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Everything posted by smjjames

  1. They haven't anhounced it officially or put up the forum sections yet, so, of course they aren't ready yet.
  2. Did you use hyperedit to launch this into orbit? Because I was able to load the ship after some time and I don't see it being launch capable.
  3. Maybe you could list what bugs you think are moronic?....
  4. I'm also in San Diego. I can't drive though......
  5. I'm sure they'll do it at the leastmost convenient time as possible Anyway, cool to hear on the forum update.
  6. Looks like you actually entered the editor, but then something happened. Though theres a whole bunch of spam of stuff from TestFlightInterop and ullage thing, mostly over something called 'TinyTim'. But I have no idea if that's normal or not.
  7. Are there any exceptions happening before the crash? Maybe you could post up the output log anyway. But narrowing down the cause of that specific crash is a good idea.
  8. lol. Not trying to, no, just saying that he wouldn't be able to do a 'debug build'. Though some sort of mod that taps into the logs and provides more logs or something MIGHT be feaseable. After all, modders do their own logging for mods, so..... Probably going to have to wait until everybody gets back on Monday and they have a chance to discuss it.
  9. A 'debug build' would be an experimentials (or perhaps pre-release), besides, he'd need to get permission to do that in the first place. He can't just cook up a 'debug build' and say 'Here, use this.' There actually is a 'verbose debug log' setting in the settings config, but that doesn't actually give more information. I kind of thought it would allow other logging stuff to show up. Though yeah, this is the kind of situation where additional logging would be helpful.
  10. @Kiro and @Gaarst If possible, narrow down the mods to see if theres any that might be particularily prone to it? Though I suppose check and see if you can reproduce it in pure stock first. You know, I wonder if this is distantly related to http://bugs.kerbalspaceprogram.com/issues/9352 in some way.... I have no evidence to set up any correlation anyway, just idle musing.
  11. Yeah, I was on TheReadPandas stream the other day when they had a VAB crash. It was pretty heavily modded though. I know it goes against the whole 'no mods' deal, but perhaps for this one they need to since mods are probably stressing something in a way that plain stock doesn't. It could be something simple as the number of parts.
  12. Does the wobble happen with the SAS off? sounds like the oscillation issue that's been reported for the SAS....
  13. Would have been more awesome if you repicated his flight using a replica of his aircraft...
  14. I took a look a bit earlier and found that it was just a ghost image, it stayed in the same position on the screen no matter where I moved the camera.
  15. It's a new save and I reverted to launch or VAB after the explosions, so it isn't possible for there to be anything. I also noticed that I got an exception spam at the same time as well. I could try taking a further look though.
  16. I got to wondering if it has any similarities with anything else and since Claw mentioned the camera transition, I wonder if it's related in some way to http://bugs.kerbalspaceprogram.com/issues/3326 .
  17. I saw that one as well with the revert to launch. Already posted up my info there.
  18. I simply slapped on the MK3 rocket fuselage short, a mammoth, and some BigS wings (to keep it stable). And using infinite fuel of course.
  19. I tested it again and that reduced part ship also reproduces the explosion. I'll put the details and files into the bugreport. Also, interestingly, I'm getting a 'radiator has collided with pad' reason for the explosion. Hey @Arugela Have you noticed a strange bar appearing after the explosion?
  20. It's not crashing for me, however, I am getting a stack overflow excepton when staging that and the error itself repeats this line "at Part.FindPartThroughNodes (.Part tgtPart, .Part src) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 " like 50 times or something. Could you also post one or more of the affected craft?
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