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Everything posted by smjjames

  1. After a redesign (used a single engine instead of the bicoupler I had going and placed the side boosters so that they were attached at the middle rather than at the engines I was using, everything else is exactly the same), MechJeb worked fine. Although it did make the launch clamps vanish twice on going into warp, but after a launch restart, it was fine, so, I dunno what's up with that. Want the output log from it?
  2. I've come to the conclusion that this ship is both designed poorly and a bit oddly since it was wobbling severely on launch and there is pratically a semi-flexible joint between stages. Which is probably why MechJeb is doing that. Weren't higgs ships also designed poorly or something? I think someone said something to that effect. Here, I was just trying out something which ended up not working so well.
  3. I checked back and yeah it's basically the same as what that higgs guy was experiencing, except without the spasm launching and his problems with polar orbits, and without the yelling too. As for the launch clamps, they just vanish along with the bang sound that accompanies the unclamping. However, the thing is that I did NOT activate them, they seem to just activate themselves upon going into auto warp. I checked with one of my other ships and that one isn't having the problem. The stickylaunchpad only applies to the tier 2 pad, and since I'm using science mode, it should be fine. How did you know I had the stockbug fixes in there? Besides maybe seeing my post in the thread for it. Edit: Removing that stickylaunchpad fix doesn't change anything. I did build the ship a bit oddly, so that may have something to do with it. So, I guess it's like mechjeb is going 'eep, that doesn't look very stable, launching NOW' Edit2: After a few launch attempts, I've come to the conclusion that this rocket is simply designed badly.
  4. Is anybody else having an issue where if you have autostage on in the ascent guidance, select a target and do either rendevous, match plane, or interplanetary window so that it warps, and you click engage, the launchpad stability enhancers disappear with a bang? I actually had this problem a lot with previous dev builds, but I haven't seen that bug in a while. Until I suddenly started having it with this ship that I just made. Here's the ship and output log: http://sta.sh/02fujz5aym8l The only non-stock parts are a structural piece and the retro-rockets (using them as separators) from B9 Aerospace, and of course, MechJeb. To reproduce: 1. Select a target (I was using Moho because that's where I wanted to go, but any target will work). 2. Make sure autostage is on. 3. select either launch to rendevous, launch into plane, or interplanetary window, it doesn't matter which one. 4. Engage autopilot and watch the launchpad stabilizers vanish with a bang when the autopilot starts the auto-warp. Back when MechJeb was having this problem a lot, I found that I could bypass that bug by manually warping (using the warp helper also works without issue) close to the launch time and then engaging the autopilot from there. I'm running FAR, but I had this problem a long while ago (shortly after the 0.90 release) where MechJeb constantly had this problem. Edit: Oh, I'm using the latest dev build, 381. Edit2: I think that ship may have some stability problems as it broke in half when coming out of manual warp. Wish we could extend the horizontial part of the stabilizers. EDIT3: This ship is having the problem where if you click engage autopilot, it launches without player input as far as starting the engines. Wasn't this mentioned a whole bunch of pages back?
  5. Okay cool. I think it might be doing something funky anyway like having the loading mod stuff message come up more than once.
  6. Ah yeah, I just had a crash with the newest updates. I'll try the texture manager, although the last time I tried it, it caused problems for some reason or other. But okay, I'll give it another try. Hope it's okay to double post, but my thread anyhow. I had the crash again, though it took a long while before it crashed. Going to try the aggressive version of ATM tomorrow. While it hasn't crashed in a while due to the error, I just had a crash which didn't leave a crashlog. I suspect it may have been the loads of struts maybe.
  7. I have a question regarding the module manager, the mods that I have apparently didn't come with all the same module manager version, so I have a 2.5.1, a 2.5.4, and a 2.5.6. I read in one of the mods (FAR I believe) that having more than one module manager can cause strange errors. My question (two actually) is, is it a problem having three different versions in there and is it okay to remove the older ones because the mods are the ones that came with them and I was told that those mods need those other versions of module manager despite having different versions around.
  8. It does trigger on the autosave though, right? Which is every hour I think.
  9. Well, backups are the next best thing to autosaves. It WOULD be nice if KSP did separate autosave files, but again, backups are the next best thing here.
  10. This would have definetly saved the two save games that got hit by the Hell Kraken and screwed up. Edit: Does it work with the autosaves (which are every hour I think) or does it only work with manual saves?
