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    Be They Do Crime

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  1. The DL link isn't working for me.
  2. What mod do you get the catapult and arrestor parts from?
  3. Very nice! What size is it? Does it work with FAR? How much dV does it have?
  4. This picture has been circulating the subreddit, and The People want to know what mod it is from, so I told them it looked like this mod. Is it?
  5. Ooh! Ooh! What mod/mods is that using? Do want.
  6. Agreed. This thread doesn't kneed ​any more bread puns.
  7. Does anyone have/can someone please make a TweakScale Config?
  8. This is a cool concept, but I don't understand how this is more practical that conventional resupply vehicles. Anyway, This mod would work for the unpressurised cargo.
  9. Could someone please direct me to the most recent DL link? I can't find it.
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