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Everything posted by smjjames

  1. Delete again and retry? Alternatively, if you guys use Steam, delete the physics.cfg and try a cache verification.
  2. I agree, and while they did seem to want to hurry through (which is probably understandable, given the length of time and how hard they worked), they did try to make sure that there aren't any absolutely gamebreaking bugs* before they went on vacation. De-stressing and having clear minds when they come back to tackle whatever is remaining is better than not taking a break and then tackling them. *I know, I know, crashes are absolutely gamebreaking, but they're harder to deal with.
  3. It's an extension of the bug where if the program loses focus while warping, the map will start spinning at the focal point, which is still around I believe.
  4. That is certainly strange. Is it just that specific save or does it happen in other saves? Also, if it's a steam download, try doing a cache verification (right click the game title in library, properties > Local Files tab > verify integrity of game cache). editwhiletyping: Try pressing F4? No idea whether that hides the contract orbits or not, just a thought I just had.
  5. Yeah, I blame EA on that one. Before EA got it's claws on Maxis, things were looking SO DAMN GREAT! >:( /endmicrorant
  6. True, and they definetly deserve a break after all the hard work and stress. It'll be good for them to de-stress for a while.
  7. That's Chatterer I think. @tg626 Texture Replacer maybe? Pretty funny though.
  8. Ehh, deleting any of the stock parts probably isn't a good idea. There is an overhaul on the way though. We already know theres going to be graphics updates/overhauls in 1.2.
  9. Isn't there a toggle in debug mode somewhere that toggles stock vessels on and off? I agree though, being able to toggle the stock vessels on and off would ne nice/
  10. Can any of you guys replicate it in a pure stock install?
  11. Maybe that's the problem? I know it shouldn't be a problem, but I don't know how KSP would react to a situation like that since it maybe expects to be on the C drive. So, perhaps try putting it on the C drive?
  12. You visited Bop right? Sounds like your ship caught kraken cooties, or something. lol.
  13. If it's all games, sounds like it's a problem with the laptop itself. Something could have gotten knocked loose, who knows.
  14. What if you need some within a group and not the whole group?
  15. Try a complete reinstall maybe? And if you're using steam,. do a cache verification.
  16. I didn't know I could do that in the tracking station before. We can still rename vessels in flight though, which is the important thing.
  17. I did some testing and it's fine here, so the problem isn't the wheels.
  18. Lol, we all know he'll manage to find more glitches and bugs to exploit though.
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