  11. @claw, I think it was just a fluke plus the ladder slide thing since I haven't had any problems since with the EVA.
  12. I don't care about the spaceplanes all that much, so, I can mostly ignore FAR, and since the structural failures can be disabled, that's great.
  13. Question for you guys, is it easier to build and fly a rocket with NEAR or with FAR? MechJebs landing function is off the mark by kilometers with NEAR though.
  14. Hm, how do I tell whether it's running the 32x or 64x version? Edit: Well, it's working I guess. However, in the FAR menu that shows up in the KSC screen, aerodynamic failures tab, I deleted all of the boxes to the left, should I have done that and how do I fix?, and also, when I delete the top one, the FAR debug window goes blank. Edit: Eh, I decided to just reinstall the mod. I'm still wondering if I was supposed to do that and what happens if I do delete those boxes.
  15. Question here, I have a 64 bit windows and am running 64 bit KSP (I think), how do I make steam or the .exe run the 32 bit version? I would have done a search, but the forum search engine refuses to search for things that only have two characters.
  16. Okay, after I had a kerbal jump out of a ship (because I was too lazy to make a capsule ship and I wanted to do a quick science grab) from a height, the screen just blacked out and things were otherwise glitchy. I had this happen before to another save where I was doing something similar. It actually looks like a slight variant of the Hell Kraken, but what makes it a Hell Kraken is the cause. I suspect the save has been corrupted, but as the title says, is it possible to recover the save? In hindsight, I should have done quicksaves every so often. Or is there some sort of autosave feature? Windows 8.1 64 bit KSP 0.90 B9 Aerospace 381 Mechjeb extension for NEAR http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/60933. NEAR 1.3.1 Stock part revamp 1.6 (unless theres been an update since Dec 19th) Hangar mod http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/...-Hangar-v2-0-2 2.0.2 Kerbal Attachment System 0.4.10 Stock Bug Fix Modules 0.1.7b Also, uh, will I have to reinstall or something? I read in the wiki that to make one of the kraken bugs go away, you have to do a reinstall.
  17. @kaput and starwaster, okay, I get it now. Also, theres a small bug that I'm seeing, sometimes when switching to a debris object (while flying another ship), it'll flip to a random asteroid instead. Incidentially, it just shunted me to an asteroid that appears to be en route to impact Kerbin. It's B class though. Not sure if it's a Mechjeb bug though.
  18. What's confusing me is that I thought the mach (sound barrier) and re-entry plasma effects meant that you were hitting terminal velocity. So, do they?
  19. Then how come it still does the mach speed visual effect and the re-entry plama effect even though I'm going up out of the atmosphere? I thought those effects meant I was hitting terminal velocity?
  20. Not sure why I thought aerodynamic. Anyhow, I checked the S1 cargo bay and the shielded docking port (which I had actually mistook for being from another mod) and those open and close fine in VAB. The cargo bay opens sort of slowly though.
  21. + EVAEjectionFix.dll (20 Dec 14) - (STATUS: KSP v0.90 Updated Release) Fixes the bug that causes a kerbal to be ejected away from a capsule upon EVA. Ooh yeah, this one is particularily annoying, especially when trying to get orbital EVA reports. Thanks. EVALadderSlideFix – STATUS: Replicated, In the queue to fix - Kerbals holding onto ladders under low gravity slowly drift up or down the ladder. I've had this one too, they'll sort of slowly drift away from the ladder, moving up or down will get them back on there. EDIT: Okay, I just had my kerbal get sort of ejected off of the capsule on my ship on EVA. Although it looked more like he got knocked off or popped off. I'm using the Mk1 pod and there are the radial parachutes on the side in horizontial orientation and I had just come out of a quick timewarp, so, it might not be the bug fix's fault. Especially since I had already done the EVA several times without the kerbal getting popped off.
  22. Well, I have B9 Aerospace for one, and the stock revamp. Plus I'm using a laptop, but I don't think that would affect anything. Steve_v said to get the ATM pack, which I'm having it go through it's first load atm.
  23. I thought I did, I only saw one shielded docking port and I know theres some other cargo bays in the aerodynamic section, I'll look when I get the chance.
  24. Just checked the Mk3 cargo bay, two of the Mk2s and the shielded clamp-o-tron docking port (I think theres only one shielded docking port) and they work fine. Running 0.90 and B9 5.2.8
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