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Everything posted by jrodriguez

  1. Wow. I'd love to see Unity using Doubles instead of Float. Physics range extended up to the mun
  2. I'm pretty sure that such a decision will depend on the future profit of the 'Making History' expansion. What I would like to see is that if at some point in the future the decide to stop KSP development, at least they make all the code open source so the modders community can take over it. For me KSP mods development is now much more important that any development from Squad.
  3. You are right. As soon as a modular missiles is fired it gets "Armed" only armed explosives will detonate on proximity range, you can define the range that fits better for your missile design .By default it will take the max detonation radius of all the explosive parts that attached to your missile but you can override the value if you think it is exploding too far. If you want to test a a cool feature that I was working you can test this branch https://github.com/jrodrigv/BDArmory/tree/support My last addition is a new option that allows to specify a "stage/action group" that will be triggered on proximity, with this feature you can create your own stock cluster bomb missile -- eg: I have created a big AGM missile with a fairing containing 40 individual explosive heads and then I have set the detonation range at 500 meters creating a massive destruction in the KSC
  4. I think there is already a feature request related with this https://github.com/PapaJoesSoup/BDArmory/issues/115
  5. Honestly, Why are you using BDArmory You should be using the latest one. On the title of this thread is always advertised which is the latest version.
  6. Shaking, lights flickering and phantom forces are all consequences of using an extended physics range. HyperEdit has nothing to do with it.
  7. There is no AI limitations. Regarding the X-10, you are right the gimbals should be limited to 0 so it has a fixed position.
  8. First of all, that looks wrong. Look inside that BDArmory folder and you will see a GameData folder inside, you should copy that GameData inside your KSP installation. And finally, I recommend to stick with KSP 1.2.2 for the moment.
  9. I think it should some kind of drivers issues. Even a clean installation of KSP crashes inmeditaly to desktop if I don't force dx11. I have plenty of RAM, I can run smoothly RSSVE high textures at 4k
  10. I have different problem. I bought a GTX 1070 and now I can't run KSP using the default KSP_x64.exe. I have to force instead DX11 if I want to play KSP
  11. Are you using the latest release? https://github.com/PapaJoesSoup/BDArmory/releases/tag/v0.2.1.0
  12. So I think I have finally manage to reproduce and to find the exact condition when the wobbling starts. If you have a vessel landed (runway for example) Then using HyperEdit you put a new vessel into orbit, that vessel will be wobbling. However if you switch back to the landed vessel and you make the landed vessel to fly, then if you switch back to your orbiting vessel you will see how the wobbling stop.
  13. Sorry, I didn't realise I added a B9 part. Now it is fixed https://1drv.ms/u/s!AixZLrjtqp-RgrZJpX_Z2Il2-0pFJQ
  14. Let's speak privately to discuss what makes sense to have it in this mod or in a different one. I think to track the distance of each loaded vessels from the active vessel it is something that makes sense to have nside ( it would help also for debugging). Also I'm very interested on that mod for dropping probes. I have tested Mech Jeb and TCA together with PRE and even if they have managed to land a sub-orbital vessel they fail when I try to deorbit and land more than one. What I want to be able to do is to be just walking on KSC, look at the sky and see 10 probes landing at the same time
  15. Thanks for your feedback. It has a simple solution though you just need to uninstall it until you are happy with its state.
  16. No, at the moment it is always active. I should a UI switch button.
  17. Thanks I have seen this too, when using Hyperedit to put something into orbit.
  18. I have seen teleporting but not with landed vessels but with flying vessels. I guess this is one more of the list of wrong behaviours you can see when playing on the edge of what KSP supports. I can't really say all of this things are really mod issues because the mod code does not change any position "per se". It just uses KSP API methods to increase some distance number when different events are triggered.
  19. @NotAnAimbot Here is my KSC Defense System. https://1drv.ms/u/s!AixZLrjtqp-RgrZHEL9is0R5cQwKfA I have used "just" 4 powerful dual turrets each one has 1 x Goalkeeper and 1 x Jernas mounting 6 x AIM-120 The saved game that should be loaded is "KSC Defense jrodriguez"
  20. I recommend to update the version to the latest
  21. @NotAnAimbot I've watched your video and I have one question. Are you using the latest version of BDArmory? I have noticed that the enemy defenses are only loaded when you are like 8 km far from them. Using the latest version of BDArmory you should see that the physics range has been extended and those Patriots will be fired from KSC much sooner - at 17 km I think.
  22. So, I think I finally made it. I took me 10 min to be able to land my craft on top of the VAB. I have used three of my top ASC design (VulcaRaptor league) but modified to have VTOL capabilities and extreme ground destruction. @NotAnAimbot you can validate my loadout watching the video but basically it has 6x HARM , 3x Vulcan coaxial , 1x GAU (added just to compliance with the rules) = 10 weapons.
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