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Everything posted by MatterBeam

  1. To be honest, I think opt-in advocates are mostly modders who know what they're doing and are worried by CKAn installation issues. As an amateur modder, I'd love a hassle-free CKAN integration that does not require me to learn about APi, hooks, pulls, pushes and rotations.
  2. It didn't work. It's as if Sigma 'resets' Kopernicus after RSS has a pass at it.
  3. I'm pretty sure that a Jupiter slingshot to Saturn is possible within 6 years during the time period in which RSS saves are set. Why the 19 year Uranus mission then?
  4. True. A more pertinent fusion enabler is antimatter!
  5. To be fair, environmentalists have very little influence in the grand scheme of things. What really matters in which way the money is flowing in politician's pockets. The vast majority of 'green money' in politics actually originates from oil companies and the biggest polluters.
  6. As far as I know, the storage of nuclear waste 'problem' is entirely a political issue. The US asks countries to store their waste on its soil, at prices that make it cheaper than developing waste recycling or storage infrastructure of their own.
  7. I agree with this. Make CKAN availability an opt-out thing.
  8. Are thin, blunt wings with ablator on the leading edge possible? The objective here is to greatly increase the capsule's lifting surface.
  9. Thank you! Question: If I decide to open a new account and submit my mods under the same name, will I be in conflict with the previous kerbalstuff data?
  10. I've always wondered why people don't put airbrakes or control surfaces on their re-entry pods? They make re-entry so much easier!
  11. I see... but that wouldn't explain Apollo 15's scientific data recovery EVA, where they'd have -zero- orbits to retrieve a person in EVA. Are you eventually planning to send people to the inner planets?
  12. Quite a trip! A few questions: -Why the Dalmatian name? -You performed a high Earth (trans-Earth) EVA. Why do you think no EVAs were ever performed in Lunar orbit, in real life?
  13. I understand, but I like the difficulty and challenge of the original-sized RSS, with tilt and everything. I was hoping there was a way to add SigmaDimension's terrain rescaling to RSS.
  14. Thank you. After reinstalling the mods, I've pinned down most issues to New Horizons incompatibilities.
  15. Is there any way to use SigmaDimensions to give RSS interesting terrain?
  16. FINALLY! I actually had to go ahead and make simpleConstruction while waiting for this amazing mod to release. Thank you so very much! Is there a way for you to release a 'low-res texture pack' alongside the main update, for memory-restricted players?
  17. Before I go ahead for a release, what do you think about adding an Uranium resource system? The 750MW reactors would consume (at a rate of 10TJ/kg) about 250kg in a year. Maybe not in the initial release or the 'core package', but as a set of MM files, maybe when it detects SimpleConstruction too? The reasoning behind this is that I was watching a KSP stream of a new career last night, and realized that the presence of several resources gives several resource maps, leading to the need for several bases with a transport system set up between them. With a uni-resource career, only one base per planet is needed. Also, the mod's size is currently 5MB. I have a bit of room to add a few engines from Near Future, but maybe not the reactors.
  18. Quickstart+Dynamic Texture loader. Quickstart drops you directly into the VAB, DTL stops the game from loading all the textures,
  19. I fixed the MET Engine's effects and balanced it's Isp to match a 700MW output. As soon as a get a tester to confirm that everything works as it should on their end, I should have a beta 'ready for release' version. KerbalStuff has been down for most of the day, so I can't upload v0.8 right now. For those who want to help me in testing, here's a 4shared download link: http://www.4shared.com/zip/f_pgQ5oace/SimpleNuclearv08.html
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