
  16. I'd to add that KSP was not designed for Multiplayer gaming and some clients operations needed to update each player state can consume much more time than for others games designed with multiplayer in mind (like CS)
  17. Thanks @pellinor for the update to KSP 1.2. I just reported an issue on github with a detailed report to reproduce it. Issue 47 . Please let me know if you need any other information. Regards
  18. @K.Yeon I'm very happy to see that you are working on this again. This was a must-have mod for me
  19. @Crzyrndm Thank you very much for the release for 1.2
  20. Thanks @SpannerMonkey(smce). I'm going to update Destruction Effects to 1.2 during this week. Maybe it is also a good moment to open a new thread for a Destruction Effects continued?
  21. Hi all, This is a enhancement request for the current KSP API. I would like to be able to manage stages for non-active vessels, so I can implement auto-staging for Fly-By-Wire vessels. This is also a needed feature in order to implement a multiplayer mod where all the client vessels will be updated using a fly-by-wire approach and where the current stage need to be synced to be updated on the different clients. Regards, Jesus
  22. Hi Crzyrndm.

    I have found the problem with the custom shader thas procedural wings is using and KSP 1.2

    And here is how to solve it:


  23. Hi @Crzyrndm . First of all, thanks for this mod which is a must-have for me. I was wondering if you have tried to recompile ProceduralWings to KSP 1.2 ? Just to let you know I have recompiled it and it seems the textures have gone!
  24. Thanks @SpannerMonkey(smce). @Murican_Jeb loves to ping me every month. So here is my answer: Sorry, but I'm currently using my free time to work on https://github.com/PapaJoesSoup/BDArmory/commits/Feature_ModularMissiles
  25. I think it is feasible to use the same fire animation. But from a performance point of view it will have a cost to check on every single refresh(update) operation all the parts to check the temps. I'm currently on vacation but I'll test this idea
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