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Everything posted by Jansn

  1. I think the dev-versions of MechJeb2 are working with 1.05. (I am still under 1.04.)
  2. For OPM you need Kopernikus as a depency. OPM 1.6 is max Version for 0.90. But i am not shure, if Kopernikus was ever released for 0.90. Look into readme/how to install at OPM 1.6.
  3. I am relaxed. I AM RELAXED! Docking shaved away all Solar Panels. Jeb meets Val for a :sticktongue:. Val gives him a big :kiss:.
  4. Maybe scroll through to the contract part in the persisten.sfs gives a hint which part is needed/wanted.
  5. Usually there is a description and/or part name in the contract. Maybe you try CapCom or Contract Window+ for a better insight. Maybe you can show a screenprint of the contract?
  6. Why this ship dont wobble much?
  7. Until now i always used only Tantares [B]LV[/B]. Will the LV-Package also be updated to 1.05? (One of the last missing Mods to start with new Version.. and again, new savegame)
  8. 98 % of all that Mods out there should stay as Mods. Weapons, Ships, Submarines for example. What KSP really need is a stable, powerful, congruent, standarized, well documented and maybe easy to learn Data-I/O-Interface, a Modding-Interface. And yes: MULTIPLAYER! KSP is Minecraft in Space. Squad also should earn such besos.. pesos.
  9. [quote name='Jansn']Many thanks, Mr. DMagic. Slowly quite all Mods of my obligatory package ist up to date for 1.0.5.[/QUOTE] (Need to further test it in combination with ForScience and Science Alert.) Fresh install 1.05 -> works in stock with dev mechjeb AND Science Alert.
  10. LOL, this thread made my day. K-Day was in Normady, wasnt it?
  11. [quote name='DMagic']get it on [URL="https://www.dropbox.com/s/tzxoxeynoq2zgum/ScienceContainers_v0.08.3.zip?dl=0"]Dropbox[/URL].[/QUOTE] Many thanks, Mr. DMagic. Slowly quite all Mods of my obligatory package ist up to date for 1.0.5.
  12. Its the "Plasma Fuel"-Experiment. After finishing and reopening the right-click-menu it shows "BadLocation". No "Throw result away", no possibility to re-do the experiment. No science points at landing/recovering. I could retry it, but after finalize go to MPL and collect the data for processing in the MPL. Maybe i do, because they give a hell of science points, from which i generate finance income. @terminalmonkey: the only things i edited (in the configs) was: NodeStackTop/Bottom/NodeAttach/AttachRules/Drag/Emissive, which i took from the original Station Science Experiments. The .dll i can not change (in lack of any programming skills.) See here how the header of one of that configs looks like after my changes (in bold): [SIZE=1]PART { name = costlyExperimentRocketFuels module = Part author = ArcaneZedric rescaleFactor = 0.7745 [B]PhysicsSignificance = -1 node_stack_top4294726176 = 0,0.65625,0,0,1,0,1 node_stack_bottom4294726176 = 0,-0.65625,0,0,-1,0,1 node_attach = .75,0,0,1,0,0,1 CrewCapacity = 0[/B] TechRequired = advRocketry entryCost = 20000 cost = 800 category = Science subcategory = 0 title = Experiment: Rocket Fuels manufacturer = Arcanum Science Industries description = We don't really know a lot about rocket fuel. It explodes, yes, but what else can it do? // attachment rules: stack, srfAttach, allowStack, allowSrfAttach, allowCollision [B]attachRules = 1,1,1,1,0,0,0 [/B] mass = 0.2 dragModelType = default maximum_drag = 0.2 minimum_drag = 0.3 angularDrag = 2 crashTolerance = 10 breakingForce = 200 breakingTorque = 200 maxTemp = 2900 [B]emissiveConstant = 0.8 [/B] fuelCrossFeed = True vesselType = Probe MODEL { model = ArcanumIndustries/Parts/Mesh/scienceContainer[/SIZE]
  13. This mod is essential for me and all of us science addicted Kumans. Would be really nice if SirDragon (last activity Feb 2015) or someone else could maintain/update that stunning part of modification. Maybe someone knows a similar option to do (mass) science.
  14. OK, breakfast action: I re-edited and installed arcanum fuel science again. Now i can NOT reproduce that error. All experiments seems to work now. (See screenshot.) I also paste the edited configs, best would be anyone else could try all 3 experiments with them. Me keep it in game now, maybe a contract comes up to do them again, if not i will try them on occasion. PS: Files later.
  15. OK, breakfast action: I re-edited and installed arcanum fuel science again. Now i can NOT reproduce that error. All experiments seems to work now. (See screenshot.) I also paste the edited configs, best would be anyone else could try all 3 experiments with them. Me keep it in game now, maybe a contract comes up to do them again, if not i will try them on occasion. PS: how i can spoil a text and paste a screenshot here?
  16. This mod makes me starting another game installation (beside my long term one). Creative idea, unconsumed, something completely new. Thanks or that.
  17. But i also can confirm that disabling HT on my 4790K helped a lot to make KSP run smoother a lot. I use many wellness-, sound- and visual plusins, part plugin just the Tantares LV/SCANsat/Station Science.. I play on Linux/Lubuntu 14.10, now 15.04. (with Intels microcode-kernel-patch.) I had many stuttering and this short breaks each 1-2 seconds, even at low part-count vessels. Since i disabled HT it runs extremely smoother. I also still have a long-term-extra-boated-all-insavegame in an extra installation, quite dead, dont play it anymore but sometimes i look into by curiosity, and there is exactly same behavior, just in an more extreme condition. (250 mods!) Dont know and i am not interested in whats true or not, its just my own experience.
  18. I have several MPLs around the Kerbol System, each filled up with 2-Star-Scientists to generate Science Points which i convert into Funds (Career Game with full Tech Tree). The generated Science i can transmit, but the "Data" is full now after processing some experiments. How can i reset these Data Counters or do i have to send/replace new MPLs to continue processing Science Data?
  19. I pruned stock docking ports and only use yours anymore. Works perfect. Thanks for that. Title tag in cfg should be "title = Multiport-c". I added cfg to the Multiport folder for "cosmetical" reason.
  20. No, share vessels in any way outside KSP. The logged in user/person is visible, you can chat, EVAs and stock vessels are visible/controlable but (logically) the modded vessels are not. No. Sometimes it lags a bit, sometimes there are timejumps of seconds or minutes, funny when you dock, randezvous or EVA, but framerate is not affected by DMP on my machine.
  21. In any folder.. anywhere.. (depends on the operating system) DMP Updater in the same folder as DMP Server.
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